Banged by my boss & co-worker


Expert Member
Jan 15, 2025
I've been reading stories on here for a while and I figured I should share how I've been getting fucked by my boss (almost) every Monday and sometimes on weekends by another co-worker and no-one suspects anything.

I will try to summarize some events and try to avoid being tedious, but some details make the story more fun. (Naturally all names have been changed)

I graduated from college in 2019 - and on my last year in college, I met my boss (we'll call him Tyler) at an event. At the time I was 23 and Tyler was 25. Tyler was the only person doing his job at his company - we clicked right away because while serious, he's a fun person to be around. I saw him a few more times that year - my professor even brought Tyler and his boss (let's call him Brian) for a speech about entering the work force, etc.

Tyler told me they were about to promote him - and that he would be growing the team and he thought that I would fit the organization. So I knew that it was a matter of time until I got the job. A few months after I graduated I got the call from Tyler. I went to lunch with Tyler and Brian just as a formality, but the job was already mine.

The day I started I wasn't sure if I was the only one - when I arrived, I met David, who was also hired to be working with Tyler and I.

David is fun, but much more serious than Tyler. He's also older - he was 28 at the time. He explained he was new in town and that he's from Seattle. I also learned he had a girlfriend back at home and that she was planning to move to town as soon as she finishes her residency. I already knew that Tyler had a girlfriend of many years.

Tyler has features that are attractive to me - he's not gorgeous, but he looks good - nerdy look with glasses. He's 6'4'' and fit, not strong, but you can tell he works out. David is more handsome - bluest eyes I've ever seen. Also over 6' and average body.

Me, although the fun only started last year - I still have my twink features. I'm 5'7 and slim. I'm not a flamboyant queen, but I'm noticeably gay. Most important, I have a very cute bubble butt.

The three of us bonded well - once in a while we went to a local bar after work. Since I was the only single person, they liked to hear my adventures. As time passed, they became comfortable with asking things about the gay world.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't pay attention to them - but knowing they were off-limits (or so I thought) made my brain not look at them in a sexual way.

I mentioned that I wanted to start working out, and Tyler told me to join his gym, so I did. We arranged to go work out at the same time and I think that was the first time I felt my legs a little weak. He was wearing a sleeveless tank and workout shorts - that combination always makes me horny hah. That was the first time I noticed his big arms and legs - I never told him, but he should downsize his office attire as it doesn't show his proportions. The other thing I noticed, was the size of the bulge in his shorts. I did notice that in the office; but I just thought it was because of his baggy pants. After I started seeing him at the gym that I started to have fantasies with him.
A few months in the job, there was a trip opportunity to go to NY for a convention. Tyler being the teammate he's aways been, tried to get David and I to go. HR told him that they would finance us to fly to NY, but would not book multiple rooms for us - Tyler told us the situation and the three of us saw this as a ''Whatever, I don't care where I sleep - it's a free trip to NY.''

The trip was only a couple of weeks away, but we were super excited. One day we were talking about it at lunch and Tyler said, "I hope you guys don't mind, but I sleep in my underwear." David said, "same." I said Yeah, me too (I don't, but I was not going to waste the opportunity to show off my bubble butt - specially after I saw Tyler sweaty in workout clothes lol)

The day of the trip finally arrived. We arrived in NY early morning and barely had time to check in. We stayed at the millenium hotel - HR booked us a room with 2 king beds. We dropped our luggage and went directly to the convention. The day was long, we finished around 6pm - while there, I was looking around on grindr - you never know - sadly I was not lucky.

We went back to our room and ordered food. Tyler was the first one to shower. He came out of the bathroom wearing black boxers that I'll never forget. For the first time, I saw his body - he had abs trying to come through a dad body. David went to shower next - he also had a pretty good body - slightly more defined than Tyler - I thought it was odd that I had never noticed. I started noticing after that for sure.

I finally went to shower. I decided to pack the smallest briefs I could find lol (I never claimed to be a saint). I came out of the shower, laughed and said, "Sorry, I don't wear boxers" lol. To which they laughed and said it was alright. They asked me how could I sleep with tight underwear and I told them I always did, so I guess I must be used to it.

