Breaking Bryce (Fit younger/ugly older)


Expert Member
Sep 9, 2019
Portland (Oregon, United States)

TAGS: Fit younger/ugly older pairing, blackmail, use of some slurs, manipulation

Note: Hi friends! This is my first story here, so please let me know your feedback and any improvements you'd like. Photo reference for the star of this story is pictured above. I was inspired by the works of studstealer ("My Jock"), Gengoroh Tagame's "Pride" manga, and Jock Cummings' ongoing "Brandon" series and thought I'd try my hand at writing something myself.
Man, what a dump, thought Bryce.

Just like Gerald had said, the rest stop was entirely empty - Bryce hadn’t seen a single other car in the tiny parking lot when he pulled in - and he could now see the reason why. Calling it a rest stop was generous given there were only two buildings, one consisting of a glorified waiting room with a pair of flickering vending machines and the other consisting of the run-down bathroom he had the displeasure of finding himself in. Of the three sinks, two had cracked and dust-covered mirrors above them and one was filled with a small pool of brown, foul-smelling water. Trash spewed out of the overflowing trash can in the corner onto the grimy tiled floor which must have once been checkered black and white but was now a uniform muddy gray. The standard public bathroom eau de parfum - a rank mix of dried piss, shit, and other unmentionable bodily fluids that seemed even more pungent than usual with the sweltering mid-July heat - was just the perfect fucking cherry on top.

“How long is it gonna take this fucker to get here?” Bryce muttered as he pulled out his phone to check his messenger app again. Sure enough, still no new texts from Gerald since his last message that he was on the way - and that had been almost an hour ago. Maybe the guy was just pulling his leg when he’d agreed to meet late at night for one of their sessions. They usually did this on Fridays so Bryce would have the weekends free to hang out and hit up parties with his friends; don’t mix business and pleasure, as the saying went. Still, given he’d deliberately ghosted Gerald for nearly a month until the man had begged him, blowing up his inbox with hundreds of unread messages, to meet him in person and give him real, solid cash, Bryce doubted Gerald would miss out now. A smirk crossed his face at the thought of draining a hefty $5,000 dollars this time, enough to pay for the weekend to Ibiza he’d planned with his bros for next week and still have plenty left over.

Angling his phone behind the non-broken mirror, Bryce pulled up his shirt and snapped a pic of his chest and abs. Hurry up fag, master’s got shit to do, he texted Gerald, a flash of amusement crossing his face as he saw an instant read notification and a hasty response that Gerald was 10 minutes from arriving.

Paypigs like Gerald were so easy to game once you knew which buttons to push. Of course, having the right assets helped too. At 19, years of playing baseball and basketball had left an undeniable impression on Bryce’s physique, and once he’d started college and traded sports for lifting full-time, the results had only gotten clearer. Broad shoulders with rounded delts wrapped around a solid neck, traveling down to a pair of thick biceps and forearms corded with well-trained muscle. His pecs were full and plump, earning the teasing envy of several of the girls he’d hooked up with, and each capped with a pert, rosy nipple. His 5’10 frame was supported by sturdy quads and calves, enough to comfortably fill out any pants he wore and covered in a light dusting of sandy brown hair. It wasn’t just his legs though - baseball and regular time at the squat rack had built him a deliciously juicy, perky ass, big enough he had to shimmy his way into jeans and the reason he usually tucked in the backs of his shirts. Other people deserved to see the goods, after all.

Blue-eyed, tanned, and with a full head of fluffy brown curls and a cocksure grin, Bryce had the face and body most people his age (and older) could only dream of - a modern day all-American jock practically engineered to be posted on Instagram and Tiktok for them to lust after. Bryce knew it too, which was why he’d gotten into findom in the first place. A friend’s brother who was currently playing football for Ohio State had let him in on the secret right after Bryce had started his freshman year of college. There was a whole underworld out there of seedy men who would pay handsomely for the privilege of being allowed into his orbit, selling away their savings and lives in return for nothing but degradation and submission.

“It’s so easy bro,” that brother had said as the two of them watched one of his most recent conquests - a 47 year-old middle manager at some no-name company sitting naked inside his living room - oinking and taking hit after hit of poppers. “These fags literally get off on doing what we tell them, and the more fucked up the better. Like, I got some old guy to empty half his retirement fund last month. Literally thanking me the whole time, ‘please drain me more sir’, ‘I’m such a faggot sir’, that kind of shit. They worship dudes like us - you just gotta get yourself out there, and you’ll be raking in stacks in no time.”

So, taking the advice and with some assistance to find the right sites to market himself on, Bryce started as a findom in December. By April, Bryce had taken on five paypigs and had dozens more clamoring to make him their master daily. Cashmaster_Bry was the name passed reverently around Telegram chats, everyone dying to get a glimpse of the college stud who’d rocketed onto the scene. True to the brother’s word, Bryce found the game ridiculously easy, almost pathetic at times; all he had to do was treat these men like shit, log in a few times for video chats or calls, and the money rolled in. They just lapped it up, and why wouldn’t they? For these sad men - probably lonely and unpopular in their youth, now no less embarrassing in their middle age - receiving the attention of a young stud like him was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, something that would never happen organically because of the people that they were.

Gerald was the first of and one of Bryce’s highest-paying cashpigs. They’d started off chatting on Telegram, Bryce cautiously sussing the other man out to see if he was serious. When Gerald had sent him $750 on the spot, that’s when Bryce had gotten interested. Over the past half year, Gerald had paid for numerous clothing hauls, upgrades to his car, vacations, and workout supplements. Bryce was even thinking of starting on Tren soon to give him the extra boost in the gym he wanted; he liked getting bigger, girls liked his size, and as it happened so did the rest of his stable of cashfags.

The thing with Gerald, Bryce had quickly realized, was that he was needy. Between trying to balance his classes, gym, and partying, the man’s constant requests for sessions had started to get aggravating. So over spring break, Bryce had gone no-contact and cancelled their video chat that had been planned before he left. When he flew back, he’d found that Gerald had sent him $1000 and bought his entire Amazon wishlist. The timing was almost down to the minute he stepped into his dorm, seeing the notification come up on his Cashapp just after he’d dropped his bags. It was a sign, Bryce had felt, that he could play the game with Gerald more loosely.

So, he’d cancelled their session at the end of April, citing finals studying. A day later, another deposit came for $1000. Early June he called off because he was seeing family; a few days into the vacation, $1500 showed up in his bank account. Now after a month of ignoring Gerald’s messages, he’d happened to check his messenger on a lazy afternoon and decided to entertain the request to meet at the rest stop for the accumulated payout. Bryce had even graciously agreed to a muscle worship session today; he’d just finished working out before coming here and still had a fresh pump, so thought might as well throw the proverbial dog a bone. The descriptor wasn’t too far off - Gerald’s hefty upcoming payment had Bryce in good spirits, almost a bit fond. Guys like Gerald were like his pets, albeit in a fucked up way.

Glancing through the foggy window by the bathroom door, Bryce watched a pair of headlights pull in, heard the car door slam and heavy breathing as Gerald made his way towards him. As the door opened and Gerald peeked timidly inside, Bryce gave him a perfunctory nod.

“‘Sup. You got the money?”

“Y-yeah, uh, here it is. Sir,” Gerald added hastily, holding out a bank pouch.

“Good piggy.” Unzipping the pouch, Bryce counted the rolls of bills and, satisfied, set it on the counter. “Now, because I’m feeling generous today, I’ll let you have a treat.”

He lifted up his arms and flexed, noting with no small satisfaction the way Gerald’s eyes widened and his mouth gaped. “You said you wanted to worship me, right? Well, here ya go. Get to it.”

After a dazed pause, the invitation seemed to snap Gerald back to his senses, who withdrew a plastic bag from behind his back and pulled out a bottle. Nervously, he stammered, ‘T-thank you, sir. May I…may I, uh, oil up your body? Please? Sir.”

