Before you knew you were hung, did porn actors seem "normal" sized?


Legendary Member
Jan 31, 2023
Oregon, USA
90% Straight, 10% Gay
I actually had this dicks-cussion with @MDM8 which got me curious: Before that 1st comment about how big your dick is, did you watch porn and think, yeah, a couple of those guys are hung, but everyone else is like me or smaller? I had this seriously skewed view of what "hung porn actors" meant, because I was 6.5" x 5" *already*, and porn actors all supposedly have these monster dongs. This'll date me, but I worked in a video store back then (ahh, the 1980s) and had access to hundreds of porn titles, so I watched a decent amount, and couldn't help but think yeah, that John Holmes guy has a big dick, and maybe one or two others, but otherwise? Everyone looked "normal" to me, or SMALL! I remember even thinking that Peter North and I are about the exact same size.

Anyone else experience something like this? Porn has really rocked us all as far as body dysmorphia goes. Even those of us with big dicks!
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It had never dawned on me that other hung guys might have had this exact same experience! I assume that goes for younger guys these days, who see actors like Shane diesel and Danny D and think, ok, those are the big guys. The rest of these dudes? Average and 7”, just like ME!
This is a great topic and one I have been thinking about lately. Because I grew up in the 70s and 80s (before home videos) I started getting comments on my size from teammates on sports teams. A lot of comments, but they are all based on flaccid size. But as a heterosexual guy, even after I became sexually active the only comments you get are reactions from girlfriends (which a lot of women are not very comfortable talking about). Once I started watching porn, and actually saw men with hard ons, did I start to realize that I was bigger than them. It wasn't for a few years that it became clear that the porn actors were considered big and huge that it made more sense. As heterosexual guys we don't see other dicks and we have no idea of our size except for the comments we get. Luckily I was as big or bigger than all the men in porn, but it must be very confusing for hetero men who are small or normal becuase the only thing they have to compare to are large porn penises.
This is a great topic and one I have been thinking about lately. Because I grew up in the 70s and 80s (before home videos) I started getting comments on my size from teammates on sports teams. A lot of comments, but they are all based on flaccid size. But as a heterosexual guy, even after I became sexually active the only comments you get are reactions from girlfriends (which a lot of women are not very comfortable talking about). Once I started watching porn, and actually saw men with hard ons, did I start to realize that I was bigger than them. It wasn't for a few years that it became clear that the porn actors were considered big and huge that it made more sense. As heterosexual guys we don't see other dicks and we have no idea of our size except for the comments we get. Luckily I was as big or bigger than all the men in porn, but it must be very confusing for hetero men who are small or normal becuase the only thing they have to compare to are large porn penises.
Great response! No joke – can you imagine being 5.2 inches, hearing the BS Kinsey report that average is “5 to 7 inches”, and then consuming large amounts of porn, pre-Internet? It must’ve been really eye-opening in 2015 for a ton of guys when that study came out that settled on 5.16 inches as the actual, average length. What a relief for them…and what an eye-opener for us!

I thought about my locker room experiences as well from high school, and remembered always thinking how tiny everyone looked flaccid versus me. But I never made the next step in logic of, “Ohhh, maybe I’M the different one?”

I had 3 sexual partners before I was 20, until I met my first wife; she’s six years older than I am, so she was 26 and had been with over 30 guys. She took one look at my dick, and was like, holy shit, you are HUGE. That was when I knew for sure. And then every single person after has had plenty to say about how large I am. We really are like unicorns, aren’t we?
Seeing porn for the first time in the early 1980s, in adult theaters, I thought I was average. The 'big guys' of that era, (John Holmes, Peter North, Ron Jeremy, etc.) I believe were/are bigger than my 7" by 6". At the same time, there were tons of other male stars that looked comparable to me, and quite a few who looked to be smaller than me.

So, basically I thought I was 'average' sized .... until the results of a penis size survey were published on the then-new web. An other studies were published, and eventually sites that consolidated data like became available.

