
Worshipped Member
Sep 23, 2019
United States
69% Straight, 31% Gay
Read the prologue in my blog to learn how the guys got their nicknames.

Part 1 - Friday Evening

Eddo and D-base floated and soaked naked in the shallows of the river for a bit. A couple of times Eddo's cock chubbed up, but so did D's. He wasn't completley sure but he thought D-base was staring a time or two. There really was no comparison anyway. The guys were pretty opposite in the manhood area. D-base had an average sized cock surrounded by auburn pubes, but his balls hung down a good 3 inches past his dick head. Eddo on the other hand had a tight nutsack, dark thick pubes and a 7 inch cock rhat was a shower more than a grower. This was often problematic on the school swim team. After puberty began his cock gained it's full length by the end of 7th grade. He finally dropped the team after Freshman year because he couldn't deal with everyone staring.

Taking a few minutes to dry in the sun, they both slipped their shorts back on but carried their shirts socks and boxers back to where they left the quad bikes earlier. Finding a flat spot under a tall tree they setup the tent in the late afternoon shade. Tomorrow this would be even more helpful at keeping the tent cooler. The tent was an old one belonging to D's grandfather, but in good condition. Almost 10x10 it was originally meant to store Army gear for short periods of time. Now it was surplus and just used by the river. They took time to unzip and roll up the window flaps so any breeze could get through. After that task it was time to sort out their food which consisted of chips, with hotdogs, soda and beer in a cooler. No buns or ketchup. Eating was secondary in this heat.

As they talked throughout the evening there were several times that Eddo felt his cock swell thinking back to earlier in the day. After the third time he was about to find his boxers and put them back on when D-base suggested it would be safer to cook their hotdogs closer to the river. "Plus that way we can swim too while the fire settles."

The air was still hot, even that late in the day, and being in the water did sound good to Eddo. It took about 15 minutes to get the fire ready to cook the food. After eating, D-base invited Eddo to help him put out the fire by pissing on it. Having had a few beers each, both guys were ready to let loose their bladders. The alcohol also loosened D's tounge. "Come on Eddo whip out that great dick of yours and help put out this fire." Another "Oh Shit" moment. "Did Delbert just say I had a great dick?"

For the next few moments Eddo's heart fluttered and he started sweating nervously. But obediently he unzipped his fly and pulled out as little of his cock as he could to get the job done. On the other side of him though D had once again removed his shorts and was full monty pissing on the fire. "C'mon bro get those shorts off and let's jump back in the water for a while." Being dusk now Eddo agreed mainly because it will be more difficult to see D's naked body or for D to see him get hard.

About 10 pm the still air and lack of smoke from the campfire was making it impossible to be outside with the mosquitos. Making sure the fire was completely out the guys headed for the tent. Neither had put shorts back on and Eddo really enjoyed walking behind D. Every so often enough moonlight would illuminate the ass he liked to watch. This made his cock swell and he hoped this would go unnoticed.

Unzipping and entering the tent, D-base made comment about staying naked all night, "no reason the put any clothing on just to sleep, besides it is too damn hot!" Eddo froze not knowing if he could handle being naked all night just a few feet from his friend. Only a few moments later D was laying spread eagle on one of the air mattresses they brought along. They had also brought bed sheets to lay between the mattress and themselves so their skin wouldn't stick to the plastic. Eddo layed down on his own mattress and tried to get comfortable laying on his side looking away from D.

They both were tired from work earlier in the day and from the evening heat. But sleep didn't come easy for Eddo. He tried not to toss, and tried not to think about his friends cock surrounded by that auburn bush adjoined by those great low hanging balls. His cock began to throb and ooze a large amount of precum. Eddo really liked seeing and tasting his own precum. Once he discovered porn, the first oozing drops became one of his favorite parts as he watched the solo strokers videos he preferred.

Eddo listened to see if D-base was asleep, something he learned to detect over the years of being friends. Many times after D was out he would go to the bathroom and jack off. Tonight he was hoping for the same opportunity. Soon the soft rhythmic breathing began that signaled D had drifted off. For the next few minutes Eddo let his hand dangle close to his aching cock, not wanting to hurry, just in case D woke up.

After what seemed like an hour he heard the breathing of his friend slow, D was good and asleep now. Rolling onto his back, Eddo grabbed his dick with his left hand and began to distribute the precum over his head using his index finger. Clenching his ass cheeks to bear down and make his cock drip more, he used the next drops to lube the palm of his hand. Soon he was making long strokes up and down his shaft.

