Bachelor party gone wrong (penis/muscle growth, humiliation, jealousy)


Expert Member
Jul 5, 2008
*First story ever. Basically 100% straight story. I like the idea of a shitty, macho main character losing to the sweet nerd, a la A Sure Bet by grimbous. This is part 1. Hope y’all enjoy it *

My name is Mark. Mid twenties, pretty good looking, strong, big dick, alpha I would say. Always had the prettiest girl in school. I worked out a little at the gym but I didn’t have to, I was a specimen with a 7” cock. I met Katie right after college. We met at a coffee shop. I was there waiting for my food and in comes this 5’8”, pixie cut platinum blonde in tight fitting workout wear. Her skin pale, soft blue eyes, pouty pink lips. ‘I guess she works at the gym next door,’ I thought to myself as she strode over to my left, grabbing a large order with multiple drinks. I was trying to puff up my chest and flex my arms to get her attention. She grabbed her order and finally, with her back turned, I scanned her, starting from the bottom up.

Her legs started out slender, strong calves. Working at a gym probably helps. Above her knees, her thighs got thicker and thicker, but toned all the way up, until they reached her impossibly large and round bubble butt. Her tiny workout shorts were filled to the brim with her form, her every little move accented with a slight jiggle. Her wide hips led to a tiny waist I could imagine almost encircling with my hands. I kept moving up and then I realized she was turning back around. I glanced away but got one more look as she passed me and I finally saw her chest: two massive, perky tits that sat high on her chest. Her tight workout top definitely could not contain them. Her tits were pushing up through the cleavage of her top and out of the sides, their heft apparent with each of her steps.

TL;DR Blonde, fit, thick thighs, fat ass, tiny waist, huge tits. Basically what I tell my buddies now that we’re getting married. I held the door open for her, she looked me up and down, we got to chatting, the rest is history. Really, though, I took her home and rocked her fucking world but that’s what happens to all the women I’ve been with.

Yep, Katie and I are getting married. And I want a blowout bachelor party.

I had found this place about a year ago that hosts bachelor parties, the MEC, or Male Enhancement Center. They have this process that’s supposed to “unlock your Masculinity.”

From what I’ve read, it makes your dick bigger. Not that I needed it. But who doesn’t want to be EVEN MORE top dog?

“Some men also have experienced slightly increased muscle tone and health but these cases are rare and will need to be monitored by our in-house doctors.”

Maybe I can get some muscle tone too? That’d be nice. I have since stopped going to the gym, now that I had a ring on her. Katie only works at the gym part time now, so she doesn’t go all that often either.

But where I have since gotten a fat beer belly, chubby face, and reduced energy, Katie has been very different. She put on a little weight too, sure, but it has gone exclusively to her tits and ass. Still that incredibly tiny waist and those toned legs. And her part time work at the gym has kept her energy and pep up. She was hotter than ever.

Damn, I really need this to unlock me. Although from the forums I’ve scoured, this is basically increased energy and some fat loss, if anything. I’m so masculine though. I’m the fucking man of men. Hell I’ll probably walk out of there more buff and hung than they’ve ever seen. I’ll be able to get 10 girls hotter than Katie just by slapping my hog on a bar and ripping my shirt while flexing. This is going to be awesome. Soon.

I’m finishing my list of groomsmen. We’ll all have our “masculinity” unlocked and they’ll all be shocked how massive I get.

“Hey Mark I was hoping you could save one groomsman spot for my friend Kyle?” Katie shook me from my thoughts of future grandeur.

Ugh, Kyle. Scrawny, shy guy she worked with at the gym for a long time and have stayed friends. I invited him out with my buddies once and he was so quiet and boring. Talking about the music he liked or the games he played. We’re at a fucking bar watching the fucking game. Get a fucking clue dude. So lame.

But her parents are paying for the wedding and the bachelor and bachelorette parties (basically just gave us a bunch of money) so I didn’t want to upset Katie, lest I miss my chance to become a walking babe magnet.

So I begrudgingly said, “Okay, sure, Kyle can be a groomsman.”

“And you’ll take him with you guys on your bachelor party outing whatever thing you’re doing?”



The limo stopped in front of the MEC and we stepped out. I had my groomsmen flanking me as we walked inside: some of my frat buddies, couple of my coworkers (Chris and Jake), and Kyle. I ended up using most of the bachelor/bachelorette party money to order the exclusive “Ultimate” party package.

“We at the MEC have been developing our technology and processes for many years now. But the one thing that has consistently improved and ensured the best “results” has been stimulating blood flow through sexual arousal before, during, and after the procedure. This increased blood flow to certain parts of the body results in each patient reaching their highest potential masculinity. Here is where our Ultimate package comes in.

“The Ultimate package comes with our best staff, exclusive to only the Ultimate package. Hand-picked and specifically trained, our staff of women (and men, at request) will be present to ensure the best experience. Each patient will be able to choose from our roster one member of our staff, assigned to accompany and guide them through the procedure. For any bachelor parties, the lucky bachelor will be able to choose TWO staff members to accompany him. We’ll help you be your best for your wedding day!”

Once inside, we were ushered into what looked like a small screening room, with two rows of recliners arranged like stadium seating, facing the front of the room which was currently concealed by red velvet curtains. The woman who we met at the front desk and led us to this room did not inspire confidence. Short, round, curmudgeonly, there was no way this fat old lady was getting me aroused.

“Are they gonna screen some porn or something? I need a fucking palette cleanser after that,” one of my frat buddies said, pointing to the old woman as she exited out the door. She paused a moment before leaving, shooting a glare at the commenter.

“Thank you. I hope the rest of your work day goes well!” Kyle added. The old woman softened, smiled, and waved at Kyle before reverting to that sour face, looking at the rest of the group as the door closed.

“Dude what the fuck? Go chase after her and I bet you could choose her as your woman for the night haha!” my coworker Chris sneered. I told all my other groomsmen about Kyle, how I had to invite him, how I disliked him, and how he’s just a fucking pussy.

“Bring out the ladies already!” my other coworker, Jake, chimed in. I could hear the disinterest in Jake’s voice but that was expected. Jake was one of my managers and he’s gay. I invited him hoping to impress him, being so inclusive and tolerant and all. I didn’t want to have to stare at his presumably male accompaniment all night but if it meant promotion (eventually even taking Jake’s job) I could suck it up.

