
Cherished Member
Jun 21, 2024
100% Straight, 0% Gay
What a summer it had been, thought Carl as he got ready to go down to Doreen. It hardly felt like any time at all since that first drinks party at his parents’ house where Doreen had invaded his bedroom to watch him – and film him! - masturbate before finishing him off. The first person to ever touch his cock was a woman well into her 60s. It was crazy.

And since then! Not mentioning the daily showerings and shavings and milkings Carl was subjected to while he stayed with Doreen, there was his headmistress coming round to examine and play with his naked body and the coffee morning friends of Doreen’s, who subjected him to anal examinations. And, of course, the demonstration where Mrs. Martin had milked Carl in front of a room full of spectators, with some very hands-on assistants, live on a video feed with copies of the footage and tastings of his sperm offered out freely to anyone who wanted them.

Then there was the art class where he was measured (and milked!), the biology class where a cast was made of his erect penis and shared (before he was milked!) and then, of course, the auction, where he and his new friend Kevin had been groped and played with (and milked!) and then sold off, in Kevin’s case to a load of old ladies in a home and in Carl’s to a bunch of Carl’s (unattractive) schoolmates, who played with him before their mother took him upstairs to do things Carl had never had done to him before. And yet, he was still a virgin.

As the date of his parents’ return loomed, Carl had started to worry about what would happen, seeing as he had become famous throughout the town as a sex-toy, a plaything for any woman who wanted him. People had promised to be discreet but when the whole town was aware of what he’d been doing, it would only take one person… And then the news came. Seeing as he was about to go off to university, his father had decided to accept a job offer in Cape Town and would be employing an agent to send on their things. Crisis averted. Neither he nor they would be around to become the centre of any more attention.

It was actually Doreen who told him. His parents had written to her first to make sure she didn’t mind overseeing Carl as he sorted himself out for his move. They had left Doreen a key – not Carl but Doreen – and so she could make sure he packed up properly and even keep an eye on the agent and removals people who would be closing up the house. They were very grateful for her help. And she couldn’t hide her relief at the idea that she would not have to face these people whose 19-year-old son she had been draining of all the sperm he could produce and sharing with half the women in the town. Everyone was a winner.

‘And so, Carl, how do you feel about not seeing your parents before you go off to university?’ asked Doreen, as Carl stood before her in nothing but the sheer pink pouch-panties, which it was his duty to wear whenever he was in her presence.

‘Erm, I don’t know, Miss,’ he answered. ‘I suppose it would just have been for a couple of days anyway. And I can see them at Christmas…’

Doreen was only half listening. She was running her eyes up and down this beautiful young man’s body, thinking to herself that she only had him for a couple more days. Would only get to milk that beautiful young cock a few more times. Would only smell the musk of his balls and his hole for a little while more. Would only see the shame on his face as she did what she wanted to him. And there was still so much more she wanted to do with him. But he must go and she felt she would never again have such total control over someone so very beautiful, might never take such a perfect young cock in her mouth, might never taste such sweet precum…

‘We should have a little going-away party for you,’ said Doreen, coming back to herself. ‘Invite some of your new friends. What do you think about that?’

The only new friend he could think of was Kevin, unless she meant the women who had been availing themselves of his body this summer. He looked at her. The lascivious look on her face told him that was exactly who she meant. And so it was decided, in an instant, that tomorrow, on the last full day of his stay, after he had packed up his things ready to leave the next morning, there would be an ‘event’ to bid him farewell.

After a particularly tender milking on the dining room table, where he was sure he saw a mistiness in Doreen’s eyes as she gently brought him to a climax that wracked his whole body, she sent him to bed early. Later, while he was asleep, he felt her climb into his bed with him, the only time she had done it since his first night in her house. As he slept fitfully, he felt her hands all over him – his chest, his belly, his buttocks. Then, his eyes closed, half-asleep, he felt something wetter on him – on his balls, his hole, the head of his penis – but it all came and went through his head and when he woke up the next morning, with her gone, it was hard for him to decide how much of it had been a dream.

Doreen had meant to spare Carl his morning milking as they had what she was calling ‘an event’ that afternoon, but with so little time left, she could not deny herself and, having given him a thorough shower and a minute inspection to peck away any hair that spoiled the total smoothness of his body, she had him climb into position on the dining room table and, kissing him on the buttocks and on the biceps and even on the forehead, milked him once more, leaving him shuddering as she looked at the pearly sperm in the palm of her hand.