Bryce sneered. “You really are a hungry little fag, aren’t you. Can’t get enough of master Bry, huh? Sure, go ahead - just take off my clothes first. Shirt and pants only.”

Gerald moved with brisk efficiency, lifting Bryce’s snug grey tank top over his shoulders, brushing against the silver chain that he wore around his neck. Bryce’s sweatshorts followed, folded up with the tank top and set on the edge of the cleanest sink. The stud was left standing there only in his black Nike briefs, socks, and crisp white Air Force 1s. Even in the dingy lighting of the bathroom, Bryce’s bronze skin glowed, radiant and healthy; the light sheen of sweat from his workout only accentuated his youthful musculature. In contrast, Gerald stood at a meager 5’4, his flabby belly straining the tight yellow polo he wore which was already sweat-stained under the armpits. He was pale-skinned to Bryce’s sun-kissed russet, with a scraggly brown beard and piggy, nervous eyes set into a perpetually sweaty face. Standing next to each other, the social dichotomy between them was stark - one was a winner, the other was not. One was a taker, the other was taken from.

Awkwardly, Gerald licked his lips and uncapped the bottle of coconut oil he’d brought, warming it up between his stubby hands before beginning to apply it to Bryce’s body. He started from Bryce’s traps, massaging the oil in before moving to his rounded deltoids, down to the biceps and arms, then maneuvering over to the chest. Now this was truly the piece de resistance - the way Bryce’s pecs, already firm and full by normal standards, seemed to grow even more voluptuous as the oil was rubbed in was nothing short of spectacular. Bryce clenched his jaw as Gerald’s fingers absently brushed over his nipples, the sweet pink buds standing at attention now that the cool night air had started to set in through the gaps by the roof. He’d always had a thing for having his nips played with and would often pinch and knead them when he was jerking off - maybe ask a girl to play with them if he was feeling adventurous. Still, it wasn’t something he usually advertised about himself.

From there, Gerald massaged the rest of the oil into Bryce’s solid thighs and calves, pushing back the hem of his briefs to reach more surface area. The faint boymusk from Bryce’s now exposed pits, the lingering hint of post-workout sweat, and the slightly sweet fragrance of the coconut oil began to mingle, blending into an intoxicating cocktail of pheromones that made Gerald’s mouth water.

Noticing the man’s desire, Bryce held up a finger. “Some ground rules. You can touch and smell, but no licking - don’t want that nasty mouth of yours anywhere on me. Nothing below the belt-,” he pointed to his bulge, “-and you get five minutes only. We good?”

Gerald nodded. Bryce smirked. “Then start, piggy.”

Needing no further command, Gerald’s hands began roaming up and down Bryce’s oil-slicked body, caressing each limb and muscle with complete devotion. Bryce, for his part, went through the motions as well, hitting different poses that showed off the full breadth of his commitment to the gym. Biceps bulging, quads straining, pecs practically bursting off his chest, Bryce watched Gerald working him over ravenously, soaking in the obvious hunger the man had for more - that final bit of youthful essence which would remain snug inside the pouch of his briefs, denied. Still, Gerald made a good show of it, letting his fingers dance close to the taper of Bryce’s obliques before a single look from Bryce made him turn his head, ashamed, and redirect his groping. A bit daring today, Bryce mused. It made sense though: a month away in the cruel wintry chill of rejection would make the first taste of warmth even sweeter.

When the five minutes were over, Gerald retracted his hands obediently and bowed. “Thank you for this privilege, sir.”

“Don’t mention it.”

Thumbing through the bills in the bank pouch again, Bryce slipped on his shorts, tucking his tank-top into the waistband, and headed for the door.

“Sir?” he heard Gerald call out from behind him. “C-can I see you again soon?”

“Sure, sure,” Bryce muttered noncommittally. “Might be hard though, got some other stuff planned the rest of this summer before school starts.”

“Do you want more, sir? I can pay - anything, sir, whatever you want, I’ll give.”

“Ah, but you’d do that for me anyway, right fag? I own you,” Bryce chuckled. Gerald blinked and flushed a deep shade of red, embarrassed. “Nah, I’m just fuckin’ with you, man. Although-” he hummed appreciatively, shaking the bag of bills, “-maybe if you upped your tribute next time - say, $10k? - I might let you, uh. Suck my dick and balls?”

Gerald’s head sprang up, jaw gaping, hopeful. “R-r-really?”

There was a pause before Bryce busted out laughing. “Oh my god dude, you’re so fucking gullible! The look on your face - fucking priceless, I tell you what,” he managed in between bouts of laughter. “Holy fuck. You’re such a funny guy, I’m serious. Oh, man.”

As Bryce pulled open the door, he turned to spare Gerald one last look. “Well, it’s been fun, little piggy. ‘Til next time.” He flashed the kneeling man a smile before preparing to leave.

Just as he was fishing his car keys out of his pocket, he heard another plaintive, “Sir?”

“Huh, what?”

“M-may I show you something before you go, sir?”

Weird, Bryce thought. Well, a couple more minutes couldn’t hurt. He really was getting a little tired of Gerald though, and wanted to go home to wash the sticky coconut oil off his body. Give ‘em an inch, they’ll take a mile.

Sighing, he turned back around. “What’ve you got?”

Gerald had pulled out his phone now, and as he tapped the play button on the screen, audio began to play. To his shock, Bryce recognized the voice as his own.

“Yeah, choke on it faggot!” he heard himself say, nausea blooming in his throat and the pit of his stomach. As the darkness on the screen resolved, Bryce found himself staring a video of him and a fat, older man in a rubber gimp mask. The angle was from high up, like the camera had been placed on a bookshelf. In the video, they were both sweating profusely - Bryce’s arms hit a flex behind his head, furry pits facing the viewer, while the masked man bobbed his head and tweaked his nipples on what was unmistakably Bryce’s cock, even if his flesh body was obscuring it.

Mouth drying, Bryce started, unable to look as the video continued to play out. The masked man’s slurping and moaning, coupled with Bryce’s fit, muscular body contorting in ecstasy as he had his cock greedily swallowed, made for an intensely perverse tableau. Bryce heard his own half-bitten groans as he approached his climax, the sound stirring up deep memories from within him - ones he thought he’d already forgotten about.

“You like that, fag?”

“Mmghh, yesh sir!”

“You want my fucking jock load, is that it? You want me to fucking breed that faggy throathole?”

“P-pleasssh, sir!”

“Fuck yeah, take it! Oh fuck, here it comes - oh god, fuckkkkk, I’m gonna - RAAAAAAGH!”

The eyes of the Bryce in the video rolled back as he roared in triumph, his hands coming down to pinch his pert nipples as he shuddered violently and emptied his load into the stranger’s mouth. The last thing Bryce saw before the video ended was his glistening torso, ragged breaths coming out, as the stranger laved and polished his still throbbing dickhead.

For a while, the bathroom was silent. Bryce couldn’t tear his eyes away even though Gerald’s phone had gone black. His body felt heavy in a way that felt too awful to describe - that deepest, darkest bowel of shame that he dared not name.

This couldn’t be happening.

This couldn’t be real.

“Fort Lauderdale, hm? ‘Studying for finals’, I presume?”

Gerald’s voice had changed, Bryce realized as he finally looked to him. Gone was the timidness, the persistent stammer, the slightly wheezy, perpetually tired rattle whenever he spoke. Now, Gerald spoke clearly, and his eyes had taken on a cold, hard sheen.

Needy, worshipful Gerald slipped the phone into the back pocket of his chinos and smiled thinly. “Now, Bryce, I believe we still have some time remaining in our session today. You can close the door and set your things down. If you don’t want this video to go public, you’ll listen to what I’m about to tell you very, very carefully…”

“I bet you thought this would just be some easy cash, right?” Gerald asked mockingly. “It seems like you miscalculated.

“You see, Bryce, I’ve had my eye on you for a while, ever since you first showed up. You might call it a hobby. What I like to do is find young, confident guys,” he gestured at Bryce still standing there frozen, bare-chested and gleaming under the hum of the grungy fluorescents, “like yourself, you know, the kind of guys who’d fit right in on the cover of an Abercrombie catalogue? I like to let them think they’ve got me figured out. It’s pretty easy to get people to underestimate me, really.