We talked a bit about the convention, then I mentioned I was frustrated that I didn't find a hook up. David laughed and said, "I don' think we can fit anyone else in here." We decided that I would share the bed with Tyler (Before you ask - no, there wasn't a couch in our room). I know how to be a big tease when I want - once in a while when we were talking, I rolled to my stomach, and I could see their eyes dart to my ass. At some point I went to look out the window and I could see their reflection in the glass that they looked.

Even though it was not a mission, I made them notice my ass and I felt accomplished lol.

We finally went to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I looked at Tyler and I couldn't believe my eyes. He was pitching the biggest tent - I had to fight the biggest urge not grab his cock, sit on it, slap my face with it. I didn't get to see his cock, which just made me even more horny to find out - but the glimpse confirmed my suspicion - it was huge. I had to jerk off before going back to bed, otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep.

I woke up before my alarm - or I don't know if I even slept since my mind was racing. I turned in bed, to face another tent - from David! Sadly I couldn't take care of myself as everyone was about to get up and rush for another day of convention.

Sadly we didn't stay a second night. Tyler asked me if everything was alright; he said aloof during the day. I told him I was good, just tired. How could I tell him that my mind was racing all day after seeing my boss and co-workers pitch huge tents. I just wanted to go camping at that point if you know what I'm saying!?

We went back home and I had to continue as if I had never seen anything.

The trip happened in December, so early 2020 we all know what happened. We all had to work from home.
We started working from home and that was great! I think the best part of that was the fact that it allowed room for more personal connection with each. We had calls the three of us once a week, but the majority of the time was 1-1 calls and that's where the fun started.

Let me begin by saying that HR would fire us if they heard some of the things we talked lol.

Naturally our first couple of months working from home weren't very eventful as we were still adapting - but eventually conversations started to get a little spicier. Tyler was the first one to manifest his frustrations with the pandemic. His girlfriend was able to fly home to see her family, but in that process she got sick, which meant she had to quarantine before returning home. She ended up staying a whole month away. At first Tyler started to talk about how he missed her, how it was strange at night... But then a week later he started to talk about how he didn't have sex for a week. That's when my ears turned on high alert - if my boss said he missed having sex, I felt that was a green light for more.

I told him I missed having sex too; I didn't trust meeting anyone until we could get the first shot of the vaccine. I told him he was at least lucky that sooner or later she would be back and they would be banging again. I told him that I had no idea when I would see a cock again haha. He said, "Ah, that's rough I guess."

The more we talked, the more comfortable we became with each other when discussing sexual things. He asked about my coming out, previous relationships - what worked and what didn't. Me, being the curious person I am, asked spicy stuff too. I asked how often they had sex, and he said that now that they both work from home, they fuck every day. Hearing him say, "I fuck every day" made me feel lots of things, but mostly jealousy lol.. Jealousy because I wasn't fucking every day; Jealous of his girlfriend. After I saw his massive tent, the only thing I could think was how she was a lucky bishh - I would service that cock every day too.

We talked about my sexual preferences, and I told him I'm bottom. I had to explain the whole bottom/top situation. He asked if I ever topped and I told him I gave it a try to see what's the tea, but it's just not for me. He asked what type of guy I liked and what I found attractive. I instantly thought "Ever since I saw your big tent, I like you now lol) I told him that I like guys who are more dominant as I prefer to be a bit more submissive (bottom bitch move, I know). In terms of looks, I don't care as long as he's not ugly beyond easy repair or too out of shape. I told him that guys wearing grey sweatpants and suits really turned me on. (Remember this as it will come back)

We talked about grindr life and he was shocked to hear how many married guys were in it. He asked if I had ever been with one and I said of course; it's so hot to suck a married cock lol.

Overall it was a year of conversations like this - a lot of discoveries about each other.

Mid 2021 Tyler and his girlfriend got married. It was a very small ceremony as the pandemic was still bad. I was invited and I went. Him in a suit :heart_eyes:
David was facing the same frustrations regarding the beginning of the pandemic. Being unable to travel, meant he also didn't have much sex going on. We got to talk a lot more online than we ever did in the office. I think he's a normally shy person, but he feels more open to talk when he's alone.

