
It is the navy seal theme that I remember
He produced more than one video with the navy seal theme. From the list, whatever was labeled navy seal there is gone. I do remember that video though even though it was short. Someone might have downloaded it.
I do enjoy his videos because he does something different compared to the usual “porn style”.

Although some of the crap he bangs on about on X I can’t help but roll my eyes at. About fisting being a spiritual experience. Well I’m not saying it’s not, but I’m certain there’s other ways to be spiritual besides getting your asshole obliterated.

The one with the marine and Devin Franco remain his best ever.
I have read online and this very forum that Bic12 has had allegations of drugging the bottoms in order to fist. Anyone know anything more?
I read it. i don't know. While reading it, It just reminded me of someone i knew who had drug induced paranoia and was accusing other friends of various things.