With a smug look, Gerald slipped back into his earlier voice. “Poor, fat little loser Gerald. Never anyone’s first pick for prom, never up for a promotion, never worth anything in life. I like to let these studs think I’m an easy target - I mean, who wouldn’t, right? Of course someone like me would be absolutely dying to get close to someone like you! I’m not one for social media these days, but I bet you are, hot stuff. I mean what, you’ve gotta have, I dunno, probably thousands of followers on Instawhatever or however many is considered enough to be ‘popular’.

“Now, let’s see.” Gerald adopted a thoughtful expression, humming to himself. “I wonder what would happen if, say, a video of their hunky star were to be uploaded showing said hunk getting blown by a creepy old man - and actually liking it? Maybe the kids these days are more progressive, and I guess you could swing that way. Although,” Gerald smirked, “boys like you almost always present as straight.

“What an interesting rhetorical, though, wouldn’t you agree? Someone like you, I wonder how long it would take for your followers to find that fun little clip and spread it all over the internet? Make you go viral, as they say?

“Or, better yet, what if we cut the middleman and uploaded that video directly to your profile for everyone to see? I’m sure they’d just lovvveee that.”

A small buzz from his phone snapped Bryce out of his stupor, and he pulled it out to see a notification flash across the screen.


He felt ice run through his veins. “What the…how did you-?”

“Hack into your accounts? Oh, that was child’s play,” Gerald chuckled. “I’m fortunate to have plenty of contacts who are as…interested in my hobby as I am. Not to mention I’m a bit tech-savvy myself. Ah, and I do have backup copies of that video stored elsewhere, so don’t try to pull anything sneaky with me.” The leer Gerald gave him at that was vicious. “You hurt me, you try to delete the footage, and the video gets uploaded automatically.”

Gritting his teeth, Bryce tried to will himself to calm down and form a plan. “Where the fuck did you get that video in the first place, you piece of shit?”

“My contacts I just mentioned, remember? You must have been quite pent up indeed, going to those kinds of sites and asking for those kinds of things.” Gary shook his head. “Your search history isn’t as clean as you think it is. I had some friends in the area you were vacationing in, and when you sent that message, I asked them to keep tabs to see if you’d take the bait from any of them. And boy, did you ever! Lawrence told me later he’d never had anyone cum as much as you did that night - bravo, indeed!”

“Fucking stalker,” Bryce snarled, balling his hands into fists. “I swear, I’m gonna fuck you up so bad - “

“Tsk, tsk,” muttered Gary, waggling a finger at him as he prepared to swing. “Kids these days are so bad at paying attention, especially jocks like you. Didn’t you hear me earlier? You try to hurt me,” he advanced, standing toe to toe with Bryce, “or any other funny business, and my associates will ensure that your Floridian rendezvous are plastered across every major platform you’re on for all your followers to admire.

“Just for good measure, your friends and family will get a personal copy sent to each of them as well,” Garry added, smiling his greasy smile as Bryce glowered at him from above, the nearly 5 inch difference between them forcing him to bend his neck. “So, big boy, are you ready to listen and obey? If you’re good, I might consider erasing this footage and you’ll be off on your merry way.”

“Bullshit,” snapped Bryce. “You want the money back? I’ll pay you - “

“Money’s not what I’m interested in,” Gary interrupted, letting a finger trail lazily over Bryce’s still-oiled chest, snaking a path down the center of his abs to his navel. “Financial domination is just one of the many games I’ve played, but only to get to the main attraction. My interests are more physical, if you catch my drift.

“It’s true, I’m obsessed with your body - but not in the way you probably think. I’m of the opinion that jocks like you don’t know what to do with all those good looks. You’re blessed with what the rest of us can only dream of, and yet nearly all of you age out of it as soon as you’ve left university and settled with whatever complacent girl you can find.

“No. What you really are, what you should truly be, is a toy for men like me. Older, perverted men who can show you frontiers you’d never discover on your own. That cocky bravado you put on, I know it’s just for show. Deep down inside every arrogant jockboy is a submissive slut, eager to spread its wings - you just need a guy like me to give you the right push is all.

“That’s the nature of my game, Bryce. Once I’ve cornered a jock, I break them - completely and permanently.

“And in all my years of doing this, I’ve never failed.”

The words sent a shiver down Bryce’s spine. What had promised to be a quick score for him was rapidly turning into the worst night of his life, and the calculated way Gerald spoke gave him no reason to doubt the truth of what he was saying. The video was already out there - for now, he prayed, contained.

There was no question that it could never, ever get out; his life would be over if it did. He had to play this smart, pretend to go along with it, then make his move when he had the chance.

“So here’s my proposal: you indulge my little hobby. If I’m satisfied, I’ll delete the footage and we’ll never meet again - and perhaps you might consider your future online interactions more carefully. You refuse, and your reputation goes out the window forever. I can tell you right now, this type of thing is impossible to erase once it’s in the open.

“Your choice, Bryce. What do you say?”

Gleefully, Gerald could see the storm of emotions brewing behind the boy’s face as he wrestled with the decision he would make - not that there was much of one for him anyway. Finally, Bryce wet his lips, and, eyes downcast, muttered, “What do you want?”

“Thattaboy.” Gerald clapped him on the shoulder. “I’ve got plenty of entertainment planned for us. Let’s get set up, shall we?”

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Guys who were good-looking and aware of it were a dangerous combo; Bryce knew this all too well.

His luck with the genetic lottery didn’t take long to reveal itself: from a young age, he’d always been faster, taller, and stronger than his peers. Throwing himself into athletics - which he took to with no effort at all, of course - only widened the gap. His smile was the stuff of teenage dreams, his laughter easy to come by and his gait always louche and self-assured. He floated through the upper social strata of middle school, high school, and now college as if buoyed by some invisible grace while the unlucky boys - the chubby ones, the scrawny ones, the ones that couldn’t look a girl straight in the face without nearly wetting themselves - floundered helplessly. Invitations to parties, flirty phone numbers exchanged in bars and dormitories, favors and gifts doled out with carefree abandon - all of this just happened to fall into his lap. He could charm a house of sorority sisters with the same ease as he could fluster some of his more indiscrete professors with a careful adjustment of his clothes, a flash of bronzed skin and ripple of muscle earning him an A in a class he’d barely showed up to for half the semester.

It was no surprise that Bryce was competitive - guys like him were born to be. And so, after years of the same special treatment with no apparent competition, the game had started to become stale. That was why he’d starting findom on the side, his own dirty little secret; to his own surprise, he’d found himself drawn to the losers that had previously never crossed his mind. He was tired of the usual cliques of blonde bombshells and jocks turned aspiring finance bros that flung themselves at him daily; he wanted newer, bigger prey.

There was a different sort of thrill that came from watching as men old enough to be his father, uncles, grandpas did whatever he told them to, no matter how humiliating. The old perverts who eyed his gym-built body with total adoration, funneling money into his bank accounts while he flexed and presented his sweaty feet for the camera and ordered them to take hit after hit of poppers until they were completely incoherent. Seeing them debase themselves like that made him feel like a god, a beacon of youth and virility shining amidst a desolate, aged sea.

Yet, after a couple months of regular sessions with his stable of paypigs, the familiar gnaw of boredom returned. Bryce still wasn’t completely satisfied - there was something else missing, something just beyond his reach. Something perhaps a bit darker.

So after doing a bit of research and finding the right platforms where he could seek things out discretely, he found himself, buzzed and content after one Saturday night on a guys’ trip to Fort Lauderdale, at a grubby trailer community parked by the beach. The man he’d been messaging had already unlocked the door, so he’d headed in and gone to the back where the bedroom was supposed to be.

There, the man was already kneeling naked on the carpeted floor, masked with only his mouth exposed. He was skinny-fat, with gangly arms and legs but a round potbelly and a drooping, wrinkled chest. At the sound of Bryce’s entrance, his tongue lolled out and he began panting; his breath smelled stale.

