
Can I post them here, thought he was on the no post list. I will if I can.
I also sent you a PM/DM, but... you can try to post them here... pages on Joey tend to not say on here long, the longest one was prolly a week or two. He checks here constantly and reports them, even if they post things that he posted... so if you do, it prolly won't matter cause it'll be gone within a week or so... so post away! :) or just... don't it's up to you. I wanna see em, so I sent a PM... so... please respond... :)
Cute twink boy who is also musician. He posts sexually provocative pictures often, wondering if he has ever done NSFW content. look how adorable he is.

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Not publicly. "Apparently" he's done a "few" things, that a small share of people seen (sadly, I'm not one of em) like him "riding a dildo" not sure if those rumors are true tho...