Brendan Fraser


Sexy Member
May 31, 2004
100% Gay, 0% Straight
I have just watched Gods and Monsters! Brendan Fraser seem to have a huge bulge all the time! :wow: I had to freeze and rewind many scenes that it took forever to finish the movie :loveya: He is so tall and hot! Has anyone else noticed his bulge, too?
Cheers :toast:
Originally posted by sizequeenboy@Sep 6 2005, 02:20 AM
I have just watched Gods and Monsters! Brendan Fraser seem to have a huge bulge all the time! :wow: I had to freeze and rewind many scenes that it took forever to finish the movie :loveya: He is so tall and hot! Has anyone else noticed his bulge, too?
Cheers :toast:
[post=340957]Quoted post[/post]​

Didn't notice his bulge, but I fell in love with his body in that movie....
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If you have "The Mummy" on forward to a scene about 3/4 into the movie where Brendan falls down on his back (sorry, I don't remember the actual scene) and you can see a clear outline of his dick and it looks about 3" soft. I froze the screen many times just to make sure! LOL

If anyone has the DVD, post those pics here!
I'll sign up for "Gods and Monsters" today with NetFlix, but it'll be after getting all of the OZ episoldes before I get it. I'm enjoying OZ and look forward to each DVD. Thanks for the info re Brendan Fraser's bulge show, sizequeenboy.

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Uh, 3 inches soft is not very impressive. I have 4, but, then again, I don't look anything at all like Brendan Fraser! :nopity:
Originally posted by dfox7.3x5@Sep 7 2005, 02:34 AM

Uh, 3 inches soft is not very impressive. I have 4, but, then again, I don't look anything at all like Brendan Fraser! :nopity:
[post=341175]Quoted post[/post]​
Do some jelquing on that 4 soft and you'll get it to 5+ thick ones, dfox. It'll appreciate the attention!
Originally posted by rainonurparade16@Sep 7 2005, 08:00 PM

Clickeh Here Biotch

Those ARE some BIG balls.

And here too naturally

Click Click Click

[post=341412]Quoted post[/post]​

Oh man what a hot shot of him...what is the story of that picture...from a movie?
Tellllllll meeeeeeeeeeeee
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and i just deleted those pics :(
for someone who is pushing forty,
i appreciate the praise.
No, didn't see the pics...just the avatar...I'll I need. Maybe if I'm good I'll get a picture sent to me for starting the fan club...hint hint
sorry this is off topic......
just wanted to say thanks.
Most people who see me with my cap on cannot guess my age,
and guess 5 to 10 years younger.
I'm blessed with good skin i guess.

What you cant see under my cap is my ever thinning bald spot in the very
Aging sucks. haa.

Still, thanks.
Originally posted by txquis@Sep 12 2005, 03:03 AM
and i just deleted those pics :(
for someone who is pushing forty,
i appreciate the praise.
[post=342451]Quoted post[/post]​

You really don't look a day over 28 txquis .......
I loved Brendan in Gods and Monsters. He plays the hard man/vunerbale man in tandem so well, which really does it for me. The scene where he stripped off for Quail was brillantly sexy too!