As if on cue, the red curtains parted and the lights fixed on the stage.


Sitting there, drinks in hand, the retracting curtains revealed a group of about 20 women.

“Holy shit,” most of us, including myself, whispered to ourselves.

Each woman was dressed in an extremely tight and revealing nurses outfit, complete with tall white pumps, garter disappearing up into their tiny skirts, and a delicate candy striper hat. Fat tits, slender bodies, blondes and brunettes, there was a wide range of incredibly hot sluts for me to choose from. Oh and a couple of buff dudes off to the side, for Jake I guessed.

“Obviously I’m choosing first,” I said as I stood up to approach the gaggle who will probably all want to gag on my impending massive cock.

They all stayed in their presenting pose, smiling their cherry red lips at me as I began scrutinize their physical qualities. ‘You’re the fucking man so you get the fucking hottest ones,’ I thought, convincing myself what I felt I deserved, bachelor party or not. How did I do my evaluating? My hands, grabbing handfulls of tits and ass, lifting their chins and moving them side to side, getting the best look at whether they passed my exacting standards.

I finally settled on two: the first, a blonde plastic bombshell, lips, tits, and ass filled to bursting; the second, a short, tight bodied Latina, fiery eyes and the most perfect booty I’ve ever seen and felt. Better than Katie’s.

The rest of the group followed, electing instead to run up and choose immediately, trying to get their preferred bitch before anyone else. Some more blondes and brunettes and a cute redhead were selected, with Jake taking a little more time with the two men, eventually grabbing a very built black guy’s hand, leading him back to his chair.

“Everyone all set? Let’s get this fucking started!” I said, so ready to get to the procedure room. Except, apparently one of us still had not chosen.

There was Kyle, on stage, going about his selection very differently. He was walking up to the remaining women, shaking their hand, asking their name, and… chatting?

“Yo wtf Kyle, let’s get a move on. Stop chatting like a little bitch. Find one you think is hot and let’s go. You probably have never been around women like this so all of them should be hot to you,” I angrily chuckled, my arms draped around the bombshell and the Latina at my side, left hand groping the bombshell’s silicone balloons.

Kyle approached this fit and slender one, kinda looked like an e-girl, short jet black hair, nose piercing, painted black nails. I didn’t make out her name (not that it mattered) as she shook hands with Kyle and started chatting. She giggled and smiled with Kyle, looking pretty sexy. They hugged and held hands as they joined the rest of the group. Ugh, whatever. Finally.

“Yeah let’s fucking do it!!”

“Let’s go!!”

My boys shouted, raring to go. ‘Hell yeah, let’s get massive,’ I excitedly thought.

The next door brought us into a large room with these crazy pods, looking like a laboratory. There was a glass paneled observation area, with the rest of the women who weren’t chosen holding clipboards looking on. And there stood the curmudgeon, peering down the bridge of her nose through her glasses. She grabbed the microphone.

“Ladies, please bring your patient to his pod and prepare to begin.”

My ladies and I walked to the end of the row of pods, settling on the last pod. The women (and Jake’s guy) had started close their proximity, running their hands through our hair and up and down our bodies.

“Will the patients please strip naked and step into the pods. Your attendants will assist you.”

Wait, what? Strip? This wasn’t explained on the website. What the fuck? Whatever, doesn’t matter. I’m the strongest, most masculine man in this group of boys. They’ll all get to see my massive masculinity and despair.

“Yeah baby! Take my belt off!” I looked to my left and saw this thick light skinned black woman staring up at Chris with this smoldering look while she pulled his pants down. Everyone was getting the treatment, the ladies unbuttoning shirts and taking off socks until we were all down to our underwear.

The bombshell was kneeling in front me, having just tossed my pants and socks to the side. She stared at my sizable bulge, looked up with those big blue eyes, and mouthed “Oh my God.” The Latina, meanwhile, stayed standing on my right, leg wrapped around me, taking off my shirt while my hand felt and gripped the incredible curvature of her butt. Both peppered my neck and body with kisses. Definitely getting aroused.

It was only then I realized who was assigned to the pod next to mine. Kyle. I could see him visibly shaking as the e-girl removed his pants. He was even scrawnier once stripped down. Thin, no muscle mass, and small tightie whities that looked to be holding nothing inside.

“Last step ladies! Let’s get that last piece of clothing off and help your patient get comfortable in the pod. Patients, once inside and comfortable, we will close the pod doors and do a short countdown. The process only takes a few seconds. You will see a very bright flash of light. It’ll take a few seconds before you get your bearings and can see again. But then we’ll open the pods and you can witness the realization of your masculinity.”

With that, the Latina slinked her fine legs around, gently rubbing that ass across my bulge before settling on her knees next to the bombshell. Down came the waistband and out came my semi-erect cock. Staring at my cock, in unison, they both placed their hands on their cheeks and openly mouthed “so big.” Damn right.

I turned to Kyle again and almost laughed. The e-girl, instead of kneeling, stood eye to eye with Kyle, seemingly trying to comfort a still shaking Kyle. Well, I say eye to eye, but with the high heels, she definitely stood above him. Damn, he’s pretty short too, haha. Down went his waistband and out came… a tiny little dick. Again, suppressed laughter. Out of this long bush stuck out a thin, rock hard, penis. The e-girl looked down, up at Kyle’s face, and with a reassuring smile, gave him a big hug.

Suddenly, we were all naked. The attendants grabbed a clipboard and cloth tape measure. They were taking down our ‘before’ measurements. With the bombshell taking notes, the Latina started to measure bicep size, chest size, thigh size, and finally dick length and girth.

“6.7” long and 5.3” girth,”’ the Latina dictated, the bombshell writing down the final measurements. I could hear Kyle ask the e-girl what his final numbers were.

“4.8” long and 4.4” girth,” she whispered, not low enough for me not to hear, though. Haha what a fucking wimp.