It had been a couple of days since blowing his last load in the shower. It wouldn't take long to cum and then sleep would be easy. As his momentum built, so did the swelling in his cock head. Soon his shaft was bursting and he felt the orgasm rising. As his balls pulled closer to his dick a sudden sound made him stop stroking. Listening for a few seconds it was only some small animal rustling around in the grass nearby the tent. Eddo was relieved to hear the sounds diminish. In his relief though he did not notice D's breathing had again changed.

The noise outside had roused D-base and soon his eyes fluttered open. Too sleepy to comprehend the animal noise he soon focused on Eddo as the source noticing the obvious sight of his big hard cock pointing to the sky. A couple of times he had spied on Eddo jacking off. But never long enough to see the outcome of his efforts. D-base liked girls, a lot, and stroked his load to thoughts of the hottest girls in town. But there was some nagging part of him that wanted to see Eddo cum.

This goal was in the back of D's mind as they planned this river trip. The good luck of river access being restricted upstream from the farm was a bonus he expertly exploited. Besides who doesn't like to skinny dip! Now, in the dark tent, there was a chance to fulfill his wish. There was not much moonlight filtering into the tent through the window flap, but as his eyes adjusted to what light there was, he noticed Eddo was now looking at him. In the heat D-base had not realized that his stiffining dick head now had a large drop of precum glistening in the soft light.

As their eyes met both of them blushed, even if it wasn't obvious in the dimness. D-base broke the silence, "Were you looking at me and beating it Dude!?!" He feigned being upset which caused Eddo to try and cover himself with the sheet and start apologizing. "Yeah, NO, I'm sorry!" Eddo said pleadingly. "I was jerking, but not..." D-base interrupted him, "Dude, it's okay! We're friends, guys jack off, no big, besides I've been wanting to see your great dick cum!"

If a person can blush from head to toe Eddo just did. The mix of embarrassment, heat, and excitement caused a huge adrenaline rush in his body. Taking a risk Eddo kicked the sheet to the end of the mattress. Almost in one movement he sat up and turned 90 degrees with his legs spread to face D-base. As he started to stroke his cock he said to D-base, "I didn't know if this day would ever happen!" And with the next stroke he let fly with three ropes of cum high in the air. One landed on the tent floor, one on D-bases leg and one on D's mattress.

Breathing heavy Eddo demanded that D-base return the favor. Taking as much of Eddo's cum as he could reclaim, D bathed his completely stiff cock and started stroking. Eddo was getting hard again watching his friend'a cock slick with his own juice, suddenly demanded "I want you to cum on me!"

D-base moved to kneel next to where Eddo was still sitting. His cock was nearly in Eddo's face and this proximity made him immediately burst all over his friend with multiple ropes of cum. D's juice ran down Eddo from shoulder to abs. There were a few drops on his cheek and a big pearly blob on his thigh.

To be continued
Last edited:
Part 2 - In The Tent

With a 'what the fuck just happened' look on his face D-base says, "Dude, that felt so amazing!" He contiued, "You are covered in my juice! I'm freaking out right now!" Eddo was thrilled by the turn of events but still in the haze of having jizzed on his friend and wearing his friend's cum. Gathering himself, Eddo clears his throat, takes two fingers and wipes some of D's cum from his own abs and licks his fingers clean. "Now, D, clean up the rest with your tongue." He was liking this new role of demanding action from his friend.

D-base hesitated, he wasn't sure he wanted the buddy action to go much further, but he felt compelled to see how his own cum tasted mixed with Eddo's sweat. "Lay down and prepare for a licking" D-base nervously laughed at his own joke. Eddo complied and tensed in anticipation of this new level of play, it was all happening really fast. Starting at Eddos pecs, D-base used the end of his tongue to lightly gather his own juices into his waiting cheek. Moving further down his buddy's hot body he paused for a second and gave Eddo's nipple some extra attention, cleaning the hairs as well as possible.

Within seconds Eddo's breathing quickened and his toes were wriggling from the pleasure. A pool of precum was building just below his belly button that soon spilled over the rim flling that small crater with clear sweet sticky juice. He winced as D found the spot on his abs with the largest line of cum, it tickled. Soon Eddo could feel D's breath near his cock head and ached to feel his tongue licking the precum from the tip.