Our sexual conversations progressed about the same as it did with Tyler. It started slowly and before we knew, we were saying "fucking" and such in the conversations.. once again, very lucky HR didn't listen to calls lol.

I asked him how could he handle being in a long distance relationship since he only travelled home every other week. He said that having sex only a few times a month isn't great, but it it what it is. I joked and told him to look on grindr, lots of guys would help him relief some tension. He laughed and said, "IDK, I think I can hold." The fact he didn't say "I don't think so" made me wonder if he would let himself go there in case of desperation? He asked me if I fucked a lot, and I told him not a lot which sucks because I love getting fucked. He said, "That's a shame, I thought you got a lot of action because you're good looking and has a nice behind." I didn't expect the compliment, but I am very happy I wore my tight brief at the hotel in NY - I sensed he had given my butt some thought. Sadly I couldn't say "I think you must have a nice package too." Even though I didn't see his cock; I could tell it had a lot of potential. I didn't get the chance to take care of myself in NY after I saw his bulge; but I definitely jerked off thinking about him when I got home.

At some point in 2021 I found myself a boy (I can't say he was a boyfriend, but he was the most regular I had). David was very inquisitive about it. I noticed that David was more wild in the way he asked questions - which I liked - Tyler was more discreet. I like talking about sex and what I like to do, specially with straight guys. I like to see their reaction when I tell them things they wouldn't hear from most people. The only thing is that I don't volunteer all this information unless asked. Not every guy will like to hear "Oh yeah, I love to swallow" lol. David liked to ask; and I liked to tell.

He asked what I liked about my boy, I told him I liked his dominant personality, he's tall and good looking - the fact he had a gorgeous cock was a major bonus point. The only thing I didn't care so much was the taste of his cum lol, but I told him I made him eat pineapple and things got better. He asked why pineapple and I explained that it makes the cum less acid and more tasty lol. I thought it was wild we had this type of conversations while working on annoying reports lol, never thought I would say work is enjoyable. We got to talking about sizes, and he asked me if I thought that it made a difference. I told him I think that it's more about the performance; but there's something more erotic when it's a big one swinging in front of your face. He said, "Hmmm good to know." He had a look in his face almost of satisfaction as if acknowledging to himself "Hmm I got a big one."

My conversations with David were much hotter, I think it's because he doesn't have the Boss element to him - it made some of the things that were said less awkward. After we started talking about sexual things, my desire to sit on his cock and taste his cum just increased. There was a sexual tension in the air - it could be because we talked quite a bit about sex, but it could also be because he wasn't travelling much home. He was definitely a tease though - something I didn't expect - sometimes we would jump on calls and he was shirtless; sometimes he would leave the room during a call, and when he came back, I could see the lining of his cock on his shorts and sweatpants - he definitely didn't wear underwear at home. I've already covered how much grey sweatpants and gym shorts turns me on, and he wore both on camera - he just didn't know that made me crave him even more. Since I couldn't tell him that I dreamed of servicing his cock; I had to compliment him on something since he indirectly complimented my ass. I told him he looked like he was increasing in size. He bought some weights to have it at home to avoid going to the gym in the middle of the pandemic. He said thanks as he lifted his arms to show his biceps. Like for real, seeing his manly pits just made me sweat.

David decided to move - he was living in a shared house; he decided to get his own place. This was around the same time that Tyler got married. I told David that I could help him move and he didn't pass the help.

Hold on tight as things will start to escalate.
One of the best thing about "working from home" is the ability to disappear sometimes and no one would know lol. David decided to start moving his stuff around noon on Friday - so we worked in the morning, then we disappeared. lol

I arrived at his house and when he opened the door, he was shirtless and in gym shorts. I'm not sure if he didn't have underwear or if it was a boxer - those two are the same; his package was swinging as he moved. Of course I didn't think at the time this was intentional, but as the day progressed I started to connect some dots.

