Photo Bkieo model

hes a model and did a lot of stock images for exercising. they photoshop his chest tattoos off in the product images, and i cant find source images for the various products he's modelled for. but i can confirm he is a model.
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Don't have a name, but I do love the underwear!
Besides photo-shopping his tattoos, I'm sure he shaves his body too. Many fitness models do, but that handsome stubble on his chin hints that he probably has a hairy body. I'd love to see him unshaven.
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More pictures, from BKIEO’s pinterest. They decided to leave in the chest tattoos. Normally, I’m not into chest tattoos but this guy’s tattoo aren’t too distracting. Was hoping to find a name based on who the company follows on their social media, no hits so far1723576616202.jpeg

