Bi bottom on PrEP: ready and confident for 1st bathhouse/sauna experience, but have questions


Cherished Member
Jan 5, 2022
Oakland, California,United States
80% Straight, 20% Gay
Hi all,

There's a Steamworks in Berkeley, which is nearby where I live. After years of fantasizing, I'm confident that I'm ready to show up, walk in, and enjoy the experience - whatever it may be.

Briefly for context: I'm in my 30s, shy/introverted, bi, very discreet, and masc. An older bi gentleman I met through Silverdaddies encouraged me to get on PrEP for its obvious protective health benefits, as well as peace of mind. I followed through and found that PrEP allowed me to relax and enjoy the entire experience. Polar opposite from condoms. PrEP has really helped break down some long-standing mental walls for me. Because of that, I'm confident and ready to show up and check out Steamworks and get dicked down in the process.

Here are my questions:

  • Older tops are my type. Generally starting at around 50 years old. What days/times are best to find these studs?
  • This is an extreme example, but assume 10 men ejaculate in my ass over the course of several hours and I keep the loads inside. Will the 2-1-1 PrEP dosing strategy be sufficient to protect me from potential HIV exposure given the huge volume of fluids put into my body?
  • I'm due for an annual exam. What other vaccines should I plan on getting (HepC, HPV)?
  • PrEP covers HIV and other STIs are treatable/curable. ,What should I be concerned about or pay attention to?
  • What are possible red flags to look out for, based on your experience?
Please add anything else you think is noteworthy. Thank you kindly for your time and feedback
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the best advice I could give is to lower your expectations and go more frequently instead of assuming you'll have the horniest time of your life the first time going

there's always the chance of running into someone using T/Tina/crystal meth--- that's the main red flag

weekend nights are usually the busiest, weekdays will be more of the senior crowd, weekend days somewhat too--- 35-55 is the average age for most US bathhouses

gonorrhea and syphillis are big concerns for bottoming for 10 different guys in a night so be warned and be prepared for what your treatment plan will be for those--- always treatable, but def a pain in the ass

be on the *regular* prep dosing schedule anyways
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I'm due for an annual exam. What other vaccines should I plan on getting (HepC, HPV)?

Currently there is no vaccine for HepC but there are for Hep A & B. Get those.

There's a vaccine for HPV but you may have already been exposed which is one of the reasons it's recommended in youth before people (male & female) become sexually active. It is available for adults as well.

There's no FDA approved test for HPV in men (there is for women as part of a Pap smear).

There are like 170+ varieties of HPV. If you've ever had warts of any kind that's HPV. The octet vaccine covers the eight most common varieties which have been linked to cancer so far.

You may have been exposed to all the above already if you've been sexually active. Check with your GP. Get an STI panel done. Get tested regularly once you become active.

The bathhouse culture gave/gives me the creeps. I knew too many men who used them who died in the epidemic. I have always used condoms with guys to reduce risk--and with almost all female partners as well. I'm 60. I had sex with guys right through the 80s & 90s and avoided HIV by using condoms. Still I get tested regularly.

HPV Vaccine

Division of Viral Hepatitis | CDC