Suddenly, we were quickly pushed into our pods, disappearing from each others view. The front of the pod was clear glass. The bombshell and the Latina preened and posed as the pod door sealed shut, the bombshell pulling down her dress, exposing more of her ample cleavage, with the Latina turned around, shaking and jiggling that prodigious booty. I could hear all of the pod doors shut and lock. A whirring sound started and began to build as the pods came to life. Then I heard the microphone click on one more time.

“All right gentlemen! Here we go! 3… 2… 1…”
Boom. Flash of light. So fucking bright. I can’t see. What happened?

Trying to corral my senses, I picked up on the whirring sound first, coming slowly to a stop. I rubbed my eyes, trying to get my bearings. Right. I’m in a pod. I’m at the MEC. To unlock my masculinity…that’s right! I feel like I can really breathe! I look down and my beer belly is almost gone! My hands confirmed that the rest of my muscles feel pretty much the same but I feel kinda stronger? All of that’s good…but what about my cock?

As my sight returns to me, I hear the pod doors unlocking and beginning to open. Some gas releases as the door opens (for dramatic effect I guess), obscuring the figures just beyond the door. Again, that’s right. My bombshell and my Latina. I start to reach out my hands through the fog and I can feel their hands gently leading me out of the pod. I step out, feeling power coursing through my body. A small table sits to the side of my pod where my underwear lay.

“Welcome back, big boy,” the Latina leaned into my ear and whispered, stirring this new found power. My new cock was waking up. Her fingers running up and down my chest felt so good. I was snapped from that trance by the sound of a rubber glove snapping around a wrist. My sight returned and I saw the bombshell in front of me, having just put the gloves on. But it looks like the Latina and the bombshell both took much of the rest of their clothing off.

The bombshell, still standing in those sexy white pumps, had stripped down to a tiny red bikini. Straps straining to contain those huge, perfectly round tits, she reached out with her gloved hands and grabbed my dick.

“You mean bigger boy,” the bombshell corrected the Latina. I turned to look at the Latina and she too had changed clothes, leaning against me with a tight white cropped shirt and a black thong that disappeared into her booty. Finally, I look down.

I was fully hard. My dick got bigger! The bombshell had applied lube and was tenderly stroking me. Yep, definitely bigger. Well, at least a little bit longer, but the thickness was the same. I looked down the line and my buddies having the same revelations and getting the same treatment from their attendants.

Jake’s attendant, the big buff black dude, had Jake in one hand, staring into his eyes while stroking Jake, while his other hand massaged his own bulge. Presumably to get Jake’s blood pumping, like these bitches were doing to us. I noticed the black guys bulge was big but I estimated I was probably as big as him now. Fuck yeah.

The rest of my buddies had similar results to mine from the procedure. Some got a little muscle tone but no one’s dick was big as mine. Even better.

That’s when I saw the e-girl looking into Kyle’s pod, confused, trying to hand wave away the fog to find her patient. She had put her hair up, black choker tight around her neck. There she stood, now in black pumps, decked out in delicate lingerie. ‘Damn, she looks good,’ I thought, her slender but wide form barely covered by the lace. Haha Kyle must be embarrassed by his non-transformation. That dude had no masculinity to be unlocked in the first place. The e-girl took a step towards the pod opening, looking to reach inside and pull Kyle out.


The floor in the lab shook slightly with the thud. Everyone, even the women, stopped for a moment, looking for the source of the heavy sound.


The e-girl stumbles backward, a look of incredulity and awe now adorning her face.


The rest of us found the source of the sound. We see a figure emerging from Kyle’s pod, with its next step crashing down on the lab floor, sending another THUD and tremors around the lab. Both feet meet, the figure stands, the fog clears. Kyle?…is, is that Kyle??
The e-girl snaps back to reality. Her mouth covered by her hands in shock, she puts on an incredible, broad smile and quickly puts on her gloves. She saw Kyle a few seconds before the rest of us but it soon became clear what she saw.

There stood Kyle. At least a foot taller, it was unmistakably Kyle but…couldn’t be. His hair had grown thicker, more lush. Strong beard covered a now chiseled and objectively handsome face. His traps and shoulders had gotten wider and much more muscled. His biceps now the size of watermelons, veins running down his huge forearms, ending in massive hands, thick strong fingers, looking like he could crush steel. His legs were thick with muscles and toned, putting every athlete and bodybuilder to shame. I could tell he was still in the daze I had just come out of. The e-girl returned to his side, smiled up at him, and again gave him a big hug. Where she reached around his neck for a hug before the procedure, almost enveloping his small frame, this hug was much different. This time, her head only reached up to his chest, her arms not even reaching each other behind his sculpted back. And she had to stand a step further away? Something near her stomach/waist prevented her from pressing her whole body into his. I continued to notice Kyle’s changes. His chest bulged, leading to a pronounced eight pack of abs, carved out of stone. Cinched waist, his muscle tone carved a deep V down to his crotch. I was the closest of us to Kyle and probably the first to see why the e-girl stood the way she did.

I saw that same bush from before but I refused to believe what I saw. A massive, fat flaccid cock swinging between his legs. His size was hard to comprehend.

It had to be at least 6”, hanging softly, thick foreskin now covering the head. I really couldn’t tell how thick he was now but holy shit. The e-girl had gotten the lube and began her duties, that same incredible smile beaming up at Kyle. He came to and first noticed the e-girl proudly doing her job, starting to stroke his huge cock to life. He looked down and was shocked to see his changes. The shock quickly dissolved into pride, clenching his hands into fists, causing the veins in his arms to become more pronounced. He lifted his arms into a flex and it looked impossible. His biceps bulged to extreme dimensions, his chest broad and strong, abs of concrete expanding and contracting as he took in each deep breath. All of that still didn’t prepare me for the fruits of the e-girl’s labor.

She stood there stroking the biggest cock I’ve ever seen, and he didn’t seem like he was fully hard. Her small hand didn’t come close to encircling the girth of his monster. His cock was slowly rising, filling and filling with the power that now coursed through Kyle’s body. She started using both hands, the heft and weight of his cock too much for just one. Every time she stroked down, his thick foreskin would reveal his quickly plumping head. But it didn’t stop. He just kept growing, each stroke coaxing out more length and thickness.