Suddenly D-base sat up, swallowed, and licked his lips. Their eyes met and D speaks breaking the silence, "Enjoyed that!?" He said as a statement and a question to his friend. "Not sure I'm down to giving you a blow job, but I'm up for jacking each other. Wanna move the mattresses together and give it a try?" Eddo was eager for more and close to the edge after having D's exploring tongue lingering near his cock.

Without talking the guys arranged the mattresses turning the sheets perpendicular and tucking them under in an attempt to merge them into one large bed. Moving in unison they lay down, both now on their backs and reaching for the others junk. Finding one another they instintively looped legs to draw closer and have an easier reach. The feel of muscles, leg hair and glistening sweat fueling their building desire.

Of course Eddo already had a river of precum so he dipped his finger into his own navel and used the juice to lube his friends cock. D-base found Eddo's shaft was silky slick and added some spit to his palm for extra lubrication. For the next few minutes the friends slowly played with the others cock feeling the vein ridges, and learning what firmness of grip produced a sigh or moan from his friend.

Eddo made use of his free hand to stroke his buddy's abs then his nipple. D-base tried rubbing Eddo's nipple but found it easier to rub his friends forearm to guide the stroking. Soon D-base was at the edge. His toes curled and he held his breath. Eddo knowing his friend was about to blow put him on the edge too. So he whispered to D, "let it go, I'm there too." So with a grunt D-base thrust into Eddo's stroke and they both came with several ropes of jizz mixing together on their bodies.

Neither friend spoke for several minutes. They were still and relaxed in the golden haze of the moment. Again D-base broke the silence, "Well, that just happened. I really enjoyed the play but I want to above all be friends." "Tomorrow when we return after work let's meet at the bunkhouse before riding out here to the tent." Eddo knew his friend's tone was lite and comfortable, so he didn't argue and agreed to meet about 6pm at the farm bunkhouse. He also knew there was a future to this part of their friendship and enjoyed knowing his friend was on a similar page. With tomorrow decided they both quickly fell asleep, their bodies touching from shoulder to toe, mingled cum still on their stomachs and legs.

To Be Continued
Authors Note: I felt compelled to set some boundaries for the friends sex play, I hope the dialogue is not off putting to the story flow.

Part 3 - Saturday

The rising sun started a breeze that made it into the tent through the mesh windows. Soon the temperature inside cooled slightly causing goose bumps to form on D-base's skin, starting from the nape of his neck, down his spine, eventually covering his ass and thighs. As he roused, he became aware that his left arm was underneath Eddo, his right hand was tucked between Eddo's thighs and his morning wood was pressed firmly against his friend's furry ass cheek. D-base was spooning Eddo, the first time he had ever woken up next to a lover, let alone skin to skin. As easily as possible D-base slid his hand from between Eddo's legs and rolled onto his back. Looking at this own naked body, he noticed the dried mingled cum on his torso. Beginning to think about the night before, he relished the amazing feeling of intimate touching, being touched, and sharing the amazing release of jizz with his friend. His stiff cock was soon oozing precum. The drop in body temperature soon caught up with Eddo now that D-base's body was not warming his own. The goose bumps formed and caused him to waken and stretch as his too rolled onto his back. His hard cock came into full view of D and the friends looked at each other and said good morning. Eddo took the chance to squeeze D's cock. "Watch it Eddo, that thing is full of piss this morning." They both laughed and D-base returned the favor giving Eddo's cock a firm shake.

It was early but both guys had jobs and worked Saturday’s, so they had to get up and off to work. Putting on their shoes and stepping through the unzipped tent opening the guys again discussed evening plans and the 6pm meeting time. As they started for the tree where they had left their clothes the night before, they were met by a surprise. The clothes were not hanging on the tree! "What the Fuck?" they said in unison. Looking through the weeds it only took a minute to find them near the base of an adjacent tree. Both shirts were ripped to shreds, as were Eddo's boxers and shorts. D-base looked for his shorts and found them another few feet away torn and drenched in animal urine. D's boxers were nowhere to be seen. Whatever animal made last night's commotion obviously didn't like the smell of human male testosterone! This left the guys no choice but to mount the quad bikes buck naked and ride back to their trucks. Taking a minute to collect the ruined clothes and empty their bladders, they rode back to the old bunkhouse. This old building was also army surplus that his grandparents used for seasonal farm help and for extra space during holiday family gatherings.