Stripping off his shirt with a smirk, Bryce gave him only one command: “Worship me.”

And worship he did. Over the course of the night, the man lavished Bryce with kisses, suckling on every inch of him: his pits, his nipples, his toes, his cock. He drank up Bryce like he’d found an oasis in the desert, his tongue roving over each swathe of supple jock skin and leaving trails of shiny spit behind. He had no teeth either - his dentures floating in a cup Bryce spied on the nightstand - and the first draw of his toothless maw around the full-blooded shaft of Bryce’s cock was an almost religious experience. Despite himself, Bryce heard a low, guttural moan issue from his throat as the man sank himself down to the base of his dick, lips tight as a vice, before drawing it back up to the head where he swirled his tongue beneath the frenulum and dipping playfully into his piss-slit. His free hands cupped Bryce’s balls, passing them between his fingers, massaging and kneading them tenderly. Most girls he’d hooked up with never gave his cock and balls attention at the same time, and none of them had ever given him a blowjob like this before.

In no time, they were both sweating in the heat of the enclosed space and muggy Floridian climate. This time, Bryce could actually feel his orgasm approaching as if there was an invisible meter before him, gradually ticking up…up…up… towards explosion. He hadn’t jerked off since leaving for this trip, and a guy at his age had plenty of libido and cum to go around. As the man worked his cockshaft over and over, pistoning his rubber-hooded head atop the spit-shined jock’s penis, Bryce felt his mind go fuzzy.

By now, the bedroom positively reeked. Bryce’s healthy musk, the perpetual old-person stench that seemed baked into every crevice of the trailer, the sour-sweet smells of sweat and sex - all of it flooded Bryce’s nostrils, a tidal wave of sensation that electrified his already rock-hard cock. He couldn’t put his finger on it, only that it felt good - real good.

His inhibitions loosened, he began thrusting aggressively even as the man continued to suck him off, his balls slapping against the perv’s chin with a heavy “plap, plap, plap”. He lashed the man with every insult and slur he could think of, slipping into the routine he used on his piggies. The verbal assault only seemed to make the perv more eager, his rhythm accelerating, the heat in Bryce’s loins reaching a thundering crescendo.

With a roar, Bryce had emptied his three-day load down the perv’s throat, who swallowed it all with gusto. Not a single drop trickled through the vacuum-tight junction of lips and cock; all of it, creamy white and thick as glue, was devoured.

As soon as he came down from his post-orgasm high, Bryce had shoved the man off him, the old perv grasping feebly at him with one hand while the other stroked his tiny nub of a cock feebly. He’d ran all the way back to his hotel, showered, and slipped into his bed soundlessly, his bros fast asleep by then. There was no sleep for him that night. Instead, he’d stared at the ceiling, replaying what had just happened over and over in his head.

What he’d done would undeniably get him flayed alive socially. He felt disgusted with himself, filthy, feeling phantom kisses still trailing across his torso. The memory of the man’s touch clung to him like an unwelcome bedside ghost, no matter how hard he tried to distract himself with images of his other sexual conquests - busty yoga-enthusiast girls, virginal cheerleaders, even the odd cougar or two he’d met during his travels. He’d always fucked people who were close to his level - people who were attractive, people who looked like they could navigate society proper the way he did.

So why did a chance hookup with a dirty online creep end up with one of the best orgasms he’d had in his life?

TW: smegma eating
Gerald had gone out to his car to retrieve a duffle bag before returning to Bryce kneeling on the ground, hands still behind his head. The jock had stripped off his shorts again, leaving him only in his briefs, socks, and sneakers. Gerald bit his lip as he eyed the jock’s furry pits, the only part of him besides his legs that he didn’t keep shaved, and caught the barest hint of sweet, heady boymusk wafting invitingly towards him. But no, that would be a treat to be savored later. He had plans for how the night was going to start.

“Let’s get that underwear off first, shall we?” Gerald asked as he flicked open a switchblade. Bryce’s eyes widened.

“Wait, what are you - ?”

“Don’t worry, I’ve done this plenty of times before.” So saying, Gerald pulled back the waistband of the briefs and brought the blade down, making a clean cut down the length of one leg before switching to the other.

As the fabric fell away, Bryce’s soft cock emerged. From the base to the lower threshold of the head, the skin was the same sun-kissed golden color as the rest of his body. A thick vein ran along the underside of the shaft, snaking its way towards the frenulum; just below the base, the eggs of Bryce’s manhood hung pendulously in a completely smooth, caramel-brown sack courtesy of regular trimming. Still, Bryce’s cockhead was the most prominent - a dusty mauve with a distinct mushroom tip that would flush an even deeper crimson when he really got going. Even flaccid, it stood at a sizeable 6 inches and was just shy of 6.5 when erect.

“Mm, I see our friend has finally come out to play.” Gerald knelt down to brush the cock softly, admiring the weight of it in his hands. He began stroking it at a languid place, making sure to fondle the balls periodically. Although Bryce’s eyes were squeezed shut, he could see the bob of the jock’s adam’s apple as he swallowed, the way his shoulders lifted and contracted briefly. Fighting the way this made him felt.

“Well, I don’t want to get you too excited yet, so I’ll save that for later. Let’s do something else.” Letting the cock slide out of his grasp, he stood back up with a grunt. Bryce’s eyes blinked open, confused and - maybe - a little disappointed.

“Thought I’d be all over you, hm? No, I think this time you’ll be doing something else for me instead. Consider it payment for not leaking that video the second I got it.”

He started to unbuckle his belt, tugging off his chinos, and then the tighty-whities underneath. Eyes wide, Bryce gaped as Gerald’s cock finally sprang into view. What was down there was less a bush than a veritable forest: a huge mound of coarse brown pubic hair hung below his protruding gut, wreathing a stubby, mud-colored shaft. Gerald’s length may not have been impressive, but his girth certainly was - it looked less like a penis than a roll of deli meat. He was uncircumcised as well, and the foreskin clung loosely around his head like an executioner’s hood.

Slowly comprehending what was about to happen, Bryce looked up to Gerald, who simply stared back with an expectant expression.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Blow me.”

“Dude, what the fuck? I’m not sucking that!”

“You will be, actually, unless you want me to leak your little incident.”

“I’m - I’m not, fucking…”

“What?” sneered Gerald. “You’re not gay? You certainly seemed to be having the time of your life when you were getting blown by a 68-year old stranger in a trailer park.”

Hearing the man’s age only made Bryce’s shame worse, the back of his neck burning in embarrassment. Fuck, that guy really had been some creepy grandpa - what the hell had he been thinking? Why had he made one single shitty decision to end up in this mess?

“If you don’t want to cooperate, it’s a shame. I guess I’ll just have to post that video after all…”

“Shit, no wait!” Bryce blurted out, stumbling forward until his nose was almost touching Gerald’s crotch. “Please, I’ll do it, I swear. Just…give me a second to be ready. I’ve never done this before.”

“I’m sure,” Gerald drawled, sardonic. “You’ve got a minute. Then I want that pretty mouth of yours all over my cock.”

Forcing himself to breathe, Bryce did his best to block out everything around him - the stench of the rest stop bathroom, the unpleasant hardness of the tile under his feet, the sticky film of half-dried coconut oil that still covered his body. Then, gingerly, he leaned his head out and started to suck on Gerald’s cock.

The texture felt like he was sucking on a rubber eraser, and the sheer girth of it meant that it filled his mouth completely. Even when he tried to suck as noncommittally as possible, he couldn’t get away - it hit the roof of his mouth, the insides of his cheeks. Fortunately it wasn’t reaching the back of his throat quite yet - he wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep from throwing up if he had to deepthroat it.

“Well, I guess it could be worse for a first-timer. You can stop now.”

Bryce obeyed.

“Now, see that foreskin? Pull it back a little bit.”

