
Sexy Member
Oct 9, 2024
Caught in the Wood
Roger had always felt like he was born for the military life. He thrived on structure and discipline, using the physical training to push his limits. At just twenty-two, he had already gained a reputation at the camp as someone who took his responsibilities seriously. But beneath the disciplined facade, there was a restlessness that kept gnawing at him—a need to escape the rigid constraints every now and then. And today was one of those days.

Finding himself with a rare moment of freedom, Roger had wandered beyond the confines of the camp, exploring the woods that lay just outside the training grounds. The tall trees and quiet solitude provided a stark contrast to the constant drills and commands of military life. It was exactly what he needed, just to clear his head for a while.

But as he walked deeper into the forest, his steps slowed when he noticed a flicker of movement through the trees. There were voices—unfamiliar and faint, but distinct enough to make him pause. He crept forward, curiosity piqued, until he could see the source of the sound through the gaps in the foliage.

Standing near a fallen log were a young couple. The man, Sam, was tall and broad-shouldered, his athletic build hinting at a regular workout routine. He had a protective stance, positioning himself in front of the woman as if shielding her. The girl, Mila, had a curious look in her eyes, her face a mix of mischief and amusement as she glanced at Roger, who had unintentionally wandered into their private moment.

Roger felt a knot form in his stomach as he realized he had been spotted. Sam’s expression quickly shifted from relaxed to suspicious as his gaze landed on Roger’s military uniform. His protective instincts kicked in immediately, stepping closer to Mila.

“Hey!” Sam called out, his voice stern and demanding. “What are you doing out here?”

Roger's pulse quickened. He raised his hands in a calming gesture, aware of the tension brewing. “I… I was just out walking,” he replied, his voice firm but tinged with a hint of nervousness. “I’m from the camp. I needed some time away, that’s all.”

Sam’s brow furrowed as he exchanged a quick glance with Mila, who was eyeing Roger with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. “You’re military?” Sam said, his tone skeptical. “What’s a soldier doing all alone in the woods? Shouldn’t you be back at the camp?”

Roger swallowed hard, feeling a chill prickle along his spine. The last thing he needed was for this encounter to escalate, especially with the potential consequences of being accused of leaving his post without permission. “Look, I wasn’t causing any trouble,” Roger replied, a note of desperation creeping into his voice. “I just needed a break.”

Sam’s suspicion seemed to deepen. “And how do we know you’re not trying to desert or something?” he challenged, reaching into his pocket for his phone. “Maybe I should call the camp and tell them a soldier's wandering around where he’s not supposed to be.”

A wave of panic surged through Roger as he saw Sam pull out the phone. The threat of being reported made his throat tighten. “No, wait!” he blurted out, his voice edged with desperation. “Please, don’t call. I’m not deserting. I swear. I’ll do anything—just please don’t report me.”

Sam’s lips curled into a slow smirk, his eyes scanning Roger from head to toe. He exchanged a knowing glance with Mila, whose smile grew more playful. “Anything?” Sam echoed, taking a step forward, his tone dripping with condescension. “If you’re so desperate to prove yourself, then show us you’ve got nothing to hide. Take off your clothes.”

Roger felt a wave of humiliation crash over him. “What?” he croaked, the color draining from his face. “You want me to...?”

Sam’s smirk widened as he gestured toward Roger’s uniform with a lazy flick of his hand. “Strip,” he repeated. “Unless you’ve got something on you that you don’t want us to see.”

Mila’s eyes sparkled with amusement, and she crossed her arms as if settling in to watch a show. Roger felt his cheeks burn, the situation spiraling far beyond anything he had expected when he ventured into the woods. He hesitated, glancing from Sam to Mila, but saw no mercy in their expressions. Reluctantly, he began unbuttoning his fatigues, his hands trembling as he undid each button.