“Congratulations gentlemen! Your peak masculinity has now been unlocked! Now, being Ultimate customers, please enjoy your complimentary happy ending provided by your attendant. Just let us conduct a final examination and then you can enjoy your new found power!”

The microphone clicked off and the door by the glass paneled observation area opened. The “nurses” stepped out, still clad in their tight nurse outfits.

I barely heard the announcement or noticed them coming in, filling the room with sexy women. ‘Shit, I was staring at Kyle,’ I caught myself as I redirected my attention back to my bombshell and my Latina. I could tell the bombshell’s stroking had slowed, probably for the best as I could feel myself getting close to cumming. But when I looked back down at them, they both started off in the same direction. Towards Kyle.

In fact, it looks like everyone was transfixed on the absolute Adonis standing among us. My buddies stared, their attendants having stopped stroking. My buddies actually grew a bit more during the procedure than I did, still smaller than me, but gained more. Everyone else’s attention was on Kyle and his attendant, the e-girl.

Now, she was staring hungrily at Kyle and his cock. Her strokes had gotten much longer, trying to accommodate his incredible length. She grabbed the lube bottle a second time, needing more to cover the extensive surface area of his massive dick and balls. Oh shit, his balls are huge now too, two tennis balls hanging from the tree trunk base of his cock. Kyle smiled and leaned his head back, the e-girl working hard to get him fully hard.

My bombshell had stopped stroking all together, again probably for the best, I was right on the edge. The Latina had left my side and walked closer to where Kyle stood, trying to get a better view. I heard the bombshell and a few others suddenly gasp. The e-girl had released her grip. Kyle was now at full mast.

Kyle stood, his massive, muscled frame towering over almost everyone in attendance, placed his hands on his hips and smiled. His cock emerged from his crotch at an upward angle, standing long and proud, the only other descriptor that came to mind being “fat.” His cock was so long and fat, it looked like it stole and ate every other dick’s lunch. His foreskin had finally been stretched by the length of his cock, peeled back slightly to reveal his massive, plum-sized head. Steadily burping out drops of precum, the head flared outward, reaching out beyond his girth. His cock was thickest towards the middle, and then again at the base, absurd thickness all the way nonetheless. I feel like I could see his cock and its veins pulsing, his cock rising and lowering as he continued his deep breathing.

He took another breath and seemed settled, despite his huge cock standing at attention. Everyone felt a sexual tension release and pretty much everyone laughed. Except me.

“Way to go Kyle!”
“Damn bro you’re jacked!”
“Look at the size of that thing. You’re gonna fucking wreck some pussy now!”

My buddies all cheered him on? Some of us had just dunked on the little pussy and now they’re praising him? What the fuck? This is MY bachelor party.

Jake’s attendant, the big black dude, walked up to Kyle, smiled, and gave him a high five. “Respect bro,” the black dude said before returning to Jake’s side.

Kyle was beaming and brimming with confidence.

“Phew, I feel great! Thank you so much Maddie. Your support made me feel a lot better,” Kyle bellowed, seemingly surprised at his new deeper, richer voice. Kyle leaned down and gave the e-girl (I guess her name is Maddie) a big hug, which she happily returned. They both had to lean forward now as Kyle’s cock pressed up against her stomach, bending up as they couldn’t make enough room for it between them as they hugged. When they finally pulled away from each other, you could hear his cock head coming unstuck from her skin, leaving a big glob of precum dripping down her stomach towards her small lace panties. Was she aroused? I feel like I could see her panties getting wet.

While the bros cheered and hollered, all of the women stayed silent, staring with mouths agape, scanning Kyle up and down, trying to comprehend his majesty. Wait, are some of them drooling? Wait, where are my bombshell and my Latina?

Both had their backs turned to me, facing Kyle. I could see they both were fixing their hair and their outfits. The Latina pulled up the waist of her thong making her form even more obvious and desirable. Her nipples were hard, poking through the thin fabric of her crop top. The bombshell went further. She reached back and untied her top, releasing her breasts. They fell just slightly, still sitting high and hugely round on her chest. Not that I could see very well, with their backs turned. What I did notice was they were breathing heavily as they gawked at Kyle and his new monster.

Meanwhile, Kyle and Maddie had kept their eyes locked on each other. Kyle ran a hand through his hair, trying to clear it from his face and get a better look at Maddie in her negligée. Some women swooned at this, brushing his lush hair aside, flexing his huge muscles with every movement. Maddie was especially transfixed. With Kyle’s eyes now clear, Maddie turned her sex appeal into overdrive. She took a step back so Kyle could get a better look. She slowly spun around to let Kyle take in her beauty, although most of us were soaking it in. She ran her hands down her curves, her breasts fuller than I originally noticed, her butt much cuter. Her eyes simultaneously doe like and bursting with passion. She gave Kyle an innocent look, her finger circling her lips. Kyle’s cock had deflated slightly, but the show in front of him brought it back to attention. She took a step forward again, placing her dainty hand on his strong chest, slowly drifting down his abs, stopping just before his cock. With that, Maddie took her fingers off of Kyle, scooped up the glob of cum Kyle left that had almost reached her now glistening pussy, and licked her hand clean. Kyle, now breathing heavier than ever, responded with a twitch and heavy pulse from his cock, causing a small stream of cum to emerge and drip down his cock and onto the floor.

Maddie, without looking away from the monster, quickly grabbed and tied her hair into a short ponytail. She knelt down in front of Kyle, looked into his eyes, and opened her mouth, her lips pouting and ready. Kyle, almost instinctively, grabbed her ponytail with one massive hand and began to guide Maddie’s mouth to the fat head of his fat cock, still burping out globs and globs of precum.

“Okay, hold up! We have to do our examinations first and then all of you can have fun with your new bodies,” the curmudgeon interjected just before the erotic scene really began. So many snaps back to reality.