Bryce wished he hadn’t, because what he saw did make him want to vomit. Hidden beneath the foreskin, Gerald’s cockhead was crusted with creamy white spots, a ring of smegma encircling the underside of the tip. The smell alone was appalling - yeasty and sour - but the sight of it was truly horrid. Most of the guys he knew were circumcised, but Bryce had heard what would happen if you didn’t clean under “hood” often enough. Even if he did enjoy working up a sweat when he hit the gym, he always kept his downstairs region spotless - he hated the idea of letting it get as rank as the horror stories described.

“This is a welcome gift I like to give all the jockboys I stumble across.” Above, Gerald’s eyes gleamed with malice. “Haven’t washed this in a week, and for me personally, I tend to…’accumulate’ quite fast.

“You’re going to wash it instead. I want you to lick up every bit of cheese until it’s spotless. And if I’m not satisfied with the condition, you know what’s going to happen.”

“You’re fucking sick,” Bryce forced out through gritted teeth. “You’re disgusting.”

“Sure, I might be. But you’re in no position to bargain. I’ll give you another minute to prep yourself, and then you’re going to get to work. Understood?”

Desperately, Bryce tried to hold his breath and suck Gerald off at the same time. Unfortunately, what he couldn’t smell he could certainly taste, and as his saliva began to loosen and dissolve the flakes of smegma onto his palate, he felt bile rise in his throat. It was like eating spoiled, salty cheese; with every lap of his tongue across the head, he was assaulted by that awful flavor, and in between he’d also get hit by a whiff of the smegma when he eventually had to get some air.

“Play with my nipples, too.” Gerald lifted up his shirt, exposing his flabby man-tits, and guided Bryce’s hands upwards. His nipples were broad, coffee-colored disks, and as Bryce started to knead them half-heartedly, he thought of his own nipples sitting untouched. He didn’t know why but when this had all gone upside-down, he’d expected Gerald to jump on the chance to touch him, had maybe even secretly wished for it. He remembered how good it felt when he’d played with his nips while he was cumming down Lawrence’s throat, how it felt like his dick and chest were hardwired together, every blissful sensation transmitted perfectly between them. Maybe Gerald was that way too.

Abruptly, Gerald wrapped his fleshy hands around Bryce’s head and shoved it down, forcing him nose-first into the nest of pubic hair beneath his stomach. Reeling, Bryce’s hands landed on the floor to steady himself, back bowing and knees scraping along the tiles as Gerald began to face-fuck him mercilessly. If he cared that Bryce had forgotten about his nipples, he didn’t show it. Instead, he gave short, efficient grunts as he thrust repeatedly, moobs and belly flopping about, into the warm, wet cavern of the jock’s mouth. Bryce spluttered, eyes watering as the unwashed stench trapped in Gerald’s pubes hit his nostrils and as Gerald’s cockhead scraped closer to his uvula. He was basically a human fleshlight at this point, his own untouched cock bouncing against his thighs as his legs struggled to find purchase.

Finally, Gerald pulled Bryce’s head off of his cock with a loud ‘pop, and the jock fell backwards, choking and wiping at his face. A delicious sense of satisfaction rose within him as he saw that Bryce’s cock, half-chubbed already, had gone fully erect over the course of the brutal throatfucking. It bobbed and swayed as Bryce tried to gather his composure, a single pearly drop of precum beading at the slit. Gerald’s own cock was still covered in spit, and the once filthy cheese-encrusted head was now spotless. Most of the jocks he’d encountered couldn’t handle it all, but Bryce had really outdone himself this time, swallowing every piece.

‘I guess my instincts were right,’ he mused as Bryce staggered back to the same kneeling position, lacing his hands obediently behind his head again. A mess of saliva and slime were smeared around his mouth, and he still hadn’t caught his breath entirely, but the jock’s reddened, teary face stared him back with a surly, defiant expression, as if daring him to do his worst.

This would be very fun indeed.

I love how Bryce makes my day with his story seeing how his biceps are the biggest in the group they are my favorite pumps from any guy's i follow on SC. I keep messaging him about buying a worked out wife beater tank drenched in his chest hair sweat but I hope one day he makes me happy knowing he's been ignoring me this long. For now I know he thinks of me when his beautiful arms are pumped the hottest bicep pumps I think of all day. God bless you Bryce thank you for being our favorite blonde muscle jock.
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For the next phase of his plan, Gerald decided to take them into one of the vacant stalls. Bryce made an obligatory attempt to refuse but had complied all the same, allowing Gerald to fasten his hands with a pair of zip ties behind the flusher. His knees were bent, feet perched on the edge of the seat, allowing Gerald easy access to his hole and his still stiffly swaying cock. If Bryce was ashamed of his erection, especially after what he’d just been forced to do, he didn’t show it.

Playfully, Gerald gave that delightfully hard cock a few strokes before reaching further into his bag and pulling out an array of different items. Bryce’s eyes widened as he watched the other man arrange them in a neat line on top of the toilet paper holder.

“Since you did such a good job, I’d like us to move onto more exciting playthings for this round. A boy with nice, big pecs like yourself - ,” and here, Gerald gave said pecs an appreciative squeeze, earning a wince from Bryce, “ - is bound to have equally sensitive nipples to match. These nipple pumps are normally used for breastfeeding, but in my experience, I’ve found them to be just as effective for milking dumb jocks like you. If the pressure is too much at first, don’t worry; you’ll get used to it in no time.”

Gently but firmly, Gerald pressed the pumps against Bryce’s nipples. The jock let out a gasp as he felt the vacuum pull his tits inside, filling them up almost instantly with two peaks of supple pink flesh. It felt like there were two mouths on his chest, each one insistent and hungry.

“Fuck!” he hissed, another surge of heat coursing down his groin at the delicious feeling of suction.

“Just you wait - it’ll feel even better with time, I promise. Now here, does this look familiar to you?”

He wagged a small brown bottle in front of Bryce’s eyes, smiling mirthlessly. “I believe you’ve made your share of poppers intox videos, so you should already recognize what this is. Have you ever used poppers, Bryce? It’s not something most people like you would gravitate towards, but it is, I must say, a very, very useful tool for enhancing certain experiences.

“What I’m going to do is hold this bottle under your nose. You’re going to inhale when I tell you, and exhale when I tell you. Understand?”

“You already got me strapped to this fuckin’ thing; what, now you want to chloroform me too? Fuck off dude, I’m not sniffing that shit.”

“Oh, but it’s either this or that footage gets out. There could be rat poison, shit, or sewer water in this bottle - whatever it is, you most certainly are going to do what I tell you to do, because you are no longer in control of the situation.”
In the cramped space of the toilet cubicle, it seemed that Gerald’s stature grew while Bryce’s shrank, the older man pressing forward with the bottle even as Bryce tried to lean away. “Try all you want, pretty boy, but you know it’s true. I can make this easy for you, like I’m doing now, or I can make it a lot more unpleasant. The choice is yours.”

Still grimacing, Bryce muttered “Fine” and tilted his head forward. “Thattaboy,” Gerald said, satisfied, and uncapped the bottle to waft it under the jock’s nose. “I’m putting this under your nostril now - you can inhale in 3, 2, 1…”

He held the boy’s other nostril shut, making sure he got the full hit, before going on, “And now, you can exhale. 3, 2, 1…”

Releasing the breath he’d been holding, Bryce leaned back against the flusher, feeling the exhaustion from tonight’s events begin to creep into his limbs. His nipples were starting to feel sore as the pumps kept working, and his wrists chafed from where the hard edges of the zip ties dug into his skin. Fucking hell, was this what he was really doing with his summer? Letting one of his paypigs blackmail him and tie him up in some run-down shitter in the middle of nowhere?