Luckily D had some farm clothes in the building he could wear to his job at the warehouse. Eddo put on some extra shorts he kept behind the seat in his truck and drove home to shower before his job at the local grocery store. All day long the friends reminisced about the night before and the longing would keep them very distracted. Several times D-base had to recheck the paperwork to know where to stack the boxes he was moving. Almost immediately hot and sweaty, by early afternoon one of his older coworkers walked by, sniffed and said "ooh, the smell of teenage sex" which caused D to blush and quietly laugh to himself. Eddo too found it more difficult than he imagined to work all day. He kept having to adjust his jeans, so his boner was not so obviously bulging. Soon though the day was over, and it was time to return to the river.

D-base arrived first at the bunkhouse taking time to shower. After a sweaty day he needed to wash his itchy head and a river bath just wouldn't do. Eddo arrived quickly after D and let himself into the bunkhouse just as D-base wet his head under the middle spigot of the 3-gang shower. Walking into the bathroom Eddo stood and watched as D soaped and washed his hair. D-base still had his eyes closed so Eddo stripped off and soon was soaping D's back and reaching around to soap his abs. With this D whirled around hitting Eddo's hip with his stiff cock. "Dude, let's chill... my Gran could walk in any time!" D-base rinsed and stepped away from the running water. Eddo did a cursory wash, shut off the valve and took the towel D offered him. D-base began to make plans and tell Eddo their next steps, "Let's dry off and I'll check to see if my grandparents are around or not. If they are gone, we can ride back out to the river naked like we did this morning." Eddo agreed with the plan, all the while thinking about how much fun the bunkhouse shower could have been.

Grabbing the cooler and a small duffel to keep their clothes in, they jumped onto the quad bikes and rode bare assed to the tent. This time they placed all of their belongings inside the tent and zipped it up. Hopefully the visitor from last night had its fill of mischief and wouldn't return. There was about 2 hours until dark and the 95-degree evening made a swim very welcome. Starting up the fire only took a minute or two and as it burned into some good embers for cooking, they sat on a couple of large stones and let the running water lap onto their legs and arms. Occasionally they would splash water onto their chest and soon both of their cocks were as hard as the stones under them. "You know Eddo" D-base began, "you are my best friend." "We have shared a lot since 1st grade but sex wasn't something I expected." "Just so we are on completely honest, I love you like a brother... with benefits." Eddo really wasn't taken off guard by this, in fact he mostly felt the same. "Yeah, D, I know, and I feel the same." Eddo continued, "I'm so damn horny all the time and it doesn't seem to matter, when I see a hot body, male or female, I get hard." "Let's just enjoy this summer and see what happens during senior year." "If we find someone we want to date let's just talk about it." D-base was quiet for several minutes, finally speaking just a few words, "Agreed. I'm up for anything but kissing on the lips or anal. Now let's shoot our loads!" With that settled Eddo and D-base embraced, letting their chests and cocks touch for an extended hug. With the conversation over the friends made quick work of eating.

As they put out the fire, they took time to admire each other’s bodies in the growing dim. As they had the night before they walked single file back to the tent, Eddo admiring D-base's ass, but this time Eddo was not concerned that his fried might see his swollen cock. This new air of openness hadn't changed the fact that Eddo wanted to play with D's cock and feel his body. He also knew that the direct and demanding Eddo was ready to tell his fried how to please him. Entering the tent, the air seemed warmer inside which caused them to quickly have a sheen of sweat on their skin. Grabbing D by the hand Eddo maneuvered behind his friend and pressed their bodies together. Moving his hands to the front of D, Eddo massaged his friend’s pecs, rubbed his nipples and moved his fingers lightly around his abs, hips and upper thighs. D-base reacted by grinding his ass onto Eddo's erection sending waves of pleasure shooting into Eddo's body.

Continued Below
Part 3 - Continued

After a few minutes, D-base held up his hand, silently telling his fried to pause. Separating from their clutch, D-base reached into the duffel and retrieved some massage oil. "Hey Eddo, I'll give you a massage and then you can do what you want to me." Eddo hurriedly lay down on the air mattress, spread eagle on but on his chest. D-base squirted some of the oil into his hand and began to work it into Eddo's back. This is actually something that D-base had done a time or two for Eddo when he was swimming, but back then they were not full of raging testosterone and sure weren't totally naked. As Eddo relaxed, he enjoyed the pressure from the palm of D's hands working his lower back and glutes. As D worked up Eddo's back reaching the shoulders, Eddo was aware of D's cock rubbing along the very top of his ass crack. Eventually D-base was laying on top of his friend and grinding his hips, making his cock slick with the sweat and massage oil. "Are you ready to make me cum Eddo?" D-base asked. "How do you me to make you cum D? Eddo replied. "Suck my dick my Bi friend!" D-base whispered.