All of the ladies seemed disappointed, wanting to see Kyle dominate Maddie. Bombshell and Latina returned to my area, sulking ever so slightly, Bombshell’s tits looking incredible now freed from their bikini top. They grabbed the clipboard and the cloth tape measure once more.
“7.3” long and 5.5” girth,” read the Latina from the tape measure, the bombshell recording my ‘after’ dimensions. I reached out to grab those huge melons Bombshell decided to release but after the numbers were written down they quickly shuffled away. They seemed relieved the process was over quickly, as they immediately crowded around Kyle and Maddie. Kyle’s measurements took longer than everyone else because, with each measurement, Maddie couldn’t contain her giggling, incredulous to how much Kyle gained. I barely heard any of it as the crowd around Kyle grew, all of the ladies wanting to get a look. I did end up making out his final measurements. It was hard not to as Maddie almost exclaimed the final numbers.

“9.4” long and 6.5” girth!” Kyle couldn’t stop grinning, enjoying the attention.

“Wait, espera Maddie. I don’t think you got that right,” the Latina said, stepping forward into Kyle’s orbit. “Let me check,” the Latina said to Maddie, sassily grabbing the cloth tape measure from Maddie’s hand. The Latina, with her back facing Kyle, then clumsily dropped the tape. “Oops, let me pick that up,” the Latina said as she bent over right in front of Kyle’s crotch. She was giving Kyle a show and as she bent back up, she pushed backwards slightly, her round booty rubbing up against Kyle’s massive, hard cock. Did she do that on purpose?

“Let’s try this again,” she said in her silkiest voice, looking up at Kyle then back down at the monster. Reaching out, her fingers and palm touched his shaft, retracting slightly, surprised and shocked by his size. Her hand went in again, this time her left hand gripping the base of his cock, her right hand draping the cloth tape measure down his length. “See, you gotta hold the end here,” her left hand pressing the end of the tape against his toned body. She straightened the tape out and looked at the number that sat all the way at the other end of his cock.

“See? It’s more like 9.6” length,” the Latina said breathily. She grabbed the tape again, turned it, and placed one end near the middle of his huge cock, holding it there with her left hand. With her right, she wrapped the tape around his thickness and again read aloud, this time with even more awe in her tone.

“Well Maddie you were close. It’s more like 6.6” girth, almost 6.7.” The ladies gleefully giggled, with Kyle joining them.


What. The. Fuck. The Kyle I reluctantly brought was a skinny little scrawny wimp. Now, because Katie made me bring him, he’s a handsome, massive, chiseled muscle behemoth with a fat cruise missile between his legs. His cock is 2” longer and over 1” fatter in girth than mine, not to mention his reshaped movie star looks and much bigger, stronger, toned muscles.

“Okay, examinations are all done! Go have fun with your chosen attendants. They’ll lead you each to private rooms. I’m glad you decided to have your party here and we hope you’re satisfied. Thanks for choosing the MEC!”

My buddies gathered their clothes and followed their ladies through doors to their rooms. Jake led his man there as well, but not before the man comes over and gives Kyle one last fist bump. The curmudgeon and ladies from the observation room filed out through the door we originally entered. All that was left was me, Kyle, Maddie, Latina, and Bombshell.

They all stood in a tight circle around Kyle, me still standing off to the side, wondering what the fuck happened.

“I’m sorry, what are your names?” Kyle asked, he and I still naked.

“Dayana,” replied the Latina, holding out her tiny hand.

“Nice to meet you Dayana,” Kyle said softly while smiling, enveloping her hand in his, giving a friendly shake.

“My name’s Tracy,” the bombshell said, holding her hand out like royalty, her huge tits bouncing around with every word. She smiled brightly as Kyle gently took her and placed a tender kiss on her hand.

“Nice to meet you Tracy,” Kyle’s eyes meeting hers, causing Tracy to giggle and blush. Man, every fucking time she talks or laughs those tits make me want to drool.

“Now, I have this incredible woman Maddie here and we were in the middle of something,” Kyle said in an assured, manly tone, making Maddie blush until she was flush red. I could see her nipples immediately harden at his words. “I’d like to continue where we left off, if that’s alright with you,” Kyle said, looking deeply into Maddie’s eyes, his fat cock still standing mightily.

Almost immediately, Maddie had that doe eyed innocent look on her face again. She quickly got to her knees and once again offered her mouth open, lips pouting even more. Kyle reached out and grabbed her ponytail, his grip even firmer, veins bulging out even more from his arms. He had to move his hips back a little bit to position his cock in front of Maddie’s mouth, his length still unfamiliar to him. The flow of precum continued pouring out as both he and she prepared for the impending moment. Carefully, he pushed his hips forward until his cock head met Maddie’s lips.
It was almost comical, at least to everyone but myself. Maddie had her mouth open fairly wide but the moment his cock and her lips met it seemed logistically impossible. His cock head was so massive Maddie’s lips could only fit around the very tip. But try she did.

Maddie began suckling at the tip, clearly trying to suck more in. Her hands rested on her lap as she bobbed her head back and forth, each time trying to force more of his massive size into her mouth. Kyle was clumsily pulling her head forward and back, almost gagging Maddie, as his arm gripping her hair tried to force his enormity into her too small but obviously eager mouth. Kyle’s power was clearly coursing through him, a husky grunt started escaping him as he began to move his hips more. Still, this power was new and his sexual experience was limited and it showed. Maddie couldn’t accept what Kyle was giving and eventually placed her hands on his hips and pushed him away. Both the Latina and the bombshell hungrily licked their lips as they watched Kyle stumble back a step, the immense weight of his cock causing it to bounce up and down slightly despite how hard he evidently was.

Without getting up, Maddie wiped the tears from her eyes and beckoned Kyle back to her. “Let me give it another try. This time though let me take the lead,” Maddie said, still wiping tears and fixing her ponytail, made unkempt by Kyle’s big hand. Kyle stepped forward and stood before her. Maddie reached out with both hands, gripping his huge cock tightly. Her hands barely covered any of his length, the tips of her fingers not even close to touching. She smiled up at him and began again. Bringing his engorged head down, she placed a kiss on his still leaking tip, rubbing it across her lips. She pulled his cock away and a string of cum kept them connected, from his cock down to her lips. Just doing this, her lips and chin were glazed, shiny with a mixture of his cum and her saliva. It’s only been like a few seconds, not even a minute. How was she covered like that already?

Maddie started making progress. Still gripping his cock tightly, she moved the head back to her lips and started to suck passionately. She got more and more of his fat cock head into her mouth with every rep. Her mouth and chin got messier and messier, cum and drool dripping down the sides of her mouth onto the floor.