‘No, keep it together,’ he thought to himself. ‘This creep is still obsessed with you - you’ve got that going. Keep your eyes on the prize - ‘ his eyes flitting to Gerald’s pocket where the bulge of his phone was ‘ - and you can still make it out of here with your dignity intact. Just stay cool, stay cool…’

“Hope you’re not pondering any life-changing questions in that skull of yours.” Gerald’s drawl snapped him out of his thoughts, that piggish gleam returning to his eyes. “Most poppers don’t take long to work, and if my guess is correct, I’d say this one should be kicking in anyyyyy second now…”

Before he could even process what the man was talking about, Bryce let out a gasp as he felt a surge of heat shoot through his entire body. His legs buckled out, knees knocking against the sides of the stall as he began to thrash and buck his torso. Low, heavy moans issued from his throat as he began to feel his temperature spiking - it felt like he’d just run a marathon in the span of a second. What the fuck was in those poppers?

As he turned his questioning, bloodshot gaze to Gerald, the man merely grinned and shook the bottle again. “I forgot to mention, this isn’t any old brand of poppers. What you just inhaled is a custom formulation my friends and I have been developing for a while. It’s very, very potent stuff, and besides the usual effects of increased arousal - “ he laughed, giving a flick to Bryce’s cock which was now leaking a river of precum down his ballsack onto the toilet seat “ - it basically turns your whole body into one big erogenous zone.

“So, if I do something like this…” He drew a slow finger down the curve of Bryce’s Adam’s apple, to the hollow of his clavicle, down the center of his pecs and lightly circling the still-pumped nipples, earning a small whine from the jock. “Or this…” The finger tickled Bryce’s furry armpits before descending downward, probing at his bellybutton, then brushing over the hard shaft which twitched eagerly. “... even the parts of your body that normally wouldn’t be sensitive will start to feel real good, real fast. Let me demonstrate on something else.”

Tenderly, Gerald tilted his head to nip at one of Bryce’s ears. Almost immediately, Bryce tried to thrust his body up from the seat, pressing himself desperately against Gerald’s bulk. As Gerald worked the lobe between his teeth and tongue, alternating between gentle nibbles and licks, Bryce humped the air more urgently, little droplets of crystal-clear precum spraying onto the stall floor.

“See? Even a bit of earplay gets a big fella like you worked up like a bitch in heat. You like that, Brycey-boy?”

“Mmmhh…fuck yeah…”

“How about this?”

The jock held back a shriek as Gerald, without warning, pulled off the nipple pumps and pinched both nips forcefully. His now swollen nipples had barely a moment to recover from being released from their restraints before the pain hit - it felt like he’d grown new nerve endings in the fucking things. Gnawing on his lower lip, he let out a few shaky breaths as Gerald began to knead his nipples, flicking them lightly, drawing circles around his areolae. Soon, the pain began to fade and the pleasure trickled in. His cock, still neglected, bounced and throbbed, rocket-red and slick with pre, which had now trickled all the way down his ballsack and to his taint.

“Jesus, the way your nipples took to those pumps… Bet with a couple more sessions, I’d be able to turn those jockboy nips into a pair of real impressive bitch-tits. How’d you like that?”

“Fuckkkk… slut my fuckin’ tits out, sir - “

In the midst of his lust-fueled haze, Bryce didn’t catch the words that slipped out of his mouth, but hearing himself openly admit to wanting more, wanting this depraved old man perv out on his nipples, made him flush scarlet with embarrassment again. This was, obviously, not missed by Gerald, who returned his attention to the still-wet lobe again as he whispered a deluge of filth into the jock’s ear.

“Aww, hiding from me? Don’t be ashamed, you know this is what you’ve been craving all along. You talk the big talk, you act like you’re king of the world, but in your heart you know that you want the attention of perverts like me - nasty, dirty old men who see you as the piece of fuckable, young jockmeat you are.

“Doesn’t this feel so good, Bryce? Having an old man you’d never met before worshipping your body, playing with all your favorite parts? You even sucked my cock, boy - sucked it squeaky-clean, in fact. No straight man would’ve done what you just did; don’t lie to yourself now.”

He could sense the boy’s resistance beginning to crumble as the poppers worked their magic. Pain and pleasure, the levers behind many a jock, combined with the suggestibility imparted by the formulation he’d designed could temporarily - or permanently - rewire a boy’s brain, unlocking repressed desires and leaving behind new ones. Even as Bryce squeezed his eyes shut, Gerald could spot him in his periphery sneaking furtive glances at him as he licked and groped his muscles. The boy was close, he knew - his balls were clenching now, cremaster flexing proudly upwards - so all he had to do was make the final push to send him over the edge.

As he finally wrapped a hand around the boy’s cock, he also started kissing the nape of his neck while his remaining hand continued toying with his nipples. It was like clockwork - at the first combined contact on all three zones, Bryce’s eyes widened and he let out a low, filthily hungry moan. There was no need for lube; the jock’s penis was already generously greased with his own excretions, squelching as Gerald’s grip slid up and down, occasionally teasing the frenulum.

“Feel good, right?”

“Ohh, fuck me - fuckkkk, I’m gonna - “

“You’re going to cum, yes,” Gerald smiled, “but I want you to do something first.”

“Mgghh, p-please, I’m so close…!”

“Say, ‘I’m a faggot’. Can you do that for me?”

“Please, dude, I’m gonna fucking cum - “

The hand stopped, and Bryce could’ve wept. His dick, caught in what was probably the hardest erection of his life, ached for release. His balls clenched, full of healthy jock sperm just waiting to be shot out. Fuck, he needed to cum so bad - he NEEDED it like nothing else before.

“Say it, and I’ll let you cum,” Gerald continued, still gripping Bryce’s cock like a leash. “And you do want to cum, don’t you?”

“Oh god, please, I swear, just let me cum - !”

“Tell me what you are.”

Gerald’s voice was deadly serious now, and any reservations in Bryce’s mind had long since evaporated, overwritten by pure raging desire and the single-minded focus to ejaculate, sperm, blow his load - all critical thinking had been rerouted. His dick was entirely in control.

“I-I’m a fucking faggot, sir,” the jock sobbed at last. “I’m a fucking loser faggot, oh god, please, I just wanna cum, pleaaaaase…”

There it was. Pleased, Gerald replied, “Then cum you may,” and resumed his assault in earnest. Nipples, neck, and cock - the perfect trifecta. Moaning pitifully, the jock’s hips bucked in tandem with each stroke of Gerald’s hand, moving with a will of their own. His release, which had been steadily building, could no longer be contained. It was all too much - the whirlwind of sensations, the degradation, his conflicting feelings of shame and want crashing together finally made the dam collapse.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m cumming, I’m gonna cum, fuck, I’m - MMMMGGGGGH!”

At the last second, Gerald tilted Bryce’s dick, and the ensuing cumshot caught him full in the face. Jets of white cream spurted from the rosy piss-slit, the veins around his groin pulsing, as the jock emptied his load all over his cheeks, his lips, and down his chest - rivers of cum flowing down the cleft of his pecs, the inlets of his abs, pooling in his bellybutton. In no time, the stall was filled with the fragrant, salty odor of the jock’s release - musky, a little chlorinated, and so deliciously potent. Gerald gave the still-weeping tip a careful lick, savoring some of the virile essence for himself, which earned him another beautiful little whimper from the jock. Bryce’s whole body was sweat-soaked and heaving with exertion, no doubt still overly sensitive from the poppers and his post-orgasm afterglow.

But the first of the walls had fallen, Gerald mused. Admitting that he wanted it, thriving off the humiliation, Bryce had finally tipped over the edge. Now, as Gerald eyed the boy’s hole, still twitching and moist with pre, there was just one more step to bring Bryce fully under his dominion.

“You ever been fingered before?”

Bryce could only manage a broken, “Huh?”, still blinking his own cum out of his eyelashes from where his money shot had landed. Chuckling, Gerald carefully moved the boy’s testicles aside, spitting on his finger and mixing it with the mess of precum that had made its way down to his hole.

“The poppers do help with this kind of thing, loosen up your sphincter and all. The rest is your own inhibition. Just relax, kid - promised ya I’d make you feel good, right? This is about to feel pretty damn good.”