D-base stood up, feet spread to shoulder width and held out his hand to Eddo who maneuvered onto his knees in front of his friend. He had wanted to taste another guys cock and cum for so long. NO! He wanted to taste D-bases cock and cum for so long! Not knowing exactly how to start, Eddo licked his lips and let some saliva puddle in his lip. Reaching for D-base he put one hand at the base of his cock and the other hand around his hip. Drawing his head closer to D's cock, he started licking the precum that had collected and started to drip from D's opening. The sweet taste surprised Eddo, mainly because he expected another guys pre to taste much different from his own. Slowly Eddo started taking the glans of D's cock into his mouth, just past his teeth. Not wanting to hurry the process, Eddo stopped there and started licking up and down the shaft of D's cock, letting his tongue feel the ridges of each vein. Soon Eddo felt D's balls begin to draw up and he knew that his friend couldn't hold back his load for much longer. Turning his mouth back toward D's glans he felt the first few drops of cum hit his cheek, next a hot rope of cum flew past his nose and landed on his shoulder. Quickly Eddo raised up to take D's throbbing cock into his mouth to experience at least some of the jizz hitting the back of his throat. Success! Two quick squirts landed inside his mouth and he tasted the saltiness of his friends cum for the first time.

"Ohhh FUCK! Dude! Yes!" D-base yelled, his knees weakening as the orgasm subsided, and sort of sat/squatted onto the mattress. "Just fucking amazing" D continued, "Your tongue was like nothing I've ever felt on my dick before." "Did you take some of the jizz in your mouth?" Eddo answered, "Oh yeah! It was amazing! Two hot squirts landed on my tongue." "Last night that little bit I tasted was mixed with sweat, tonight I just tasted your jizz, strong and salty." "Now, you you ready to make me cum?" Eddo asked. "Let's start with you behind me. I want to feel your breath on my neck as you stroke my cock." Eddo was on his knees leaning back onto his heels as he waited for D-base to approach from behind. Once D was in place, Eddo lifted slightly so that D could slide in and hold him from behind, almost making a recliner for Eddo to lean back into. D placed his chin on Eddo's shoulder and placed his left arm around his waist. Using his right hand, D-based started to stroke his buddy slowly. Eddo was fully hard with precum running all the way down into his bush making it easy for D to increase his stroking. "Hold me tighter D-base and sing, I want to feel the vibrations from your voice as you stroke my cock!"

D-base started to sing one of the Italian songs they learned in choir last year for competition. The vibrations from D's low base voice warmed the inside of Eddo's chest. Eddo reached with his left hand behind D-base and grabbed onto his ass. D-base paused for a moment to lick his lips before continuing the song. Within seconds though Eddo could feel the buildup of his juice. It started lower in his cock than he ever had felt it before. Soon his anus started to quiver, and his feet almost cramped as eleven of the thickest ropes of cum shot from his cock. These were the highest and farthest he ever remembered shooting. The tent floor had puddles of jizz leading from the edge of the air mattress all the way to the tent wall. Eddo was amazed and had no idea where all that juice had come from! D-base started laughing with wonder. "Dude, fuck, how did you do that?" "Was it my singing?" It must have been Eddo thought, he was so spent and dizzy he was glad he wasn't standing.

To Be Continued
Part 4 - Eddo's Awakening

Eddo was enraptured by the most intense orgasm of his life. A memory he knew would forever be foremost on his list of sexual experiences. Not knowing if he could ever again achieve the same deep rooted explosion it was obvious that he must try again soon. For now though he was happy to be held in the arms of his best friend.

D-base was amazed at the way his body reacted to holding his naked friend against his own skin. Yes, he had spooned Eddo, but that was when he was asleep. Now he was awake and feeling the electricity coming from his cock being pressed up against Eddo's hip. The warmth between his chest and Eddo's back was making them sweat but the building moisture added to the sensation. As Eddo's climax built the quivering muscles had aroused D-base to the point his cock was slick with precum.