Reality snap. What am I doing? Why am I watching and why am I not with my Latina and bombshell, walking to my private room to get my happy ending? I’m the fucking man and it’s my bachelor party. I look over and see the Latina and bombshell clearly enjoying the show. The bombshell was licking her lips, running a finger around her hard nipples. The Latina had taken off her tiny thong and had started to rub her clit, getting aroused by the show.

‘I need to take charge before this gets out of hand. Get them to the room and have your fun. Forget about how you witnessed the birth of a sex god. Hopefully the Latina and the bombshell would forget too.’

But then it happened and I was too late.

Kyle started to regulate his breathing and calm down. He took a deep breath, causing his chest and abs to expand, making his musculature even more pronounced. He looked down at Maddie, desperately trying to stuff his monster into her mouth. Kyle gripped Maddie’s ponytail again and pulled her away from his massive cock, only just. With his other hand, he grabbed his cock. Maddie sat there, staring at his weapon, her mouth wide open, tongue trying to catch the drips of cum while Kyle held her head in place. Kyle turned his head to the Latina and the bombshell, stopping their solo activities as he addressed them.

“Dayana, Tracy,” Kyle said looking at both of them while holding Maddie beneath him. “Would you like to join us?” Kyle said in a low rumble, even giving me shivers. As he said the words, he started slapping his massive dick against Maddie’s lips. From where I was standing, I could clearly hear the heavy wet smacks of his cock on Maddie’s lips.

Wait, what did he just say? Join him? But, those are my attendants. Before I could muster any words, the Latina and the bombshell gave their answer.

“Yes. Please sir,” they whispered, both obviously weak at the knees. Kyle smiled. The bombshell quickly took off her bikini bottoms and stood facing Kyle, trying to impress him with her glory. Kyle took in her incredible, built body, her heavy tits heaving with her breath. The Latina was not far behind. She ripped off her crop top, still rubbing her clit, now furiously. Her breathing became shorter and shorter until she tensed up and released the most erotic moan I’ve ever heard. Still furiously rubbing, she started convulsing and moaning, over and over, having to stabilize herself on the end table that held Kyle’s tightie whities.

“Good. Let’s go someplace private,” Kyle said as he turned his attention back to Maddie. He released her ponytail, freeing her. Maddie immediately tried to get Kyle’s huge cock back in her mouth but Kyle tenderly placed his big hand on her cheek.

“Don’t worry Maddie,” Kyle confidently said, now stroking his dick with his other hand, “I won’t forget what you did for me.” Kyle then leaned down and gave Maddie a long, passionate kiss. As he stood back up, with his cock in his hand and Maddie’s face frozen in awe and lust, he stroked a few more times. With another grunt, he positioned his cock head back on Maggie’s lips. One last stroke and low grunt and Kyle’s monster burped out a pool of cum, absolutely covering Maddie’s mouth and chin in his thick cum. All Maddie seemed to be able to do is open her mouth and attempt to swallow. But her mouth quickly filled and cum flowed out of her mouth, dripping down her chest and stomach, all over her delicate lingerie.

Kyle reached out his hand to help Maddie to her feet. She stood and took a huge gulp, never releasing her gaze from Kyle’s. Kyle grabbed Maddie’s hand and reached out his other to the Latina, struggling to stand after a powerful orgasm, and the bombshell, whose red bikini bottoms sitting on the floor near me were clearly soaked.

“Come on Dayana, Tracy. Join us,” Kyle said calmly. Both the Latina and the bombshell grabbed onto Kyle’s muscled arm.

“Are you ready to go again? Did you not just cum all over Maddie?” the bombshell asked, hoping she did not miss her opportunity to get ravaged by this massive Greek god.

“What do you mean?” Kyle asked. “I didn’t cum yet.” His huge cock looked bigger than ever, possibly anticipating its opportunity to be buried inside three incredibly sexy women. “Wow” is all the three women could say.

Wow, indeed. Standing there, my hands frozen in place by my sides, I came. Little drips of cum was all I could muster. Once I realized I was cumming, I tried stroking, desperately hoping I could get a more satisfying orgasm. It didn’t work. My dick deflated almost as fast as my ego.

Unfortunately, this little bit of activity reminded Kyle and the ladies that I was still there. With the women flanking his left and right, Kyle and the ladies turned back around and saw me standing there, holding my now completely deflated penis, my hand lightly covered in thin, runny cum.

“Oh Mark, I forgot you were there. Great bachelor party man,” Kyle said smiling. As they all turned, before heading to their room with Kyle, Kyle added one last thing, “I’m looking forward to the wedding!” Kyle winked at me before leading them through a door and slamming it shut. What the fuck, did he just wink at me? WHY did he just wink at me?

I heard a buzzing coming from the table where my clothes sat. My phone had just received a text…from Katie.

“Hey baby! I hope your bachelor party is going well! Go have some naughty fun and then I’m yours. Also, please don’t go too hard on Kyle. I know you’re not his biggest fan but I like him a lot as a friend. Obviously you have nothing to worry about with him. I prefer my big, buff man <3. Can’t wait to see how big and buff you got! Love you!”

Reality snap. Oh fuck. Kyle is one of my groomsmen and will be at the wedding.
A couple of weeks later…

The wedding is this week. Everyone’s going to arrive tomorrow. We have three events planned: the dress rehearsal, the wedding, and the afterparty. Everyone’s going to arrive tomorrow. Kyle is going to arrive tomorrow. This wedding is this week.

Get it together, Mark. All of it, ringing in my head…

Things have been great! Totally great! No intrusive thoughts at all!

Katie’s reaction to my transformation was initially exciting and definitely provided a needed boost of confidence.

We had decided beforehand to do a before/after photo together, she and I stand there in the bathroom mirror in the same photo.

For the after photo, Katie was excited to see me in the same underwear I wore in the before photo. I wore very tight, Speedo-cut designer underwear. I bet on my unlocked masculinity to make me look absolutely dominant in my after photo, my expected bigger dick filling the briefs creating an intimidating bulge. In actuality, it was a little more of a bulge and a tiny bit more muscle tone, sure, but not even close to the difference I think Katie truly sees. To be honest, though, all I could think about right then was what Katie looks like in the lingerie she decided to wear for the before/after photos.