The rest of the morning he spent in his own house – which seemed almost unfamiliar to him after everything that had happened this summer – where he packed up his clothes and books and put anything he didn’t want into boxes to be disposed of. He found a pair of his pants, the ones his mother bought for him, and, taking off his sweatpants and the pouch-panties he was wearing under them, pulled them on, for old time’s sake. He looked at himself in the mirror and caught a glimpse – just a glimpse – of what all these women saw in his body. The thought of them looking made his penis start to twitch in the silly underwear and he was tempted to masturbate in private for once but felt that it would be unfair to Doreen, who had forbidden any private masturbation while he was in her charge. And for one day more, he was in her charge.

So, bags packed, he went back to her house where she took him upstairs for another shower – he was glad he hadn’t masturbated: she would have known when she was soaping his penis – handed him some new pouch-panties, which she instructed him to put on and told him to wait on his bed until he was called.

After everything he had experienced that summer, it was strange to him that he was so nervous. Everyone coming would have seen him before – felt him before, tasted him before – but he sat waiting, his heart beating, hoping not to get hard before he went down as that would look somehow too eager, embarrassingly eager. As he sat, he heard the doorbell ring and then voices. Then more rings and more voices until there was clearly quite a party down there, laughing and clinking glasses, sounding excited.

Eventually, he heard a little knock on his door – an unusual sound as Doreen usually just walked in whenever she wanted – and heard, ‘Carl, we’re ready for you dear.’ He stood and felt a surge of blood into his penis at the thought of walking down the stairs and having everyone watch him. Damn, he thought.

He opened the door and stepped out in the pouch-panties, his semi-hard penis already straining against the fabric. Walking after Doreen towards the stairs he could already see the heads of people standing in the hallway but he looked straight ahead so as not to recognise any of them. Coming to the top of the stairs, he put one foot down, then the other. By the third step he could hear muttering – ‘Oh, here he is’, ‘Wow, look at that!’, ‘Oh, my god. Mum, look!’ – and even a little light applause.

‘Here he is!’ announced Doreen to the group. ‘The man of the moment.’ Carl looked up at the group before him from halfway down the stairs. There was Doreen on the first step, so she could address the people. Then just beyond her his headmistress, licking her lips as she looked at him. Then Helen looking over-excited next to her mother. Mrs. Martin from the exhibition he did at the college. The teacher from the biology class where they had made a mould from his penis – he couldn’t think of her name right now – and some of Doreen’s coffee morning ladies and art group. And there, at the back, looking embarrassed, the only male in the room, was Kevin.

‘Step down Carl, dear,’ said Doreen, holding out a hand for him. ‘And…’ to the rest of the room, ‘could we make way for Carl…’ at which they moved to the side or into the lounge ready for his appearance. He carried on down the stairs, burning red at the attention and with his penis now fully erect and breaching the top of the pouch-panties. He could hear them muttering and, as he passed between them into the lounge, could feel hands stealing feels of his buttocks, his belly, one even grabbed his penis, but he couldn’t tell who it was.

Once inside the lounge, he stood in front of the people, maybe 20 of them, all familiar to him. ‘Can everyone see?’ said Doreen to the room. There was a buzz of ‘yes’es but a couple of ‘not really’s. ‘Stand up on this,’ said Doreen to Carl, moving a stool towards him with her foot. He stepped onto it and realised that this now put his penis at eye level with the people in the room.

‘Look up, Carl,’ said Doreen. ‘There’s nothing on the floor to look at.’ Carl raised his eyes and saw everyone looking at him, from girls his age at school to their mothers and the older ladies and, at the back of the room, Kevin, fully dressed and looking down.

‘Now, who wants to do the honours of undoing Carl’s pouch panties,’ said Doreen. Helen’s hand shot up, ‘Me!’ she said, while her mother looked around the room, half-rolling her eyes but with actual pride that her daughter should be so quick to come forward.

‘Alright, young lady,’ said Doreen, smiling, ‘seeing as you’re so keen.’ There was a titter as Helen – short, dumpy, plain - stepped forward, looking Carl in the eyes then lowering her gaze to his penis, then raising them again with a smirk, just to get the message to him that she was going to touch him now… And there was nothing he could do about it.

