Came blood


Cherished Member
May 9, 2024
Um ok so I was masturbating and doing my thing looking at porn not going particularly hard or aggressive, it felt like I was going to cum but this felt different it kind of burned a little and It felt was like there was a bubble trying to get out the tip of my dick and I was starting to lose my erection and I look and its not cum but a deep dark red drop of blood then I felt an urgency to pee and I did and it seemed like when I did pee there was a maybe 2 inch clot and a little blob in the toilet also wiped the tip and the toilet paper was slightly pink like watery blood. Drank some water and a little bit later nothing pee and toilet paper was clear. I havent had any sex besides jerking off since April 2023 and was tested at my physical and everything was neg. Im not on any blood thinners just asthma meds. Havent had any injuries to the area. Am I worrying about nothing?
Um ok so I was masturbating and doing my thing looking at porn not going particularly hard or aggressive, it felt like I was going to cum but this felt different it kind of burned a little and It felt was like there was a bubble trying to get out the tip of my dick and I was starting to lose my erection and I look and its not cum but a deep dark red drop of blood then I felt an urgency to pee and I did and it seemed like when I did pee there was a maybe 2 inch clot and a little blob in the toilet also wiped the tip and the toilet paper was slightly pink like watery blood. Drank some water and a little bit later nothing pee and toilet paper was clear. I havent had any sex besides jerking off since April 2023 and was tested at my physical and everything was neg. Im not on any blood thinners just asthma meds. Havent had any injuries to the area. Am I worrying about nothing?
go to the doctor asap it could be a sign of testicular cancer
If symptoms continue, absolutely see a urologist ASAP or visit an ER. Blood in the urine can also be the effect of a UTI (urinary tract infection). Are you hydrating and drinking plenty of water? I have experienced a UTI and it can be treated for the infection as well as for the burning sensation and discomfort. Let us know your result. :)
Trying to drink 9+ glasses a day dont know how it could be a uti haventt had sex in over a year and always keep my junk clean! Went to bathroom before bed and had a lil pink on the paper but went mid afternoon its like it never happened no pink no clots just regular.
No no other pains. And to clarify from my title it wasnt actually like a whole load it was a drop. Still a scary thing feeling that in the middle of my session and looking down and seeing that, unfortunately my next pcp appointment isnt for months and hes booked solid!
Blood in the ejaculate, infrequently, is not as concerning as blood in the urine, and it sounds like the blood you passed in urine was secondary to being ejaculated.

I've had blood in the ejaculate - called hematospermia - two or three times in my life, first in college and a time or two as an adult. Urologists always told me it is not really that uncommon - ejaculation is fairly violent and can cause little blood vessels to rupture. So long as it's an isolated incident (not every time) and with no other symptoms, I wouldn't be too worried (although that's easier said than done, I know).

Research it on the net - it's not anything to panic over. Now, if you see blood in the urine, that's another matter and should generate a trip to the ER if it keeps happening.

Just my two cents, based on my own experience.
Blood in the ejaculate, infrequently, is not as concerning as blood in the urine, and it sounds like the blood you passed in urine was secondary to being ejaculated.

I've had blood in the ejaculate - called hematospermia - two or three times in my life, first in college and a time or two as an adult. Urologists always told me it is not really that uncommon - ejaculation is fairly violent and can cause little blood vessels to rupture. So long as it's an isolated incident (not every time) and with no other symptoms, I wouldn't be too worried (although that's easier said than done, I know).

Research it on the net - it's not anything to panic over. Now, if you see blood in the urine, that's another matter and should generate a trip to the ER if it keeps happening.

Just my two cents, based on my own experience.
I appreciate that info, yesterday after I woke up every time I went it was clear no clots no pink in the water or on the paper. I havent had the courage to try and jerk off yet kind of shell shocked!
I know exactly where you're coming from. Every time it's happened to me, I was scared to death to ejaculate again, but just remember, even if you see fresh blood (or dark brown "junk," which is old dried blood) it's not the end of the world, and likely just a "flushing out" of the prior episode's bleeding. But I understand - only after you've ejaculated normally a few times will you forget about it and move on. Totally understandable.
I know exactly where you're coming from. Every time it's happened to me, I was scared to death to ejaculate again, but just remember, even if you see fresh blood (or dark brown "junk," which is old dried blood) it's not the end of the world, and likely just a "flushing out" of the prior episode's bleeding. But I understand - only after you've ejaculated normally a few times will you forget about it and move on. Totally understandable.
I mustered the courage to jerk it and it was fine. Pee was clear too!
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