As he shrugged off his shirt, the cool forest air prickled against his exposed skin. He hesitated briefly, his fingers hovering over the buckle of his belt before he unclasped it. His heart raced as he pulled down the zipper of his pants, letting them fall around his ankles. Now standing in nothing but his military-issued briefs, he felt the chill of the air mix with the heat of his embarrassment.

But Sam’s expression remained unsatisfied, his eyes narrowing as he looked Roger over. “That’s not good enough,” he said, his voice calm but firm. “The briefs too.”

Roger’s breath caught in his throat. He instinctively crossed his arms over his chest, as if shielding himself from the degrading request. “Please,” he whispered, his voice barely audible. “Isn’t this enough?”

Sam’s gaze hardened. “I said strip,” he replied coldly. Mila’s amused smile widened, and Roger knew there was no escaping this. His hands trembled as he reached for the waistband of his briefs, slowly pulling them down. His cock sprang free, hanging heavily between his legs as the last piece of clothing fell away. He stood there, completely exposed, his bare skin tingling in the cold air, and his face flushed with deep shame.

Sam’s eyes roamed over Roger’s body, his gaze lingering pointedly on the exposed penis hanging between his legs. “Well, look at that,” he said with a mocking chuckle. “Guess you’re not hiding any weapons—unless you count that one.”

Roger’s face burned hotter with every word, his hands twitching with the urge to cover himself, but he didn’t dare move. The look on Sam’s face was one of smug satisfaction, and Mila’s gaze wandered down to his exposed cock, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. Her gaze lingered, tracing the shape of his cock, and she glanced up at Roger with a smirk, the corners of her mouth curling as if she found the sight of his humiliation amusing.

“There’s no need to be so shy,” Mila said, her voice light and teasing. “It’s just skin, after all.” Her tone carried a hint of mockery, and Roger’s body tensed, his muscles tight with shame as her eyes wandered over his naked form.

The couple exchanged another amused glance, their eyes briefly meeting before looking back at Roger’s exposed cock. The humiliation surged through him like a wave, making his chest tighten. He could feel their gaze lingering, studying his every inch as if he were nothing more than an object on display.
The wind stirred the leaves around them, the only sound in the silence of the forest, and Roger felt more exposed than he had ever been. He had ventured into these woods seeking an escape, but now he found himself stripped bare, vulnerable, and completely at the mercy of a couple who seemed to relish every moment of his embarrassment.


I really enjoy the enm subject matter of your writing, and love all the different scenarios you write about
oh my god, This made my day! Thank you for reading and very appreciate you liked it! I have long series too. It’s OMG fucking life journey. and i already posted it here for few chapter if you want to read! Thank u so much again. This really mean a lot to me! Love
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Another fantastic word picture. I’m going to read every one. Your writing is just wonderful. You’ve got great talent. Look forward to exchanging thoughts with you. Hope you don’t mind that I’m following you now.
Another fantastic word picture. I’m going to read every one. Your writing is just wonderful. You’ve got great talent. Look forward to exchanging thoughts with you. Hope you don’t mind that I’m following you now.
Oh my god. Thank you so much! I very appreciate it! You made my day and thanks for let me know that still have people love my writing style! And it’s my pleasure that you following me! Thank you so much! And feel free to share and DM me! I also have long erotic series that not just focus on fucking , it’s like coming of age series with sex scene, humilate event, love story of 19 teens along with the main line. It’s

-OMG! F*cking life journey (i already posted it here for 6 chapters, you can go to read and look it’s your favorite or not)

I also have lastest published full story of The New Collection : Brandon’s Shame (that fully published now on kdp, btw i also posted it here for the first part! you can go to enjoy it now)

Both OMG!(Vol.1 Chapter1-10) and Brandon (full) now published on my Amazon KDP! you can support me there if you want. But dont feel any pressure!

Btw, feel free to talk and leave the comment about it! Thank you so much for your support and your comment. Really have a meaning for me. I’, glad it made you enjoy.