ball size



123john: My balls are the size of 2 cherrys, and hang only 1 1/2 inchs. Do you think they are small or average size balls. Also do guys hang lower than my 1 1/2 inch hang?? I would love to here from guys that have big low hanging balls to tell be the truth about my ball size. My girl friend says I have very small balls she loves to feel a big set of balls slapping her ass. Are my balls too small to give her what she wants. Please tell me the truth about ball size what is the average hanging balls, and do my balls hang low enough compare to other guys. How low do guys hang compare to mine, Thanks
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Trackers: Even though I'm a girl, I think your g/f shouldn't worry about the size of your balls. I think she should pay more attention to the part of your body that is more sensitive... your penis. After all, it's not very often a guy would cum from someone only touching their balls. It's the handjobs and blow jobs that turn a guy on.

Be happy about the size of your balls
[quote author=123john link=board=youth;num=1057065660;start=0#0 date=07/01/03 at 06:12:00]

" My girl friend says I have very small balls she loves to feel a big set of balls slapping her ass..."



Right now, you wouldn't want to know what I think!

Okay, since you've asked -- I'll tell you.

I think it's too bad yours are not the size of bowling balls so you can smack your girlfriend upside the head with 'em! --How dare she insult you for something you have no control over...just like she may have no way of achieving "big boobs"!

(Sorry, and forgive me. 'Not like me to go "off like" that!
But that part of your post just ticked me big time.)

Okay----I'm calmer now. :)

'Glad to have my reference material on male genitalia which says: "Mature testicle (ball) size in men can range from the size of hazelnuts to jumbo chicken eggs."
On average, a testicle will measure about 1.75" long and about 1" wide. Around this forum, sure---you're going to hear exceptions to that --BIG exceptions.

The "hang" factor is diverse, too---some guys boast (?) of up to 5-plus inches of "hanging"---particularly in warm weather. And, body temperature causes this fluctuation to a great extent, as you probably know.
Some guys seldom "hang" but insteadk, their ballsac stays close to the abdomen. Still they hang somewhat all the time. Thus, the whole gamut of possibilites can be represented...particularly around this community.

Although testicle size tends to vary somewhat less (than penis size), every man is going to be different from the next and it's not uncommon for one of a man's testicles to be somewhat smaller (or larger) than the other and even "hang" lower than the other as well.
All that can happen, too. Perfectly fine that way.

So, yours are "cherry size". Yes, while somewhat small, they still rank near the quoted "hazel nut comparison".
That makes them......normal.

So, indeed. You have testicles. You're a man. And, your testicles FUNCTION. You have what it takes and if your current girlfriend is unhappy with them, SHE has the problem. Perhaps she'll find a jerk with big ones who will treat her like heck. ('Wonder if she'll be happy, THEN?)

The penis gets more attention overall in today's culture, but I admit the testicle size is important too, --to a man's self esteem.

Try (as you can!) to NOT let this matter gnaw at you.

Move forward from here. While there will be postings of others around here with perhaps "bigger", you still are a man and have great worth, and the ability to be adequate and productive with what you have right now.

You just need to find someone in your life who will put the really important qualities " into their right perspective" to make you realize this.

At this point, you've been "fed" a bunch of negative...from this girlfriend and, from within your mind.

Ignore it.
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