Balkan PG - What to watch and is there male nudity in it?


Superior Member
Jan 3, 2024
There are many hidden gems from the Balkans never published on the world-renowned sites that specialize in staging such scenes. We are here to announce the level of nudity in Balkan cinema.
#1 As Pik - Loša sudbina

Film iz 2012. godine u filmu prikazuje glumca koji je debitant na filmu - Momčilo Otašević, koji u ovom filmu jedini ostvaruje scene golotinje.

1. Scena sa jastukom
- Mladić leži na krevetu dok je preko njegovih butina postavljen jastuk određene veličine koji daje do znanja da je mladić potpuno nag. U jednom trenutku, mladić sklanja jastuk, ali mi ne vidimo ništa. Zatim, žena je na njemu i oni vode ljubav dok je on pipa po grudima. Nakon par sekundi, ulazi njegov stariji brat i prekida ih u tome. Ponovo, samo vidimo njega kako navlači gaće ali mu se vide dlačiče u predelu penisa.

2. Poker u skidanje
- Mladić i nema devojka igraju poker u skidanje, ali uglavnom male karte vuče mladić zbog čega postupno skida komad po komad odeće sa sebe. Ostaje u gaćama i ponovo vuče kartu, stidi se i ne želi da ih skine. Međutim, devojka ga lažno zavodi i uspeva da ih skine. Tu dobijamo par sekundi frontalne golotinje gde je u sobi sa prigušenim svetlom vidljiv penis mladića. On se hvata vrlo brzo za taj deo, ali u prozoru se delimično vidi njegova gola zadnjica. U sobu ponovo ulazi stariji brat, a devojka beži iz sobe. Mladić ostaje još par minuta sa rukama prekrivrenim penisom, dok je zadnjica u prozoru sve manje vidljiva.

3. Blicevi
- Na plaži, mladić se sa nemom devojkom posvađa a potom miri da bi ona sebe skinula, pozivajući ga na seks. Kasnije, vidimo bliceve scene u kojoj oni leže jedan do drugog na boku, dok je vidljivo da su oboje potpuno goli. Međutim u ovoj sceni nema penisa, kao u prošloj.

Ovo su sve tri scene golotinje u filmu. Film traje 1h 38min i sadrži tri scene muške golotinje (pokazano i nagoveštene) što je više od prosečnog balkanskog filma.

#1.1 Ace of Spades - Bad Destiny

1. The Pillow scene - The young man lies on the bed while a pillow of a certain size is placed over his thighs, which makes it clear that the young man is completely naked. At one point, the young man removes the pillow, but we don't see anything. Then the woman is on top of him and they make love while he gropes her breasts. After a few seconds, his older brother enters and interrupts them. Again, we only see him pulling on his underpants but his pubic hair is visible.

2. Strip Poker - A young man and girl are playing strip poker, but mostly the young man draws small cards, which is why he gradually takes off his clothes piece by piece. He stays in his underpants and draws the card again, he is ashamed and doesn't want to take them off. However, the girl falsely seduces him and manages to take them off. There we get a few seconds of frontal nudity where the young man's penis is visible in a dimly lit room. He grabs onto that part very quickly, but his bare buttocks is partially visible in the window. The older brother enters the room again, and the girl runs away from the room. The young man remains for a few more seconds with his penis covered by his hands, while the rear is less and less visible in the window.

3. Flashes - On the beach, a young man has an argument with a girl and then reconciles so that she takes off her clothes, inviting him to have sex. Later, we see flashes of a scene where they are lying side by side, while they are both visibly naked. However, in this scene there is no penis, as in the last one.

These are all three scenes of nudity in the film. The film lasts 1 hour 38 minutes and contains three scenes of male nudity (shown and implied), which is more than the average Balkan film.