Carl is milked by Doreen's coffee morning ladies


Cherished Member
Jun 21, 2024
100% Straight, 0% Gay
It was the day Carl had been half looking forward to, half dreading. His parents' middle-aged neighbour, Doreen, who had been looking after him since they had gone to South Africa for the summer, had let him know on Friday that the following Monday a few of the ladies she used to work with were coming round and that Carl was to serve them coffee. He blushed as she told him, thinking about standing in a room in the tiny underwear Doreen had bought him especially with five or six women looking at his body as he politely served them coffee and biscuits.

Doreen had told him about it on Friday because she knew that it would be on his mind all weekend and all she had to do was say the word 'Monday', even if it wasn't related to the ladies' coffee morning, and she could see his beautiful cock stiffen in the special underwear, which she made him wear at all times. It was almost like a Pavlovian response. 'Oh look, The Godfather is on TV on Monday,' she said, pretending to look at the TV guide but actually looking at Carl's penis just to see it twitch involuntarily at the mere mention of the M word.

When Monday came, Doreen didn't give Carl his usual early morning milking -- she had got into the habit of masturbating him every day - which made his penis even more prone to getting hard than if she had emptied his balls of sperm. The fact that they had gone off schedule made Carl even more nervous about the coming encounter, so much so that he could actually see his heart beating between the two beautiful pectorals that were developing on his 19-year-old chest.

He was asked to shower thoroughly, stay in his room and Doreen took some breakfast up to him just to make sure he had some strength and to make sure he was ready in his special underwear for when her friends arrived.

As he sat on the bed, his heart pounding, Carl heard the doorbell ring, then some ladies' cheerful voices, then the doorbell again and again. It sounded like quite a party down there and then, 'Carl sweetie? Can you come down?' He opened the door of his room and stepped towards the stairs taking him down to the group of expectant older ladies. 'I just want to introduce to my friends, dear,' she said.

He started down the stairs, his penis already growing at the thought of the audience waiting for him. Before he could see them, they could see his penis in the special underwear as he came down the stairs and there was an audible gasp among the ladies still waiting in the hallway. 'Here he is,' said Doreen, proudly as Carl reached the bottom stair. 'Stay there, dear,' she said to Carl, 'let us all appreciate you from up there. Your lovely genitals are nearer eye level that way.'

Carl looked around the group of six ladies, all in their 50s and 60s, grey haired and all dressed smartly as if they were going to church or to a wedding. 'Ooh, what a beautiful penis,' said one to another. 'It's his balls that I really like,' said her friend. 'And he's so smooth...'

Then one reached forward and slipped a finger into the underwear... 'This fabric is lovely. I would like some underwear in this... Wherever did you find it, Doreen?' Carl didn't hear the answer. The brush of the woman's finger against his scrotum was enough to make his penis so hard that it actually stood out from his body, stretching against the mesh of the pouch panties.

'Well, I think Carl is getting very excited with all this attention,' said Doreen, 'so why don't we move through to the lounge while he gets us our coffee or we may never get any.'

With that she led the ladies through to the sitting room where they formed a circle sitting variously on her sofa, her armchairs and on a dining room chair that had been brought in from the adjoining room. 'Carl dear, you know where the coffee is. Don't keep us waiting, will you?'

Carl went into the kitchen where six cups had been laid out on a tray and a little cork mat had been placed so that he could take the coffee jug from the machine and put it on there. His penis was still hard and he could feel droplets of precum leaking out into his special underwear, very visibly he thought when he looked down. He blushed at the idea that these ladies would notice his excitement as he took the tray of coffee to them in the lounge.

And he was right about them noticing. 'Oh, look Doreen,' said a woman he heard referred to as Sophie, 'I think Carl has made a bit of a mess of himself.' Carl blushed so hard his whole face felt like it was burning. Doreen just giggled and said, 'Well, that's teenage boys for you, isn't it, Sophie? I'm sure your neighbour would be just the same if he was getting all this attention. What was his name again? Kevin? Oh, he's very cute. You should have a coffee morning one day and we can see how Kevin serves us coffee...'

'I'll have to shave him first,' said Sophie. 'Get his balls as smooth as Carl's'.

As he walked towards the table to put the tray down, Carl burned with embarrassment, not only at the stain he's made in his underwear, but at the idea that when he got to the table, he would have to bend forward exposing his hairless ass to the ladies. But before he could get to the table, Sophie, the smartest of the ladies, wearing what looked like a Chanel suit and some pearls, reached forward and put her finger on the precum mark, touching the end of Carl's stiff penis as she did. 'Look!' she said. 'He's soaking.'

He tried to ignore the contact and put the tray on the table, looking to Doreen for reassurance that he was being a good boy. She pursed her lips and gave him a little nod as if to say, 'Well done.' Still leaning forward, he began to pour the coffee from the jug into the six cups.

'Ooh, doesn't Carl have a delicious little bottom!' said another of the ladies. 'He certainly does, Elizabeth, but you wait until we milk him in a few moments and you'll see just how lovely it is.' Carl burned even redder at this. He had assumed there would be a milking but this was the first time anyone had mentioned it.

He picked up two of the cups and walked to the ladies who had taken seats on the sofa to hand them the coffee. As he reached out to pass the cups, one of the ladies put her hand forward and cupped his balls through the underwear. 'Oh, Doreen, I think there's a lot of sperm in these balls. Don't tell me you've been neglecting this boy's milking schedule...'