But, like many others, my first girlfriend told me I was huge, then my 2nd, then my 3rd, etc. Literally every single woman who has seen me erect have all said the same thing. A few of those women were very sexually liberated and had experienced dozens of men before me, so it was a great confidence boost to hear it totally unsolicited from them.
I actually had this dicks-cussion with @MDM8 which got me curious: Before that 1st comment about how big your dick is, did you watch porn and think, yeah, a couple of those guys are hung, but everyone else is like me or smaller? I had this seriously skewed view of what "hung porn actors" meant, because I was 6.5" x 5" *already*, and porn actors all supposedly have these monster dongs. This'll date me, but I worked in a video store back then (ahh, the 1980s) and had access to hundreds of porn titles, so I watched a decent amount, and couldn't help but think yeah, that John Holmes guy has a big dick, and maybe one or two others, but otherwise? Everyone looked "normal" to me, or SMALL! I remember even thinking that Peter North and I are about the exact same size.

Anyone else experience something like this? Porn has really rocked us all as far as body dysmorphia goes. Even those of us with big dicks!
Aside from the truly abnormally huge guys... I thought everything was normal. Then if there was a normal sized guy thrown in, I'd think why did they use someone so small?
Aside from the truly abnormally huge guys... I thought everything was normal. Then if there was a normal sized guy thrown in, I'd think why did they use someone so small?
Heh, I always would think the exact same thing. What’s up with this little guy? And who did he know did get in on this?!
  • Haha
Reactions: Jon1971
I always thought there was something wrong with me. Then learned that I was just bigger . Still hot knowing that I’m bigger than porn stars
No joke, right? When I lived in the San Fernando Valley, in LA (porn-central), my girlfriend was a bartender at a neighborhood place and had a regular who was a working porn actress (Georgia...something. I can't remeber). I guess late one night, my gf showed her a soft and hard pic of my cock. Days later, I pull up to my gf's work to pick her up, and Georgia's out front, smoking. She yells, "Hey! You've got a NICE dick!" as I walked towards her...and about 3 other regulars. I was stunned, so she started laughing and said she meant it, then went on to say that I'd be considered really big in the biz - not Mandingo, Danny D, Shane Diesel kind of crazy-size, but higher up there. She then said she'd never seen a dick like mine off of a porn set(!) Meanwhile, the dude and two other chicks smoking I am SURE were listening in.

It made me think of when Tommy Lee said he first found out he's hung: He started fucking porn actresses, and every one of them commented on his size :) Oh, and nice, big, dong ya got there!
I grew up in 70s, drafted into army late 70s, and entered civilian life 80s.
Many jokes, comments in showers(they were all open then, urinals were piss troughs, not porcelain with dividers).
Few guys had seen me hard, and the few porn mags saw, (porn was banned here) made me think I was normal.
Then started hanging out at Sandy Bay, Cape Town's nude beach, where the boys noticed me, and I popped a boner or 2, and I got a LOT of attention.
Was young and innocent, but enjoyed the attention.
Now after numerous long and short term relationships, and after being on here since 2007, I know my place in the dong pecking order.
I was lucky in the genetic lottery.
Another one that struck me as odd before I knew that I had abnormal girth, is when a guy in porn had a long dick, but average girth. I'd think, yeah, its long, but really skinny.
Heh, same here - I knew I wasn't alone in this subject. This is all fascinating. Particularly because you can't just start up this conversation out of nowhere with your everyday friends without sounding like a lunatic.
I actually had this dicks-cussion with @MDM8 which got me curious: Before that 1st comment about how big your dick is, did you watch porn and think, yeah, a couple of those guys are hung, but everyone else is like me or smaller? I had this seriously skewed view of what "hung porn actors" meant, because I was 6.5" x 5" *already*, and porn actors all supposedly have these monster dongs. This'll date me, but I worked in a video store back then (ahh, the 1980s) and had access to hundreds of porn titles, so I watched a decent amount, and couldn't help but think yeah, that John Holmes guy has a big dick, and maybe one or two others, but otherwise? Everyone looked "normal" to me, or SMALL! I remember even thinking that Peter North and I are about the exact same size.

Anyone else experience something like this? Porn has really rocked us all as far as body dysmorphia goes. Even those of us with big dicks!
I'm not huge but I am larger than average. I thought the porn actors generally looked very large. I think my mental evolution was more noticing how camera work can make someone look much larger than they actually are. The same guy could look radically different sizes based on the angle and it was clear small actresses were being used to accentuate size. I would start to pay closer attention to the really massive guys and compare a woman's hand on the shaft to a hand on my shaft and the difference wasn't as radical as the impression I was getting. There are definitely guys much bigger than me but over time I started to realize the difference wasn't as great as I thought.