Being Vague About Size



Hello All!

So I'm engaged (and happy af about it), and me and my lady have wonderful sex. When we first started dating she never mentioned to me if I was large or otherwise. She was the first woman to do this. She did make a string of comments which were lovely, but kind of vague. I wasn't used to this so I was up front about how she felt about it (she knows of an ex who tried to shame me related to my size before) and she let me know again in a round about way that she felt it was impressive. Dope! All of that is in the past now and penis size related convos are never had. However when I did discuss this with her she told me very literally she NEVER tells a guy he is big. Period. Deosnt matter if he was hung to his ankles.

Now I get that to a degree because the male ego right? But I've never heard a woman flat out say they never give that title away.

Does anyone else follow similarly? If so, why?
Umm cuz most women don't care? Like, pick out the dude for various non-peen related attributes. After that? Does he use what he's got in a generous and pleasuring way? Yes. Dope!

Cuz dudes care lots of women feel pressured to tell a guy he's big. To never mention a larger peen. Some women can't be assed to pander. I am one of those women.

My boy has the prettiest cock. Just chef kiss levels of awesome cock. My affection for him has not one bit to do with penial dimensions.

I am far more stoked by him being taller than I am.

Also. Dope is one of my favorite words!
Hahaha! I love it. And I get that. I'm short myself, but at the same time I've never cared whether a woman was taller than me. While some feel self concious about height. My fiance is actually the same height as me and jokes about it lol.

I think what initally got me about it was I make sure to compliment her about her whole body cause I love it. And I'd never hold back from telling her about how any part of her body was to my liking. However for her she said plenty about my arms, face, chest, etc etc. But nothing about my manhood. It made me feel like it was unimpressive to her. Which wouldnt bother me. But the logic makes more sense in hindsight.
I never mention size. It is what it is. I’m far more impressed with other characteristics, Penis size being a total non-issue.

Plus, after being here for over a decade? Guys freakin’ obsess over their penises. No way am I contributing to that. I don’t want to talk about size, I don’t want anything I say to come back to me. All that penis insecurity would make me run.
As a woman who has had at least one partner ask if I’d ever had larger than him, and well remembers the discomfort of how to answer, I’m going with ‘she likely doesn’t care.”

Answering was so awkward. We were newly lovers, and I get that he needed some reassurance that I was fully satisfied, and men are peen centric by design.

But, as we all know from believing the women here, who have zippo interest in stroking anything of the members, let alone ego, size only matters with outliers, and those require patience and skill.

Any two bodies will have points of compatibility (I am an excellent small spoon, and because my height is all legs, I make a decent large spoon. With my new lover, our bodies just fit across the board. I’m enough smaller that he gets a sense of being taller and stronger, at a low-medium height.)
Any two bodies will have points of incompatibility. (Some positions I dig won’t work because of the angle differences in a peen and my pelvis)
you can work with them (pillows, positions)

What matters is you enjoy one another physically, even as changes come.

Mazel tov on your engagement!

Love each other for who you are and never hate each other for who you aren’t.