After hearing about my bachelor party plans at the Male Enhancement Center, Katie decided to plan her bachelorette party around transformation. Katie and her bridesmaids (some of whom are my groomsmens’ wives) went on a wellness retreat, some super fancy resort that actually had an associated plastic surgery center. Apparently, the guests use the elite resort as either a place to recover, or should they decide to postpone/cancel their procedure, instead have access to different fitness and wellness facilities to achieve their beauty goals. Katie told me that while most of her bridesmaids elected to surgically enhance their femininity, she focused on her “body AND mind” naturally. And boy did that focus on her body pay off, even though I was still curious about the “mind” thing.

Katie was gone the last two weeks on her trip and this was the first time we were seeing each other.

In the before photo, Katie was already absurdly sexy. She bought a set of lingerie purposefully for the photos. A bra and a pair of panties. The bra, a white lacy low cut push-up (I didn’t even know they made push-up bras in her size) that in the before photo she filled nicely, pushing up out of the low cut. The panties, a tiny white lace thong, what looked like two strips of lace, with frills along the leg’s edge, meeting in a V just above her mound, the back V disappearing into her huge booty.

Now, here taking the after photo, as Katie finishes fidgeting, getting her massive tits into her bra, I can see her transformation. Her combination of diet, exercise, and rest had somehow returned Katie to her peak gym form. All of her had just become so succulently tight. The light tan she built and the skincare she received accentuated her tight curves. Her ass was now a shelf, a protruding perfect bubble, bigger and more taut than physics should have allowed. That ass led down to her thighs, thick and round as ever, but tightened every which way. I could tell her gap had widened, aided by this tightening especially where her strong thighs met her still impossibly wide hips. Leading back up and around the curve of her bubble, her waist was still delicate but now tight and strong. Her tits…actually I’m not sure? Katie just finished getting on her bra and she looked…smaller?

“Oh yeah, I forgot,” Katie said, as she stepped out of the bathroom, returning with a slightly smaller but almost identical white lacy bra. “I ordered this in case my waist size went down. I got the same cup size, though, so we’ll see how it fits.”

Katie took off the “before” bra and was standing in front of me topless. I could see her tits were as big as ever. They even hung higher up, huge natural perky balloons lying gracefully on her chest. She struggled again to fit into the bra, but finally had her outfit in place.

Katie was stunning. The new bra fit made her look even more sexy. Her tits were now bursting out of the top, the tighter waist obvious as she primmed in the mirror. Before, she oozed sexy. Now, she was an overwhelming combination of sex and beauty.

EVERYone’s going to arrive tomorrow. Kyle, Katie’s best friend, is going to arrive tomorrow.

“What?” …that fucking ringing.

“Hey? Hello? Kyle? I’m ready to take the photo!”

“Oh yeah, sorry uh, here we go,” I mumbled as I lined us both up and took the picture.

Katie wanted to pull up the before and after photos together to see our transformations juxtaposed. I looked exactly the same. I thought I could feel some difference but I looked even worse in the after photo because I didn’t have the cocky confidence from before. Katie’s changes, on the other hand, were wholly obvious. Her curves were tighter and more pronounced, overwhelming the even tighter lingerie. The skincare had done its magic and her skin even looked softer. Her smile was beaming in the after photo.

“You look happy,” I commented.

Was it the focus and work on her “mind”?

“Yeah I’m happy to see you!” She bounced toward me and gave me a hug. “Some of the ladies whose husbands went with you on your bachelor party outing thing immediately got photos from their husbands. They were all bragging about how their husbands dick got bigger or they lost weight and gained “tone”. I was so over it by the end of the trip. I figured you wanted to surprise me so I waited. But now I want you. And I want your bigger dick inside of me.”

I got anxious. Why am I anxious? I didn’t focus on my mind and now I’m here, anxious and lacking confidence.

Why did she put emphasis on “mind”?

I heard her phone in the bedroom chirp from an incoming text.

“Grab me a cup of water and meet me in the bedroom,” she said silkily, looking over her shoulder as she strutted into the bedroom.

“What did you mean when you said you focused on your mind? I can see the focus on your body. Just curious,” I asked, catching her in the doorway to our bedroom, her silhouette all curves and soft lines.

“Well at the end of my bachelorette trip I basically decided that if I want something, I’m gonna take it. I have a nice life, I’m successful, I have great friends, I’m super hot, and I’m going to have a big handsome hubby very soon! So yeah if I want it, I deserve it, so I’ll take it. And right now I want you so don’t take long!” Katie confidently said before turning back into the bedroom.


I grabbed the cup, filled it, and chugged that first cup. Why am I anxious?

Equipped with a refilled cup of water, I walked into the bedroom and saw Katie sitting up in bed laughing about something on her phone. I asked her what was so funny and she offered me her phone in exchange for the cup of water she wanted.

“I told Kyle about our before/after photo idea before you guys all went out. I encouraged him to do one too. I want him to feel better and more comfortable with his build,” she struggled to say through tears of laughter. “I hadn’t seen the before photo but he just sent me the before AND after photos and he’s so hilarious! He’s good with computers so I guess he made something with AI or whatever, haha!”

I gave her the cup and she handed me the phone. Kyle’s before photo was pathetic. In a mirror, with his phone on a tripod and his shirt off, Kyle was flexing his biceps and he couldn’t look any skinnier. I swiped to the after photo and I felt a knot in my throat. In that same mirror, same tripod and still no shirt, there was the new Kyle. Unfortunately, I can’t forget what he looks like now. There stood his new tower of muscle, with that unbelievable appearance of strength, flexing his massive biceps. His whole new body was just obscenely powerful. It was so much of a transformation Katie didn’t even believe it. But I knew.

“So stupid, right? Anyways I’ll put my phone down now. I need you to come here. I’m so wet right now. I’ve been dying for you to fuck me since the ladies were bragging about their husbands. Please come fuck me with your big cock…” Katie started panting. She turned over, on her knees, face buried in the pillow, fat ass up in the air. “Please…” she sighed as she peeled off her panties.

