Bending it back


Experimental Member
Mar 2, 2005
I noticed my penis starting to curve at age 11. It gets annoying when I get an erection when my penis is facing the other direction that its curved, some times it hurts depending on the erection. Is there any non sergical way to fix this problem.
Im curved about 20 degs. to the left.
My dick is curved, upward like a banana.
I always hated it, because i had never seen another one like that.
Little did i know how often a dick is curved.

I dont think there is anything you can do about it.
Mine has always curved to the right, never really paid much attention to it until recently. Just knew that if I was hanging down the left side of my pants, it wouldn't be a good day until that changed :)
gamma_phi: I'm curved to the left, and just as Altairion stated, if it's not hanging left in the pants, it's not gonna be a good day until it is. Peyronnie's Disease is the only thing I can think of regarding extreme penile curvature. I THINK there is some sort of surgical procedure involved in removing scar tissue and possibly making the penis straighter, but this removing of scar tissue will ultimately cause some scarring of the tissue that's left so it might still curve a bit, just not as extreme - and extreme being something like an angle greater than 50 degrees or something stupid like that (not sure, but you can look it up
I'm not too well caught up on my reading about it so...).
Originally posted by that_dude@Mar 4 2005, 06:19 AM
I noticed my penis starting to curve at age 11. It gets annoying when I get an erection when my penis is facing the other direction that its curved, some times it hurts depending on the erection. Is there any non sergical way to fix this problem.
Im curved about 20 degs. to the left.
[post=288208]Quoted post[/post]​

Even i do have a curve, but its more towards the floor rather than sideways. i guess it might have been due to my wearing tight undies or sum thin.
however that prevents me from erecting at 90 degrees. that kind of worries me especially after i see the porn movies where men have the thing sticking out of them . i guess sometime when im a lil more rich ill go visit a doc. may be a lady doc though!
Originally posted by txquis@Mar 4 2005, 06:29 AM
My dick is curved, upward like a banana.
I always hated it, because i had never seen another one like that.
Little did i know how often a dick is curved.

I dont think there is anything you can do about it.
[post=288210]Quoted post[/post]​

The perfect curve for head from the 69 position, as I imagine you well know, txquis. I'm sure this is one reason I think they're so hot.