As Eddo slowly recovered D-base adjusted their bodies. Straightening his legs some, they both ended up in a kneeling stance, D still behind Eddo. It was decision time for D, just what would he request from his friend to release the again building need. Hesitating a bit too long Eddo spoke a command that fully suited D. "Lube up your cock and fuck between my thighs."

This was the perfect option, not anal but not a hand job either. Building up some spit, D-base added this to the sweat and precum covering his cock. He soon slipped his throbbing head between Eddo's legs just alightly below his taint. As he began to slowly thrust he noticed toward the deepest part of the movement that his dick was pushing Eddo's nut sack making thrilling contact against the folded skin. Soon however Eddo's arousal returned causing his sack to tighten and move up and away from D's thrusting. Now D was able to increase the speed of his hips. Just as the lube mixture was drying Eddo added several large drops of cum from his own orgasm. Using his index finger he transferred the slickness to D's glans, within a few seconds D-base was moaning, "Fuck Yeah, Fuck Yeah, Fuck Yeah!" And with one more thrust D spewed out five large and three minor ropes of cum.

Eddo felt his friend's body tense right before he blew his load. Holding out his hand he managed to catch some of the juice, which made a nice sized puddle in his palm. Making sure to first show D-base what his efforts brought, he then tilted his head back, raised his hand over his mouth and slurped down the puddle like eating an oyster.

This new physical exploration with D-base awakened Eddo to the possibilities he could experience next year at college living in the dorm. Thinking ahead he imagined hjmself this super horny college guy, and the ways to get off expanded with each play session this weekend. Although he knew that D-base was enjoying himself now, it was clear to Eddo that D would be more traditional and settle down with a girl to raise a family. Eddo's future relationships would be more fluid. However, he and Delbert would always be friends.

The End... for now, the summer isn't over!
Part 4 - Eddo's Awakening

Eddo was enraptured by the most intense orgasm of his life. A memory he knew would forever be foremost on his list of sexual experiences. Not knowing if he could ever again achieve the same deep rooted explosion it was obvious that he must try again soon. For now though he was happy to be held in the arms of his best friend.

D-base was amazed at the way his body reacted to holding his naked friend against his own skin. Yes, he had spooned Eddo, but that was when he was asleep. Now he was awake and feeling the electricity coming from his cock being pressed up against Eddo's hip. The warmth between his chest and Eddo's back was making them sweat but the building moisture added to the sensation. As Eddo's climax built the quivering muscles had aroused D-base to the point his cock was slick with precum.

As Eddo slowly recovered D-base adjusted their bodies. Straightening his legs some, they both ended up in a kneeling stance, D still behind Eddo. It was decision time for D, just what would he request from his friend to release the again building need. Hesitating a bit too long Eddo spoke a command that fully suited D. "Lube up your cock and fuck between my thighs."

This was the perfect option, not anal but not a hand job either. Building up some spit, D-base added this to the sweat and precum covering his cock. He soon slipped his throbbing head between Eddo's legs just alightly below his taint. As he began to slowly thrust he noticed toward the deepest part of the movement that his dick was pushing Eddo's nut sack making thrilling contact against the folded skin. Soon however Eddo's arousal returned causing his sack to tighten and move up and away from D's thrusting. Now D was able to increase the speed of his hips. Just as the lube mixture was drying Eddo added several large drops of cum from his own orgasm. Using his index finger he transferred the slickness to D's glans, within a few seconds D-base was moaning, "Fuck Yeah, Fuck Yeah, Fuck Yeah!" And with one more thrust D spewed out five large and three minor ropes of cum.

Eddo felt his friend's body tense right before he blew his load. Holding out his hand he managed to catch some of the juice, which made a nice sized puddle in his palm. Making sure to first show D-base what his efforts brought, he then tilted his head back, raised his hand over his mouth and slurped down the puddle like eating an oyster.

This new physical exploration with D-base awakened Eddo to the possibilities he could experience next year at college living in the dorm. Thinking ahead he imagined hjmself this super horny college guy, and the ways to get off expanded with each play session this weekend. Although he knew that D-base was enjoying himself now, it was clear to Eddo that D would be more traditional and settle down with a girl to raise a family. Eddo's future relationships would be more fluid. However, he and Delbert would always be friends.

The End... for now, the summer isn't over!
Why didn’t this one keep going! I needed d to finally realize he wanted to be inside him.