chinese guys



dkl018: Has anyone EVER seen a big dicked chinese guy? I have never seen one. What about you guys. Every chinese guys dick who've I've ever seen has been below average. This is just a curious question, it is not meant to offend. It has just been my own observation.
Thanatos: You've simply been unlucky.

Having a higher pool of people, the average is therefore more numerous. And with the inflated idea that 5 inches is small, of course a lot of people think the chinese are small. But that is not the case.
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They are bang on average for their ethnic group. I have seen some oreintal men with penis's of around 6-7 and sometimes 8" I think one was called Chocoball but can't really remember.
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Yeah, there's one evolutionary factor which can influence penis size, sperm selection. Sperm selection occurs when a female mates with multiple males in quick succession. Honestly, none of the three main historical sources for immigrants to the States (western and northern Europe, the western coast of Africa, and southern China) would seem to have a great deal of it.
kudo451: well to be fair they are also an all around smaller in stature aspect of the race. Though I have met some 2nd year chines americans that have doens the over six feet and more than average cock thing.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to measure chinese cock in scale to their stature? Hell, they just might average ahead of the norm that way!

Now we are talking about chinese and not all asians right because there are some major differences
I've been around a lot of Chinese over the years, high school and college included. What I have noticed is that they are on average on the smaller side.

But I will say that once I was at a gym showering and I did see a Chinese guy with an 8-8.5 incher. Blew me away !

Just my observation, so I may be wrong. Would like to hear what others have seen.
Wow - 8-8.5 inches on a chinese guy ain't bad! Especially if he was usual chinese statue. My bro is about 5.5 inches soft - the same as me hard..but I have to guess the size of him hard!
Maybe this should be in the celebrity forum but I think it fits here also....

Anyone ever wonder what kind of package Yao Ming is carrying?
Whatever the case, judging by Hong Kong, Chinese guys use it a lot. (And if you've ever been to Hong Kong, you know what I mean.)

I will tell you that racial traits rarely have a 100% distribution. Usually a population has to be inbred for millions of years to develop a 100% distribution of a gene. Some humans still have heavy brow ridges, though the split from neanderthal man was 400,000 years ago.
Originally posted by boodle@Sep 22 2004, 02:50 AM
Theres a guy from Thailand in our school hes 15 and not very tall but his dick is 4 soft and 7.5 hard I know coz I mesured it
[post=257024]Quoted post[/post]​
So that's why those Japanese businessmen go to Thailand. LOL
ontherocks: I agree with many of you.
China's so big....many types of people.
In some regions, men are very tall. I saw some chinese with a real big cock! was very surprised but believe me, there are some....
I think the average must be shorter but I saw black men with small dicks!
Originally posted by kudo451@Sep 18 2004, 06:58 AM
well to be fair they are also an all around smaller in stature aspect of the race. Though I have met some 2nd year chines americans that have doens the over six feet and more than average cock thing.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to measure chinese cock in scale to their stature? Hell, they just might average ahead of the norm that way!

Now we are talking about chinese and not all asians right because there are some major differences
[post=256495]Quoted post[/post]​

Honestly, I think we are all overlooking the issue of nutrition.
We should not neglect the fact that Americans as a whole eat more fat and sugar.

Even when asian families enter the country, a lot of thier nutritional habits come with them, but put them on a steady diet of MacDonalds or BurgerKing and they grow just like the rest of us.