I was rock hard at this point. Quickly, I took off my briefs and immediately entered her from behind.

“Oh my god baby. You’re so big! I love your big cock!”

Katie did not feel any different to me.

I thought she would feel at least a little tighter. I mean, I gained SOME size, right? Is she actually feeling different? Is she faking it?

I pushed into her to the hilt, just as easily as I used to. She kept commenting but the confidence boost from that was diminishing. Then I looked over to her side table where her phone sat. Her phone was still open and there was Kyle’s after photo still sitting on the screen.

The Kyle who took my bombshell and my Latina away at the end of the procedure with his brief but impressive display of sexual prowess. The Kyle who’s my fiancé’s best friend. The Kyle whose cock would absolutely destroy the pussy I’m still struggling to fill. The Kyle who’s going to arrive TOMORROW.

Three more thrusts was all I could do before I came, some dribbles landing on our sheets.

“Holy shit.”

It was all I could say. Katie finally got herself into her dress. A tiny, short skirt black dress, her ass threatening to pop out the bottom of the egregiously high cut with every step, tits overwhelming either side of the thin spaghetti straps running straight down her chest to the tight bodice.

“Let’s get going. I want to see everybody!” Katie said, even the slightest move causing her tits to bounce.

We arrived and started making the rounds, greeting people as they arrived. Seeing my groomsmen was great. A bunch of them thanked me for the bachelor party, talking about ‘best sex’ this, ‘wife loves it’ that.

You know what? It was a great bachelor party. I helped my buddies! I definitely got bigger, I’m sure of it. I’m the man, remember? I probably wasn’t fully hard when I fucked Katie. That’s why it didn’t feel different. I couldn’t get fully hard because when I saw Kyle’s photo I could stop thinking about his massive—

“Holy shit…Kyle!?” I heard Katie say with incredulity.


I turn to see Kyle, his now imposing figure standing before us. He wore a nice tailored suit that fit tight, accentuating his muscular form, pants slightly stretched around a definite bulge.

“Hey Katie, Mark. Congratulations. Thanks for letting me be a part of this,” Kyle spoke in his new deep voice, directly to Katie, looking down into her eyes and she looked up into his. “And again, thank you Mark for asking me to be a groomsman and that great bachelor party!”

Katie was staring, mouth agape. She could see it was Kyle, it was his eyes. But now with movie star looks and, as she began to scan him down, a built body. I could see her gaze finally reach his pants and saw her eyes widen as she noticed his sizable package. This moment lasted a few agonizing seconds, Katie staring at Kyle’s bulge, me staring at Katie staring, and Kyle politely trying to thank me.

“Hey jerk. You left me at the bar dummy.”

I saw a figure come behind Kyle and smack the back of his head. It was Maddie, from the MEC!

“Katie, this is my plus one, Maddie,” Kyle turned back to Katie, rubbing the back of his head, and introduced her. Maddie looked stunning, slender, curvy body in a slinky dress, cut incredibly low both in front and back. “Mark, you remember Maddie?”

Those moment’s are burned into my brain. The last time I saw Maddie she was glazed in just Kyle’s precum.

“Hi. Enjoy. I see you found the bar. There’s some food too. Honey?” I turn to Katie, she just exiting her trance to awkwardly shake Maddie’s hand. I pulled her away and dinner commenced.

The event went as planned. Well, for the most part.

I had gotten pretty drunk, both on booze and the moment. I was surrounded by my buddies, excited again to be marrying Katie, an absolutely stacked trophy. Mercifully, I began to forget about Kyle.

But then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Katie off to the side, talking to Kyle.


“Oh, hi Mark,” Kyle said, both Katie and Kyle looking disappointed that I interrupted their conversation.

“Kyle was just telling me how he met Maddie,” Katie turned to me and spoke, her tits looking even more enticing now. I could tell she had her shoulders back and chest pushed out, presenting herself to Kyle.

“Yeah, remember Maddie? She was part of the “analysis” team? Well the MEC wanted me to come back in after our visit. I saw Maddie again, asked her out, and here we are,” Kyle casually said, taking a sip from his drink from my wedding rehearsal bar, looking massive, handsome, and confident.

“Wait, why did the MEC ask you to come back in?” I asked.

“They apparently wanted to do more testing. Since I had responded so…” Kyle said, I could see him searching for the right word, “…positively… to the procedure, they want to see if I can help them understand how to improve their formulation. They even gave me a job!”

“They gave you a job?” I said.

My jealousy was starting.

“Yeah so I go to the MEC weekly now and they run the same “tests” on me that they ran on us during our visit. I’m also a brand ambassador. All they want me to do is keep going to the gym, take photos, and post them online. And they pay me so much! I have more money now than I know what to do with!” Kyle said, bursting out laughing. Katie laughed along with him and I saw her grab his arm to stabilize herself. His arms were huge, his biceps and forearms looking like they were going to rip out of his suit.

So, the ‘tests’ they ran on us were handjobs, blowjobs, and I’m assuming the fucking everyone else but me got at the end. Kyle was getting paid a shitload of money to work out and have sex with beautiful women?

My jealousy was rising.

“Anyways Maddie is probably upstairs waiting for me,” Kyle said, indicating it was time for Katie’s fawning to end. “It was great catching up,” Kyle said to Katie, again locking his gaze with hers. He reached out to hold her hand, his huge hand enveloping hers.

Again, this moment lasted agonizingly long, me standing there frozen while they looked deeper and deeper into each other.

“I’ll see you soon,” Kyle said directly to Katie as he walked away.

“Hey baby,” Katie quickly transitioned to me, “do you want to go upstairs, too? I had a few drinks too and I’m getting horny. Come, let’s go.”

Kyle was still waiting for the elevator when we got there. The ride up just the three of us was tense, at least for me. Not a word said but it felt like I could feel the heat between them.

…We got off on the same floor!
He’s opening the door right next to our marital suite!
Kyle booked the suite right next to us!

“I just booked the most expensive room without really looking because I wanted to impress Maddie. I figured whatever, I could afford it easily now. I guess we’re neighbors! Have a good night!” Kyle said nonchalant, disappearing into his room.
