Asked to confirm or deny your size?


Superior Member
Jan 5, 2011
Sheffield, England
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Have you ever been asked a direct question, to confirm or deny your size?
Such as:
Back in the 90s I was dating a friends sister. Rumours always get round in a small community. One night, in the pub, he asked me directly 'Is it true that you've got a big dick?'
'Bigger than average I guess.'
'Don't go hurting my sister.' was his reply. Truth be told, she was ever so petite and did struggle a little.
A lot more recently, I've started life modelling and broadcasting on chaturbate. Quite a lot of people know about the former. A select few know about the latter. The usual response is 'Bloody hell, have you got a huge dick?' The answer I give depends on how mischievous I'm feeling.
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We have one guy in my "straight clique" who claims (or claimed) to have a large penis. So we all decided to go to a massage parlor. And guess what....Mr. I've got a large penis coincidentally forgot his viagra and could not make it. I knew he wasn't hung. And my partner, she's more brutal, he's got no meat unless he's a super grower.

Apparently after this event, he no longer made the claim.....
Gay man here, yes itā€™s come up a couple times when friends Iā€™ve had sex with introduce me to other friends of theirs. Gay men love to gossip as much as anyone.
Gay man here, yes itā€™s come up a couple times when friends Iā€™ve had sex with introduce me to other friends of theirs. Gay men love to gossip as much as anyone.
That rings true, but it was a surprise to me at the time.

I didn't hear that kind of gossip in HS so I didn't realize they were gossiping about it...until someone demanded that I confirm what everyone was gossiping about...

The situation arose when I passed a boyfriend-girlfriend couple on my way to gym. Obviously teasing his girlfriend, Barry pointed at me and said in a fake whisper, "Oh, that's the guy you said has a really big dick, isn't it?" She hid her face and whined something like, "Ohhh don't say thaaat!"

At first I dismissed it -- they were just playfully teasing each other. Except that Barry kept watching me. All the way into the locker room. After I'd pulled on my gym shorts, Barry showed up at my locker and boldly said, "I keep hearing you've got a big dick. Wanna' prove it?"

I still thought he was bluffing me...just a continuation of the teasing game that started in the hall. So I tried to brush it off as silly, improbable, and unbelievable. "And where would you hear a thing like that?" I snorted. At the next locker, Ted was blushing and started pulling on his gym clothes with noticeable haste, as though he wanted to get out before anyone might ask to see his dick too. Or so I thought.

Barry said he'd heard it from his girlfriend, Robin. He'd also heard it from my classmate, Nicole. How? How the heck would Nicole know that???

"Yeah, Nicole," nearby Brian chimed in. I stared at him in surprise, totally dumbfounded. "She...uh...asked me if it was true," he admitted sheepishly. Then he added, "Nicole said she had overheard Ted chatting about it on the bus."

Ted was still scrambling to tie his shoelaces. He paused, looked up, and defensively shrugged, "It's such a boring bus ride. I gotta' talk about something!"

By that time I was fully dressed for gym, and I confess that I wasn't sufficiently bold to drop my shorts. Barry wasn't pushy enough to insist. But after gym, while walking naked to the showers I noticed most of the guys were "covertly" watching: nobody was openly looking at me, but I knew they were all watching because their heads turned in unison to follow me as I walked. It was nerve-wracking, but secretly thrilling too.
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Didn't have to for me. Word got around between the ladies and it was never about confirm or deny, it was more of "let me try it out" or "let me see it to believe it".

It was fun, very fun, no doubt about it however it eventually got old.
this was my experience through out my 20s
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I was working my way up to asking a classmate out. At one point, she said, "Mike (her brother) said you were big." I said, "If I was, would that be a problem?" She smiled and said, "Oh, no. Not at all!" Ok... So word gets around, at least in a small college.
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I donā€™t know if Iā€™ve ever been directly asked to confirm or deny like that. But in group conversations within mixed company in college the topic would come up now and then and people would point at me. Iā€™d just smile tip my cup and take a drink. I think that usually got the point across.