'Of course, I haven't. Have I, Carl dear?'

'No Madam,' said Carl, his voice breaking. This was the first time he's spoken this morning and it was like it needed warming up. His hands holding both coffee cups, Carl could do nothing to avoid being groped like this, not that he would have been allowed to be so rude as to deny a friend of Doreen's a feel of his genitals anyway.

As he passed out the rest of the coffees, the other ladies all gave his hard penis and his balls and his ass gentle appreciative touches, cooing to each other and muttering, 'Ooh, lovely!' 'Isn't his penis just gorgeous!' 'I really can't wait to see his little hole. I bet it's as pink as a rose.'

As the women drank their coffee and ran their eyes over Carl, Doreen got up from the dining room chair. 'Stand up here so we can see you better, Carl dear,' she said, indicating the recently vacated chair with her eyes. Carl, whose blush was now down his neck and across his chest, did as he was told and stepped up onto the dining room chair while the women looked and muttered and giggled excitedly at the boy with the hard penis bursting out of his silky underwear standing on the chair.

'Just look how well Carl is doing with his creams and his tablets,' said Doreen standing next to him, her face more or less level with his stiff and dripping cock. 'We're absolutely religious about putting the cream on, aren't we Carl?' Carl nodded. 'Sorry dear, you'll have to speak up,' said Doreen with a smile at the ladies.

'Yes, Madam,' said Carl as Doreen nodded with satisfaction.

'That's better dear. No need to lose our voice, just because we have some nice ladies for company is there?'

'No, Madam.'

As the ladies finished their coffees, Carl was allowed down from the dining room chair and asked to collect the cups, which he did, receiving more appreciative strokes on his penis, balls and bottom as he circulated. With all the cups on the tray, he took it out to the kitchen and returned. The coffee table that the tray had been on was now cleared of magazines and the flowers that were on there, so Carl now realised where this morning's milking was going to take place.

Doreen came over to him with a look of ownership on her face and proceeded to untie the sides of his underwear as she looked from one woman to the next with a satisfied smile on her lips. 'Now I'm going to show you how we milk this boy and collect his sperm. It's all on the doctor's orders so no one needs to feel embarrassed. Carl knows it's for his own benefit, don't you dear?'

'Yes, Madam,' said Carl, as the underwear fell to the floor and his unconstrained penis leapt up against his belly.

'Now, up you hop dear and get into position,' said Doreen, still looking at the ladies as if to say, 'Look what I can make this beautiful young boy do for me.'

Carl got onto the coffee table, on hands and knees his head held down embarrassed. 'Look up, dear,' said Doreen. 'We need to see the reaction on your face as we milk you, don't we?'

'Yes, Madam. Sorry, Madam,' said Carl, looking up and trying not to focus on any of the faces staring at his naked body on hands and knees on the coffee table.

'Now, spread your knees wider, Carl,' said Doreen. 'Some of the ladies can barely see if you keep your legs together like that.' Carl did as he was told and could feel all those eyes looking from his hairless little ass along the bit underneath his balls to the balls themselves and then to his hard penis, which was practically against his belly even in this position and already dripping precum onto the surface of the coffee table.'

'Oh, I think he's ready for you Doreen,' said Sophie, leaning forward and dabbing a finger in the precum, which Carl could see she then tasted as if she had got honey on her finger. 'Mmm, delicious,' she smiled at the woman next to her.

'Now, we don't start straight away,' said Doreen, as if she were giving an educational lecture to these ladies, as indeed she was. 'We let Carl get ready mentally for the process, don't we, dear?'

Carl nodded. She gave him a little swat on his bottom to remind him of his manners. 'Sorry. Yes, Ma'am,' said Carl.

'And when you can see the penis actually twitch... See that! It's happening now. That's when you start your milking. Carl knows that however excited he is to be milked, he's not allowed to come until permission has been granted. This is a way of building up his control over his orgasm. Not that he has much control over his orgasms,' she laughed. 'That's more my job.' The ladies giggled.

'And when he's quite ready, you start at the base of the penis... that's why I keep Carl nice and shaved so we can see exactly what we're doing... and you start to stroke upwards towards the head...'

Carl could see the ladies in his eyeline staring, not at his face but beyond it to where Doreen was starting the slow strokes that would eventually bring him to an embarrassing orgasm in front of these ladies.

'You go slow so as to prolong the experience,' said Doreen. 'Sophie, why don't you have a go, to see if you've understood what I mean.'

Carl could feel Doreen's hand pass his stiff penis to the other older lady, whose grip was tighter than Doreen's. 'That's right, grip it but not too tight and start slowly. Pull the foreskin forward and then back... Oh look, you're getting some lovely precum from Carl already.'

'Oh, Elizabeth, you must try this,' said Sophie over her shoulder to her friend in the armchair. 'His penis is so smooth and so hard... Come.' Elizabeth, even older than Sophie and with a short grey haircut and badly applied make up took Carl's penis from Sophie. 'Oh, you're right,' she giggled. 'It's so hard. That's why I love teenage boys, don't you? They get rock hard. My next-door neighbour, if he sees me watching him out of the window while he's out there sunbathing in his briefs, he gets hard just seeing me looking at him. It's quite funny, really.'

[to be continued...]