As Gerald worked his index finger inside that virgin starfish, Bryce let out a gasp, whining as he felt his most private parts invaded for the first time in his life. He knew about prostate orgasms, but he’d never tried any butt stuff on his own, never really even browsed it when he was jerking off. Too nervous. But he couldn’t deny the strange yet not entirely unpleasant sensation as Gerald’s finger slid all the way in, giving a light tap to his anal cavity. His still-wet cock twitched as it began to fill up with blood; Gerald smiled as he continued to root around inside the jock’s hole.

“Damn, you really haven’t done this before. Gotta be one of the tightest asses I’ve come across - your hole is gripping my finger like it’s trying to break it clean off! Fucking hell, boy, you really are a one-of-a-kind specimen.”

“Nggh, feels…funny…”

“Yeah, most guys find it weird the first time. You’re still fighting me - just relax the muscles around there, like you’re trying to take a dump.” Another laugh. “We are in a bathroom, after all. I’m gonna put another finger in now - try not to push back so much.”

Sliding his finger out, Gerald spat on it again and mixed it with his middle finger before pushing both back inside. The stretch felt more pronounced this time, and Bryce let out another startled little gasp. He tilted his head back as Gerald began to fingerfuck him at a languid pace, eyes fluttering and mouth open, uncaring of the sounds he was making.

Seeing and hearing the arrogant young jock that had started the night now whimpering and contorting his body while his fat, hard-knuckled fingers slid in and out of his boypussy made Gerald incredibly aroused. Bryce’s cock was fully back in action now as well, swaying proudly and still dribbling occasionally from the tip.

“Goddamn, just look at you - getting hard again, whining like a girl while I finger your tight little hole. What would your fans say if they saw you like this? What would your friends and family think - their big, handsome star getting fucked by an old man’s hand?”

Gerald was up to four fingers now, pistoning them inside the jock’s hole while his thumb stroked the jock’s ballsack. At the same time, Bryce’s moans were getting louder and more desperate, his body surrendering to the pace Gerald had set.

“Hm? You like the way my fingers feel in your pussy?”

“Y-yeah, fuck yeah, fucking finger my ass - “

“Not an ass,” Gerald corrected him, “a pussy. A cunt. A boyclit. Real men have asses; you have a pussy. Say it, boy.”

“P-please, sir, finger my p-p-p…”

“Didn’t catch that. Louder.”

“My - “

“What do you want me to do, boy?”

The fingers stopped and curled, pressing deep on his guts, and Bryce let out a wail.

“What do you want this pervy old man to do to you, boy? Tell me.”

“Finger my pussy!” Bryce cried, desperate. The feeling of those fingers inside his hole was too good, too sweet to deny. Pleased, Gerald hocked a glob of spit onto the jock’s still-twitching starfish and shoved his fingers in again - his middle and ring this time reaching deeper, searching for that special spot he knew Bryce had.

Once he did, the tell was more than obvious. Bryce’s eyes rolled back in their sockets, his meaty legs shuddered, and his jaw fell open as a deeply lustful groan emerged from his mouth. A few streams of pre spurted from his cockhead, but none of the thick white cream that had come out just before. Gerald could feel Bryce’s insides clenching tight on his fingers as he worked the boy through what was undoubtedly the first hands-free orgasm of his life, relishing in the way the jock’s body bucked atop the toilet seat, a fresh layer of perspiration dewing up over his golden skin and making every single inch of muscle even more delicious to look upon.

As Gerald withdrew his fingers, a tiny stream of beige fluid dribbled from Bryce’s asshole. “Look at you, cumming proper just from getting fingered,” he laughed while the jock struggled to reorient himself. “Did that feel good, Brycey? Did it feel nice to be fingered by an old man like me?”


“Can’t even talk, huh? Don’t trouble that pretty head of yours too much.” He gave Bryce’s curls an appreciative ruffle as the boy panted, still shivering as the last remnants of the orgasm ran through his system. “I’m glad you enjoyed it - I said this part was where I’d make you feel good, right?”


Tenderly, he reached under the boy’s jaw and tilted his head towards the lights so he could see him clearly, brushing the sweaty hairs aside that stuck to his face. Bryce’s eyes were hazy and unfocused, his face flushed, lips a perfect wet, pink shade. As the fluorescents hit, he blinked and grinned stupidly, looking to Gerald like he was waiting for something more.


The sight of all that jock perfection staring him back - so dumb, so eager, so perfectly horny and young - was too much to resist. Greedily, Gerald pressed their lips together in a sloppy kiss, forcing his tongue into the younger boy’s mouth like a man starved. Bryce, for his part, didn’t resist one bit, still lust-drunk and high off the poppers. Their tongues found each other, entangled, separated only to crash back together again. He could have stayed like this for hours, just savoring the way Bryce tasted, but all this action had gotten him riled up. It was time for the main course.

“As much as I’d love to keep fingering that pussy of yours, it’s time we get back to me - because, Bryce, this is still my show. But don’t worry,” he added as Bryce began to whine, bucking his hips, “I’ve still got something that’ll fill you up real good. Something better than my fingers.”

He could see the wheels in the jock’s minding turning, letting him mull it over, before he unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock.

“Yours truly.”

The sight of that enormous girth again seemed to jolt Bryce back to reality. He’d been envisioning toys, dildos maybe - but going from his first fingering to taking all that?

“W-wait, dude, I can’t - “

“Don’t worry, I’ll lube it up for you.” Gerald retrieved the jar of coconut oil and pulled out a thick chunk, working it over his shaft and letting it melt into the skin slowly. Bryce sat frozen, anticipation building as Gerald applied another coat of coconut oil around his hole, slipping in a few fingers to make sure his insides were nice and slick.

When he was done, Gerald gave his cock a few pumps, making sure it was fully hard, and slapped it against Bryce’s taint. The jock shuddered, feeling and hearing all that meat - he was so nervous, but strangely excited. Why did it feel like his fear was slipping away so quickly? Shit, why did the way Gerald was staring at him - predatory, hungry - get him so fucking turned on?

“You want it, baby boy?” the older man crooned. “You want all this inside your boyhole?”

Bryce nodded, feeling heat rise within his cheeks and the tips of his ears.

“I love being the one to take a boy’s ass virginity,” Gerald continued. “Seeing all you big, meatheaded jocks reduced to squirming whores the instant I stick something inside your holes. You’re all so predictable, so easy to play.

“Now, I can’t promise it won’t get messy - if you’ve never trained your ass to take anything larger than a finger before, of course it’ll hurt. Yes,” he grinned as Bryce’s eyes widened in fear, “I’ve had plenty of boys who couldn’t take it. Boys who tapped out. In my case, I’m a bit too thick for even some of the sluttiest bottoms out there to handle.

“Had a few boys tear, the first time I fucked them. Some other pissed themselves - even had a fella shit himself once. ‘Course, that didn’t stop me. Ah, you should’ve seen him - this real clean-cut, Ivy League-type that played rugby, with an ass like you wouldn’t believe, moaning like a cheap hooker while I churned up his guts with his own feces. Went from begging me to stop to begging me to keep going.”

Gerald traced a finger down the curve of Bryce’s jaw, his temples, admiring the terror in the boy’s face. He was way out of his depth and he knew it, but at the same time Gerald could see him bracing himself to take the plunge further - to surrender himself to total depravity.

“I don’t bring condoms for these types of encounters, so you’ll be taking me raw.” The older man grinned. “We’re going to get to know each other very intimately, Bryce. I’m going to imprint the shape of my cock on your insides so you’ll have something to remember me by for the rest of your life.”

Before he could protest, Bryce felt Gerald thrust inside him in one practiced motion. The shock and pain were instant - his eyes squeezed shut, watering, as his mouth opened to scream, only for Gerald to clamp a hand over it immediately to stifle his cries.

“None of that now, pretty boy,” the perv murmured. “This place might be secluded, but we still don’t want to attract any more unwanted attention, do we?”