The first dot to be connected on this puzzle was when he opened his fridge and he was eating PINEAPPLES lol. My innocent mind still not realizing this was a plot lol - I mean, how could I?

David seemed at times to be a bit irritable here and there (Not with me). Between preparing to move and work, he hadn't been home in three weeks - I guess his irritability had a reason and I was willing to help lol.
As we packed more boxes and disassembled some furniture, David asked if I had anything planned for the night and I told him I didn't. He asked if I didn't have any hookups and I told him no. I told him I saved the date for him since I didn't know how long it would take. He asked about my boy (we had broken up a week before). He joked and said something along the lines of "He stopped eating pineapples" lol.

My gawd his body was sexy - by this point he was all sweaty. Sometimes he would lay down on the floor and stretch and I could see his big package move around his shorts - and once in a while he would eat a pineapple.

We started to get tired around six. We did two trips to the new house and figured that was good for the day. Around six, his roommate arrived home. We were both sweaty on the floor - you would think we fucked all afternoon if you didn't know we were packing lol. David suggested pizza - so he ordered it and went to shower. He told me we could eat it in his room since the bed was still assembled and the TV was still hooked up.

At this point, I'm kind of connecting dots, but at the same time doubting that this could be a thing going on. Then I see him coming out of his bathroom wearing only underwear. Like, he picked up his underwear before going into the shower right? It didn't occur to grab his shorts too? But alright, he decided to put his shorts on right in front of me. He went to the kitchen and got us some beer. The pizza arrived and we ate it in the bedroom.

A beer here and a beer there, I was feeling extra jolly lol. I asked him if he was going to see his girlfriend next week, he said he probably would because he needed some release hah, I told him I could tell he looked a bit tense. I changed topic right away to bring the attention to us and told him to continue working out because it was really showing. He asked if I really thought so, and I casually said on yeah. As I said it, I put my hand on his bicep (That gave me shivers - he's so hot). Friends on the TV while we talked, I started to notice that he was shifting a bit and trying to hide his manhood. I asked if everything was alright and he said, "I guess I miss her, I'm feeling a bit horned up." I told him I was sorry that he had to wait so long.

I gathered up my courage and said, "Can I help?" Worst case would be a no and I would just blame it on the beers haha. He said he wasn't sure since he had never done it and I said that it was totally understandable - surprisingly it wasn't awkward. We continue to watch and I saw on his shorts he had a full hard on. I thought fuck it - and put my hand in his cock. He gave a big inhale, but didn't move my hand away. I started moving my hands and he seemed to relax a bit. I pulled his shorts and underwear and his cock jumped right out - big boy - it was a great looking cock, uncut, must be at least 7", it was all wet with pre cum.

I got close to it and I saw him hold his breath. I put his cock in my mouth and he breathed out. I could tell he was nervous, but was enjoying it. I continued to suck his dick and caress his six pack - since I had no idea if this would ever happen again, I wasted no time. He started to feel more comfortable as he started to make some movements. He stood up in front of the bed and at this point he was face fucking me. It was delicious.

Considering he didn't have sex for three weeks, I imagined he wouldn't last long. He told me he was getting close and he told me to swallow. I guess he picked up from our conversations that I liked a dominant guy. He blew the biggest load in my mouth. He pushed his cock all the way in when he came; I almost choked. I looked up and he looked relieved. I played with his cum in my tongue and licking his cock - I could tell he loved it. He told me he wasn't used to cumming on the mouth, but it felt amazing.

We went to the bathroom to clean up, and he acted as if nothing had happened lol. A new bond had begun.

We watched another episode of Friends and I told him I would go home. He asked if I was coming back on Saturday (He didn't have much stuff to move at that point). I told him I could if he needed help. He said "Yeah, that would be great."

So I came back the next day...
One of the best thing about "working from home" is the ability to disappear sometimes and no one would know lol. David decided to start moving his stuff around noon on Friday - so we worked in the morning, then we disappeared. lol

I arrived at his house and when he opened the door, he was shirtless and in gym shorts. I'm not sure if he didn't have underwear or if it was a boxer - those two are the same; his package was swinging as he moved. Of course I didn't think at the time this was intentional, but as the day progressed I started to connect some dots.

