Best Looking Twins?

Though Finn is my favorite, I thought you guys might like this video of Jack.


OMG... I'd never heard of them until seeing this post, I have now spent all afternoon and evening watching all their videos!! Obsessed?!?!?!

I think that's both of them doing the jump. Jack has black tape and Finn has tan coloured tape.

After watching the videos, the two are quite different in looks, voice and personality. Finn is the better looking bit Jack is much more fun.
Wow, aside from being cute... what's really great is they are truly fun to watch. I've just burned 3+ hours watching their videos and it was a lot of fun. The challenge videos are especially funny!

Thanks so much... actual entertainment!
Wow, aside from being cute... what's really great is they are truly fun to watch. I've just burned 3+ hours watching their videos and it was a lot of fun.

Tell me about it... damn LPSG, damn you, am now fixated!!

Have started watching their vids recorded on YouNow, they're not the same production standard but hilarious to watch and you really see that they have extremely different personalities. If you visit Jack Harries - YouTube and then click on Live Stream then you'll see them all saved in there. Just watched 2 x 1 hour ones.
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In closing... as twin the discussion and objectification of twins is often disheartening, but to answer the question my brother and I have always been and always will be the best looking twins.

Thank you.