Can you pls help ID these hotties I keep seeing on IG ads for SquidHaus?


Superior Member
Jul 13, 2019
My IG algorithm must know me really well coz I have a thing for hot guys who are fit. As a result, it’s been advertising me these guys and I have no idea who they are and I’ve been dying to know coz I’m hopeful they must have their own IG handles… and hopefully their respective OF and lpsg pages.

The ads are for guys who promote the SquidHaus gym shorts

I’m missing the 3rd guy who makes a funny chirp about why girls like watching baseball and it’s ’not about the hot dogs’ 😏 … I haven’t seen his ad lately and haven’t taken the screenshot yet but I’ll update this post once I do


My IG algorithm must know me really well coz I have a thing for hot guys who are fit. As a result, it’s been advertising me these guys and I have no idea who they are and I’ve been dying to know coz I’m hopeful they must have their own IG handles… and hopefully their respective OF and lpsg pages.

The ads are for guys who promote the SquidHaus gym shorts

I’m missing the 3rd guy who makes a funny chirp about why girls like watching baseball and it’s ’not about the hot dogs’ 😏 … I haven’t seen his ad lately and haven’t taken the screenshot yet but I’ll update this post once I do

Bryce Witmer

bryce_witmer • instagram

@brycewitmerfit • tiktok

brycewitmer •

My IG algorithm must know me really well coz I have a thing for hot guys who are fit. As a result, it’s been advertising me these guys and I have no idea who they are and I’ve been dying to know coz I’m hopeful they must have their own IG handles… and hopefully their respective OF and lpsg pages.

The ads are for guys who promote the SquidHaus gym shorts

I’m missing the 3rd guy who makes a funny chirp about why girls like watching baseball and it’s ’not about the hot dogs’ 😏 … I haven’t seen his ad lately and haven’t taken the screenshot yet but I’ll update this post once I do

Cade Matthes

cadematthes • instagram

@cade.matthes • tiktok