The first dot to be connected on this puzzle was when he opened his fridge and he was eating PINEAPPLES lol. My innocent mind still not realizing this was a plot lol - I mean, how could I?

David seemed at times to be a bit irritable here and there (Not with me). Between preparing to move and work, he hadn't been home in three weeks - I guess his irritability had a reason and I was willing to help lol.
As we packed more boxes and disassembled some furniture, David asked if I had anything planned for the night and I told him I didn't. He asked if I didn't have any hookups and I told him no. I told him I saved the date for him since I didn't know how long it would take. He asked about my boy (we had broken up a week before). He joked and said something along the lines of "He stopped eating pineapples" lol.

My gawd his body was sexy - by this point he was all sweaty. Sometimes he would lay down on the floor and stretch and I could see his big package move around his shorts - and once in a while he would eat a pineapple.

We started to get tired around six. We did two trips to the new house and figured that was good for the day. Around six, his roommate arrived home. We were both sweaty on the floor - you would think we fucked all afternoon if you didn't know we were packing lol. David suggested pizza - so he ordered it and went to shower. He told me we could eat it in his room since the bed was still assembled and the TV was still hooked up.

At this point, I'm kind of connecting dots, but at the same time doubting that this could be a thing going on. Then I see him coming out of his bathroom wearing only underwear. Like, he picked up his underwear before going into the shower right? It didn't occur to grab his shorts too? But alright, he decided to put his shorts on right in front of me. He went to the kitchen and got us some beer. The pizza arrived and we ate it in the bedroom.

A beer here and a beer there, I was feeling extra jolly lol. I asked him if he was going to see his girlfriend next week, he said he probably would because he needed some release hah, I told him I could tell he looked a bit tense. I changed topic right away to bring the attention to us and told him to continue working out because it was really showing. He asked if I really thought so, and I casually said on yeah. As I said it, I put my hand on his bicep (That gave me shivers - he's so hot). Friends on the TV while we talked, I started to notice that he was shifting a bit and trying to hide his manhood. I asked if everything was alright and he said, "I guess I miss her, I'm feeling a bit horned up." I told him I was sorry that he had to wait so long.

I gathered up my courage and said, "Can I help?" Worst case would be a no and I would just blame it on the beers haha. He said he wasn't sure since he had never done it and I said that it was totally understandable - surprisingly it wasn't awkward. We continue to watch and I saw on his shorts he had a full hard on. I thought fuck it - and put my hand in his cock. He gave a big inhale, but didn't move my hand away. I started moving my hands and he seemed to relax a bit. I pulled his shorts and underwear and his cock jumped right out - big boy - it was a great looking cock, uncut, must be at least 7", it was all wet with pre cum.

I got close to it and I saw him hold his breath. I put his cock in my mouth and he breathed out. I could tell he was nervous, but was enjoying it. I continued to suck his dick and caress his six pack - since I had no idea if this would ever happen again, I wasted no time. He started to feel more comfortable as he started to make some movements. He stood up in front of the bed and at this point he was face fucking me. It was delicious.

Considering he didn't have sex for three weeks, I imagined he wouldn't last long. He told me he was getting close and he told me to swallow. I guess he picked up from our conversations that I liked a dominant guy. He blew the biggest load in my mouth. He pushed his cock all the way in when he came; I almost choked. I looked up and he looked relieved. I played with his cum in my tongue and licking his cock - I could tell he loved it. He told me he wasn't used to cumming on the mouth, but it felt amazing.

We went to the bathroom to clean up, and he acted as if nothing had happened lol. A new bond had begun.

We watched another episode of Friends and I told him I would go home. He asked if I was coming back on Saturday (He didn't have much stuff to move at that point). I told him I could if he needed help. He said "Yeah, that would be great."

So I came back the next day...
I’ve been so eager for the next update! Thanks for updating! Can’t wait for more
One of the best thing about "working from home" is the ability to disappear sometimes and no one would know lol. David decided to start moving his stuff around noon on Friday - so we worked in the morning, then we disappeared. lol

I arrived at his house and when he opened the door, he was shirtless and in gym shorts. I'm not sure if he didn't have underwear or if it was a boxer - those two are the same; his package was swinging as he moved. Of course I didn't think at the time this was intentional, but as the day progressed I started to connect some dots.