Her hands went to the tie at the side of the pouch panties and he could feel her fingers on him – on his hips, on his buttock, trying not to make it obvious. She crouched a little and stared at the penis that was up over the top of the panties then, as the bow came undone, allowed it to flop almost into her face. She could smell it – clean but already spermy from the precum.

‘OK, OK…’ said Doreen, stepping forward, eager for Helen not to dominate proceedings and seeing where this was going. And then, standing in front of Carl, his penis just over her shoulder, she started a speech.

‘I think we’d all like to thank Carl for making this summer one to remember,’ she said. ‘When he first came to stay with me, I didn’t realise quite what an adventure we would be going on together. From his daily milkings and shavings to, well, being shared with all of you wonderful people.’ There were a few ‘aah’s from the room as if what Doreen was saying was touching.

‘I think all of us here have had the pleasure of touching Carl’s beautiful penis…’ A hum of assent. ‘Except for maybe Kevin.’ Light laughter. ‘And I think I can say on all our behalfs that we’re going to miss Carl and his beautiful penis when he goes off to university.’ Some nodding of heads and looking at each other.

‘So, I thought, before we lose him to academia, I would invite you all here to enjoy him one last time so please join me in exploring this beautiful specimen of manhood. Ladies… oh, and gentleman, I give you… Carl!’ And she did a sweeping gesture of her hand as if she were presenting him on stage, which, in a way, she was.

Helen and Carol, her mother, came over, looked at Carl, then, handing their phones to one of the coffee morning ladies, asked to have their pictures taken. ‘Do one with Carl’s cock between our faces,’ said Carol, moving in and pulling Helen so that Carl’s penis was between the cheeks of their faces.

‘Do another one,’ said Carol, turning so that her tongue was on the side of Carl’s penis. ‘Come on!’ she said to Helen, who did the same. The woman taking the pictures was smiling, then held out the camera for them to see. Carl caught a glimpse of the photo of these two women – one 18, one middle-aged – leering with their tongues on his penis.

‘Now do one where you can see his face,’ said Carol, almost as if Carl wasn’t there. The woman took the picture and, taking her phone back, Carol turned towards Carl and, taking his penis in her hand, squeezed it until a droplet of precum came out. She and Helen then both put their tongues out and licked it off together, laughing.

‘OK, you two,’ said Doreen, smiling. ‘Don’t hog Carl to yourselves. You have to share him out. I have spent the whole summer doing that, haven’t I?’

‘You have, Doreen,’ said Carol. ‘And we’re all very grateful. We just wanted a last little souvenir.’

With that Doreen took Carl by the elbow and led him to a group of older ladies who had been at the first coffee morning. ‘Hello, Carl,’ said one, who Carl vaguely remembered was called Elizabeth, quite old and with terrible make up.

‘Hello, erm, ma’am,’ said Carl, keen not to get it wrong.

‘Do you remember the morning we all came round and you served us coffee?’ she asked. He did so he nodded. ‘And we ended up putting our fingers in your cute little hole?’

‘Yes, ma’am,’ said Carl, meekly. ‘I remember.’ Elizabeth looked around at the other ladies who had been there. They smirked and giggled among themselves, then Elizabeth reached out and gripped Carl’s semi-erect penis and made a little groan of pleasure. Then another hand came forward and cupped his shaved balls. It was Sophie. Then he felt another hand underneath his buttocks, burrowing until it found his hole. Carl looked over his shoulder and saw it was Mrs. Martin, the 65-year-old neighbour who had instigated the exploration of his hole and had milked him in front of a room of strangers at the college.

‘Open your legs for me, Carl,’ she said, over his shoulder. He did as he was told, opening up his buttocks so that she could burrow further, her slippery finger disappearing completely inside him while Elizabeth and Sophie continued to squeeze precum out of Carl’s penis, dabbing their fingers on it as it appeared and putting it to their lips.

‘I’ve always loved how your perineum swells so much,’ says Mrs. Martin, running a finger on her other hand along the hard ridge underneath Carl’s testicles. Carl could feel himself blushing at being touched like this, naked like this, in front of a whole roomful of women that he knew. He looked over to Kevin and saw that his headmistress was talking to him and that Kevin was blushing. He looked down and saw that she was rubbing Kevin’s clearly hard penis through his trousers with her wrinkly hand. Helen, who had moved over after Doreen had taken Carl from her, watched, her tongue moistening her lips with clear desire ready to get a feel of Kevin for herself if the headmistress let her.