Brazil Escorting?


Sexy Member
Oct 11, 2021
100% Gay, 0% Straight
I was watching a podcast on YouTube and the guy (who does porn work) was explaining how there are not many good companies etc in Brazil, so a lot of the young women turn to escorting once they turn 18 because there is no other options for women without a degree or the like. They make OnlyFans and then get sugar daddies from that and then partner up.

He mentioned men, in particular from the USA, will come for a weekend, and hire escorts "on the cheap" (like $100), have sex with 3-4 and then go back and live their life. He said the women are now trying to move to other places, like Spain, where they continue to work "menial" jobs, but be escorts on the side and charge $500 or so.

Is this true/real? I was wondering if this was true for men too?

(FWIW I am gay so not looking for sources, more just curious from an educational point of view)
Brazilian here. I wouldn't say it's untrue, but that's a very dumb way of putting it.

Of course the lack of opportunity causes women (and men) to look for sex work, but that's true almost everywhere. As it's true that there are people going into sex work because they like it and because it's profitable, especially in the current days of the digital influencer who is a hot person making money from ads and personal content.

As in Europe, people with Doctor's degrees and who speak two or more languages are doing sex work. If you're white, educated and in your best shape, you do high-end escorting. Isn't that true everywhere?

Now, fact is our money is highly undervalued in comparison to currencies like the US dollar or the euro or the sterling pound. It's the world economy. So what looks like "just" 100 dollars for a 2-hour service (or so) makes up almost a third of a month's worth of minimum wage. That's the difference and why it's worth it for both parties.

And yes, it's true for men too, but as in everywhere else, the market for male sex work is different. The very same way.
Brazilian here. I wouldn't say it's untrue, but that's a very dumb way of putting it.

Of course the lack of opportunity causes women (and men) to look for sex work, but that's true almost everywhere. As it's true that there are people going into sex work because they like it and because it's profitable, especially in the current days of the digital influencer who is a hot person making money from ads and personal content.

As in Europe, people with Doctor's degrees and who speak two or more languages are doing sex work. If you're white, educated and in your best shape, you do high-end escorting. Isn't that true everywhere?

Now, fact is our money is highly undervalued in comparison to currencies like the US dollar or the euro or the sterling pound. It's the world economy. So what looks like "just" 100 dollars for a 2-hour service (or so) makes up almost a third of a month's worth of minimum wage. That's the difference and why it's worth it for both parties.

And yes, it's true for men too, but as in everywhere else, the market for male sex work is different. The very same way.
Very good points, thank you!