Being asked to be a bull while religious


Sexy Member
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Aug 13, 2024

Being religious and well endowed is a bit difficult. It’s not meant to be an excuse but when people sexualize you for what you have genetically it opens up doors you have to say no to.

Often enough due to my height, fitness, and being well endowed (9.5”); I get asked to join couples in threesomes or as a bull.

I’m left conflicted. I know for the couple it is up to the couple deciding it. And I’m very flattered and honoured to be asked to join them. I love the idea of being able to share and make them feel amazing. I like to tell myself what I have is a gift to share. But at the same time I feel like long term I’d harm them, that their sexual expression in their relationship should remain with them.

How do other well endowed guys deal with this ? I don’t think it’s right to give in and join them even if it’s all consented. But wondering thoughts.
As a religious person in my opinion and in my experience. I’ve recently started to
Practice and deepen my faith . So to me it feel kinda shitty giving my body away to someone I don’t have a connection with or like . And in the case of having sex with people In marriages it makes me feel even more inclined to say no. Pleasure sometimes comes with consequences and sometimes it’s not even consequences that will affect you but someone else or someone’s else’s marriage . It’s better to use discernment and better judgment to make the decision on who and who not to sleep with.
As a religious person in my opinion and in my experience. I’ve recently started to
Practice and deepen my faith . So to me it feel kinda shitty giving my body away to someone I don’t have a connection with or like . And in the case of having sex with people In marriages it makes me feel even more inclined to say no. Pleasure sometimes comes with consequences and sometimes it’s not even consequences that will affect you but someone else or someone’s else’s marriage . It’s better to use discernment and better judgment to make the decision on who and who not to sleep with.
Are you also thinking that joining couples at all is a bad decision ?
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Being religious and well endowed is a bit difficult. It’s not meant to be an excuse but when people sexualize you for what you have genetically it opens up doors you have to say no to.

Often enough due to my height, fitness, and being well endowed (9.5”); I get asked to join couples in threesomes or as a bull.

I’m left conflicted. I know for the couple it is up to the couple deciding it. And I’m very flattered and honoured to be asked to join them. I love the idea of being able to share and make them feel amazing. I like to tell myself what I have is a gift to share. But at the same time I feel like long term I’d harm them, that their sexual expression in their relationship should remain with them.

How do other well endowed guys deal with this ? I don’t think it’s right to give in and join them even if it’s all consented. But wondering thoughts.
If one were hung and religious, as you claim, then I would expect them to "deal with" it without boast or conflict. Simply, put, hung men tend not to lay out their resumes as you did, and moral men do what they know is right, no matter the temptation, and refuse to do what is wrong. They are not conflicted as a result.
when people sexualize you for what you have genetically it opens up doors you have to say no to.
^^For people without your self-imposed sexual restrictions, mutual attraction and sexual desire actually opens the door to saying "Yes". Instead of dictating to others that they must say "No", please confirm whether or not you have ever had sex as an unmarried person. What is your religion & does it even permit that?
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Being religious and well endowed is a bit difficult. It’s not meant to be an excuse but when people sexualize you for what you have genetically it opens up doors you have to say no to.

Often enough due to my height, fitness, and being well endowed (9.5”); I get asked to join couples in threesomes or as a bull.

I’m left conflicted. I know for the couple it is up to the couple deciding it. And I’m very flattered and honoured to be asked to join them. I love the idea of being able to share and make them feel amazing. I like to tell myself what I have is a gift to share. But at the same time I feel like long term I’d harm them, that their sexual expression in their relationship should remain with them.

How do other well endowed guys deal with this ? I don’t think it’s right to give in and join them even if it’s all consented. But wondering thoughts.
I'm not sure what penis size has anything to do with this?

Regardless, I'm not sure what the conflict is in this situation? As you say if you don't think it's right, then why are you conflicted? I just don't understand.
If one were hung and religious, as you claim, then I would expect them to "deal with" it without boast or conflict. Simply, put, hung men tend not to lay out their resumes as you did, and moral men do what they know is right, no matter the temptation, and refuse to do what is wrong. They are not conflicted as a result.
You’re judgmental af and annoying . First of all he can be conflicted , just because you have morals don’t mean you don’t get tempted and the temptation causes conflict-ion in one’s self. But obviously you’re not religious or moral so why did you come in here to judge him? Instead of bringing all the bs and shame for no reason, why didn’t you come with something helpful to say? “ hung men tend to not lay out there resumes” he’s not other hung men so who cares what and why they do it ? He did it , he doesn’t have to be like everybody else because they have a “ standard” he’s his own person and he asked a question. In every thread you have something negative to say . I wish you would delete your account and go somewhere else .
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I'm not sure what penis size has anything to do with this?

Regardless, I'm not sure what the conflict is in this situation? As you say if you don't think it's right, then why are you conflicted? I just don't understand.
Damn conflict can happen weather you think something is right or wrong. I know it’s not right to spend all my money at chick fil a but I can be conflicted if I hungry enough. Basically his question was “ I wanna sleep with this couple because I’m horny but it’s against what I believe in” which is a natural conflicting thing that happens between the mind and the flesh ( body) . Which is fine it happens you can’t control that . But it’s obvious that most people that. Commented after I did wouldn’t know that because y’all jump into bed with every Charles , Dequan or Kyle . And in this case every Kelly and Regis .
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this is true in my experience as well... read up on BDE
Everybody’s experience ain’t he same omg . And just because Jack and Justin and all his friends did it doesn’t mean that he has to . He is his own person. If he wanna lay out a map guide to his dick and sell it on eBay for $25 and a dildo he can do that. He doesn’t have to be like everybody else because y’all want him to be or that what experience or expect. These comments are just pitiful, it says a lot about you.
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Damn conflict can happen whether you think something is right or wrong. I know it’s not right to spend all my money at chick fil a but I can be conflicted if I hungry enough. Basically his question was “ I wanna sleep with this couple because I’m horny but it’s against what I believe in” which is a natural conflicting thing that happens between the mind and the flesh ( body) . Which is fine it happens you can’t control that . But it’s obvious that most people that. Commented after I did wouldn’t know that because y’all jump into bed with every Charles , Dequan or Kyle . And in this case every Kelly and Regis .
Thanks brother, you get it more.
It is easy for others to say don’t do something in two spots. When they don’t care. But also when they do but can’t. It’s easy to say “we’ll just don’t do x” if x isn’t something you could even do in the first place.

I’m looking more on ways to manage this temptation. I also made another thread about how people know other guys are hung. Because there are existing people in my life that know I’m well endowed and word has spread. But also new people know too somehow.
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I've fucked a lot of churchy women. They like as much or more than anyone. I love when they can't quite bring themselves to talk dirty.
It sounds like stereotyping to me, as well as denigrating women with religious beliefs as "churchy." Would you be so quick to stereotype other people of other faiths or beliefs, or do you enjoy an immunity because it is accepted to stereotype and denigrate one type of religious belief in this country?
If it's against your principles, then don't. If you are open to the experience yourself but feel you might be causing an intrusion in their relationship, then you should have an honest conversation with them so they know where you're coming from. I'm not a religious person; however, if jumping into bed with a couple would cause them a crisis of faith, I would decline the encounter.
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