Gerald began pumping his hips, thrusting his cock in and out of Bryce’s outrageously stretched hole. Something had definitely already torn - a small line of blood dripped down between their bodies, but that was typical. No amount of time at the gym could prepare a jockboy for their first time with a cock of his unique girth; in fact, he relished taking a stud’s ass virginity, watching them beg and moan and sob as he stretched them beyond anything they’d ever imagined. They’d be sore for weeks afterwards, and none of them would be likely to go back to the tight little boycunts they’d had before.

Gerald’s free hand moved to the boy’s neck, gripping it firmly as he intensified his pace. From underneath his hand, he could hear Bryce whimpering, face red and tear-streaked. The jock looked so deliciously pitiful in this state - completely unmanned, shuddering as the pervert’s cock jackhammered inside his poor, abused hole into the deep reaches of his stomach. By the time Gerald had had his fill, that taut jockhole would be a properly stretched-out pussy, a reminder of the stud’s fall from grace.

Still, pain was not the only teacher, and the poppers Gerald had given him earlier were still in effect. As he started hitting that special spot once again, Bryce’s sobs turned to moans of pleasure, his whole body quivering and his still untouched cock twitching. Weakly, he tried to thrust his dick towards Gerald, silently begging for him to play with it, tease it, anything to match the fresh orgasm his senses were telling him was building up. But Gerald simply took one look at him and shook his head.

“No touching for you. A proper jock bitch cums only from his ass; I promised to make you feel good, but you’ll be doing it on my terms.

I own you now, faggot.”

So saying, Gerald pulled back and slammed his cock in. The squeal that issued from Bryce and the sound of his fat body colliding with the jock’s slick, firm asscheeks were heaven to his ears. Bryce’s insides felt like a velvet vise gripping his cock with every motion, so tight and soft. The jock’s hands, still restrained, grasped at empty air while his meaty thighs and calves hugged the sides of the toilet for support as Gerald continued his relentless assault on his hole. Rivulets of cloudy pink fluid dribbled down the junction of their bodies, down the jock’s legs, staining his clean white socks and Nikes with unimaginable filth.

“I’m getting close,” Gerald grunted. “Gonna seed you deep with my load, boy. Gonna get that hole pregnant.”

He removed his hand from Bryce’s mouth to grab his legs and force them above his head in an x, giving him easier access. The jock hissed as he felt his hamstrings strain, but he was powerless to stop the pervert from maneuvering him like a doll. His balls bounced and were crushed against Gerald’s massive belly with each thrust, a constant reminder that his cock - the symbol of his manhood, the tool he’d use to lord over so many other man he’d considered lesser and more pathetic than himself - was now at the mercy of one of those men he’d taken from in the past.

This man saw him as nothing more than a sack of meat, a fuckhole - he was coming to terms with this now, and it was strangely thrilling. Why did he want this old fucker to cum inside him? Why, despite all the pain and the blackmail of the night, was he approaching the brink of yet another orgasm?

“Fuck, you’re going to milk me dry,” Gerald panted - his feverish pace had left his body covered in sweat. Bryce, too, was soaked through; his muscles gleamed like a honey-glazed ham, pumped and veiny, his biceps and delts swollen with strain, his chest heaving with exertion, his abs contracting as he weathered the relentless fucking as best he could. He felt perfectly dumb with lust; the smell of their sweat and body heat choking the inside the cramped stall, the wetness that gushed from his torn-up boycunt down his thick quads and calves, all of it only elevated his horniness to a fever pitch until the only thought he could process was the need to cum, cum, CUM..!

“No going back now, Bryce. Gonna blow soon.” From above, Gerald’s eyes were bloodshot, his focus singularly directed towards the jock as he felt his own loins begin to clench, readying to shoot his sperm. Bryce could feel the older man’s intensity boring a hole through him, eyeing him like a shark scenting blood in the water. He’d never been so fucking turned on in his life.

“Taking me so well, like a good whore. Fuck, it’s coming. You want my load? You want me to fill you up with this dirty old man’s seed?”

Unable to form words, Bryce could only let out a low, desperate whine in response.

Gerald sneered. “That’s a good fucking boy, right there. I’m cumming - fuck, take it all, you bitch, take…my…fucking…cum…!”

Growling, Gerald stiffened and then collapsed on top of him, forcing them both uncomfortably into the metal and tile as his body tensed and his balls pulled tight. Bryce could feel as the first jets of cum, molten hot, shot into his guts. This was no watery, thin stuff either - this was thick, white cream, packed full of the pervert’s genetic material. As Gerald rested his head atop Bryce’s pecs, gasping for breath, his cock shifted by the slightest angle and pushed right against Bryce’s prostate.

Staring down at this old man who’d just fucked him and filled him with his dirty DNA for the first time, Bryce could hold his own orgasm in no longer. Moaning like a cow giving birth, Bryce’s cock shivered and spurted out another healthy load, trapped as it was beneath the bulk of Gerald’s overweight stomach. The whole cubicle reeked of their coupling, of blood and cum and piss and the faintest whiff of shit, but he wasn’t focused on any of that.

He came inside me.

This was the thought that looped inside the jock’s head, a stupid, self-satisfied smile etching itself on his face as his eyes rolled back and he finally fell unconscious.

Heaving himself back onto his feet, Gerald carefully extricated himself from the jock’s hole, still panting as he tried to catch his breath. As he caught a glimpse of his handiwork, he stopped to admire just what he’d managed to accomplish in the past few hours.

Gone was the tight, virgin pucker that the jock had started with. In its place was a gaping, ruined cunt, the edges puffy and purple with overuse and slicked with fluid. The jock himself was totally knocked out; his carefully styled curls clung in sticky strands to his forehead, while his overstimulated nipples were beginning to settle down from the swollen nubs they’d been before.

He couldn’t resist sticking a curious finger into that blown out pussy, feeling around for the load he’d just deposited. Nearly the moment his finger slipped in, the hole twitched and farted noisily, and out came fat gobs of cum, sliding down the cleft of Bryce’s ass and down his legs to mix and dry on his already filth-stained socks and sneakers.

“Beautiful fuckin’ boy,” Gerald murmured, pulling out his phone to snap a quick pic. He’d be savoring this conquest for a while, he already knew.

Pressing a gentle kiss to the jock’s temples - who only stirred briefly, but remained fast asleep - Gerald exited and closed the cubicle door, knowing that it would still be unlocked and that anyone who came in would be able to see Bryce’s feet sticking out from underneath the gap. WIth a knowing smirk, he left the bathroom, leaving Bryce, still tied up, inside.

(Likely concluding after the next chapter)
Love that gerald made bryce call his pussy a pussy because indeed only real men have a ass this line "Had a few boys tear, the first time I fucked them. Some other pissed themselves - even had a fella shit himself once. ‘Course, that didn’t stop me. Ah, you should’ve seen him - this real clean-cut, Ivy League-type that played rugby, with an ass like you wouldn’t believe, moaning like a cheap hooker while I churned up his guts with his own feces. Went from begging me to stop to begging me to keep going.” 🔥🔥🔥 and Seeing all you big, meathead jocks reduced to squirming whores the instant I stick something inside your holes. This line made me throb like crazy but there is one tiny complain I know the characters doesn't really care but not using a condom is really dangerous for both parties anyways this is one hell of a story you have to continue it also love the ending
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Love that gerald made bryce call his pussy a pussy because indeed only real men have a ass this line "Had a few boys tear, the first time I fucked them. Some other pissed themselves - even had a fella shit himself once. ‘Course, that didn’t stop me. Ah, you should’ve seen him - this real clean-cut, Ivy League-type that played rugby, with an ass like you wouldn’t believe, moaning like a cheap hooker while I churned up his guts with his own feces. Went from begging me to stop to begging me to keep going.” 🔥🔥🔥 and Seeing all you big, meathead jocks reduced to squirming whores the instant I stick something inside your holes. This line made me throb like crazy but there is one tiny complain I know the characters doesn't really care but not using a condom is really dangerous for both parties anyways this is one hell of a story you have to continue it also love the ending
Let’s assume everyone is on Prep. Or, we can just go with the idea that this is fiction - which it is.
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