The first dot to be connected on this puzzle was when he opened his fridge and he was eating PINEAPPLES lol. My innocent mind still not realizing this was a plot lol - I mean, how could I?

David seemed at times to be a bit irritable here and there (Not with me). Between preparing to move and work, he hadn't been home in three weeks - I guess his irritability had a reason and I was willing to help lol.
As we packed more boxes and disassembled some furniture, David asked if I had anything planned for the night and I told him I didn't. He asked if I didn't have any hookups and I told him no. I told him I saved the date for him since I didn't know how long it would take. He asked about my boy (we had broken up a week before). He joked and said something along the lines of "He stopped eating pineapples" lol.

My gawd his body was sexy - by this point he was all sweaty. Sometimes he would lay down on the floor and stretch and I could see his big package move around his shorts - and once in a while he would eat a pineapple.

We started to get tired around six. We did two trips to the new house and figured that was good for the day. Around six, his roommate arrived home. We were both sweaty on the floor - you would think we fucked all afternoon if you didn't know we were packing lol. David suggested pizza - so he ordered it and went to shower. He told me we could eat it in his room since the bed was still assembled and the TV was still hooked up.

At this point, I'm kind of connecting dots, but at the same time doubting that this could be a thing going on. Then I see him coming out of his bathroom wearing only underwear. Like, he picked up his underwear before going into the shower right? It didn't occur to grab his shorts too? But alright, he decided to put his shorts on right in front of me. He went to the kitchen and got us some beer. The pizza arrived and we ate it in the bedroom.

A beer here and a beer there, I was feeling extra jolly lol. I asked him if he was going to see his girlfriend next week, he said he probably would because he needed some release hah, I told him I could tell he looked a bit tense. I changed topic right away to bring the attention to us and told him to continue working out because it was really showing. He asked if I really thought so, and I casually said on yeah. As I said it, I put my hand on his bicep (That gave me shivers - he's so hot). Friends on the TV while we talked, I started to notice that he was shifting a bit and trying to hide his manhood. I asked if everything was alright and he said, "I guess I miss her, I'm feeling a bit horned up." I told him I was sorry that he had to wait so long.

I gathered up my courage and said, "Can I help?" Worst case would be a no and I would just blame it on the beers haha. He said he wasn't sure since he had never done it and I said that it was totally understandable - surprisingly it wasn't awkward. We continue to watch and I saw on his shorts he had a full hard on. I thought fuck it - and put my hand in his cock. He gave a big inhale, but didn't move my hand away. I started moving my hands and he seemed to relax a bit. I pulled his shorts and underwear and his cock jumped right out - big boy - it was a great looking cock, uncut, must be at least 7", it was all wet with pre cum.

I got close to it and I saw him hold his breath. I put his cock in my mouth and he breathed out. I could tell he was nervous, but was enjoying it. I continued to suck his dick and caress his six pack - since I had no idea if this would ever happen again, I wasted no time. He started to feel more comfortable as he started to make some movements. He stood up in front of the bed and at this point he was face fucking me. It was delicious.

Considering he didn't have sex for three weeks, I imagined he wouldn't last long. He told me he was getting close and he told me to swallow. I guess he picked up from our conversations that I liked a dominant guy. He blew the biggest load in my mouth. He pushed his cock all the way in when he came; I almost choked. I looked up and he looked relieved. I played with his cum in my tongue and licking his cock - I could tell he loved it. He told me he wasn't used to cumming on the mouth, but it felt amazing.

We went to the bathroom to clean up, and he acted as if nothing had happened lol. A new bond had begun.

We watched another episode of Friends and I told him I would go home. He asked if I was coming back on Saturday (He didn't have much stuff to move at that point). I told him I could if he needed help. He said "Yeah, that would be great."

So I came back the next day...
Great story.
I need a hungry mouth and throat like you here in E Tn.