Being A Muslim/jewish Circumcised In Europe




So there are already many threads about circumcision which are really interesting but on this one I want to speak exclusively of religious circumcision. In a European context - I live in France - almost all circumcised guys had been circumcised for religious reasons. It was my case coming from an Muslim family and it's part of becoming a man to have it circumcision done for us.

When I was a young boy I didn't notice the difference with white french boys, and I didn't care. But after some years, at soccer in high school mostly, being the only Muslim guy of the team I had some joke (not mean) from my team about it in the shower. And then during my all life (30 y.o now) it happened many time that people did comments or joke about it even when they did not see me naked.

Some example of those experiences :

  • it happened at least with 2 girls that I fucked that she started to made comment about it when they saw my dick for the first time and then started asking me(after sex like pillow talk) about my religion, if it was painful when I was cut etc
  • on grindr happened a lot of time that guys came and said things about wanted a circumcised arab dick, and some guys that I fucked or blowed me said things like « I love your arab cock »
  • comments in communal shower as I said or at urinal
  • once at the doctor office, a doctor said « except of your circumcision have you been already through surgery» without having seing my medical record so just guessed by my name
  • few years ago at lunch with several colleagues one was talking about his son phimosis and asked me advices about my circumcision in front of the others even if I never talked to them about it.
So after those many experiences, the idea that some people talk about my penis and knew something about my penis just by knowing my name/seeing my face (which are both arabic lol) became a big turn on.

Also now when I’m in a communal shower for sport and that I’m the only naked circumcised guy it’s turn me on too cause other guys have their dickhead hidden and I’m the only one showing my glans, kind of a hot forced exposure.

Would like to have the opinion/testify of other Muslim guys; white guys who already have those kind of thought about muslim; or jewish in the same case (I think it's even stronger for Jewish cause it's a more knowing fact than for Muslim)

Thanks, I really enjoy LPSG for being a place were we can talk with other guys about those subjects !
Not really. I think the majority of people in germany knows that almost all turks are muslims and that muslims are cut. They expect that. Sometimes I get asked about when it was done, at what age and if it had hurt or not. That´s all. Sexually of course it´s a bit different. For some german guys it´s like a fetish. Some wanted me to fuck them "with my turkish sword/saber" or with my "muslim sword/saber", stuff like that. Which is kinda a turn-on but when you really think about it later it´s also a bit funny.
I am neither Muslim, nor Jewish, but I am a circumcised European (done at 21, personal preference, no medical reasons). I was asked once if I was Jewish based on what I can only imagine was my circumcision, but the person did not probe any further and I just changed the subject. Another time a close female friend of mine joked that I could check out another guy at the urinals and see if he was Jewish, to which I had to reply that in fact not all circumcised men are Jewish. I then got asked if I was and we had a fairly detailed chat about it at the end of which she was surprised to learn that most circumcised men are in fact not Jewish.
I‘m a bit biased since it‘s a fetish of mine so it‘s always on my mind.
I‘d think normies don’t think much about it but just assume an Oriental looking guy to be cut.
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