The first Straightfraternity video with Parker might fit this description. The back story is that a guy with the nickname "Boner" got recruited to "audition" for Ryan, the site owner in the 2000s. Boner referred two of his buddies to the site, probably for a fee, and both of them auditioned.
What Boner apparently didn't tell either of his friends was that Ryan got a little handsy during his audition. In Parker's audition, he does a little interview, strips naked, plays with his dick, then he stands up and Ryan puts some oil on him, to make his muscles stand out. This includes oiling up his dick.
When Parker lays back on the bed, Ryan grabs his dick, and the following exchange takes place at about 10:02--
PARKER: Uh…did Boner do this?
RYAN: Yeah, Boner, Boner did a lot during his auditon.
PARKER: Oh. Okay.
RYAN: Wanna see his tape?
PARKER: Uh, I just don’t remember him…mentioning this to me.
RYAN: Don’t ask, don’t tell.
Parker watches the video and Ryan keeps stroking him. At 12:28 Ryan puts his mouth near the base of Parker's cock, and when he doesn't react, Ryan starts licking the head and sucking his dick. He blows him for most of the rest of the video.