ITakeMyVitamins: This is a really interesting topic.
Regarding the posters who who say the choice should be given to the boy when he reaches a certain age, I don't entirely disagree, but can you imagine the consequences of this? Let's say at 16, all boys/guys had to choose. Who would really be making the decision? The guys in the locker room teasing him about what he 'should' or 'shouldn't' do? The girl he happens to be with THAT week? I'm not saying a smart decision couldn't be made, but I think it would take a rather exceptional individual, someone very confident and comfortable with himself, for a decision to be made be truly his.
I, myself, am cut. I don't think I even knew this till my early teens (11-12). . . a little while after the time I discovered how much fun a few minutes of time and a few ounces of vaseline could be. Honestly, at this age I wondered what a 'cut' penis looked like! Little did I know I had one in my pants. From movies, I had heard of circumcision and thought, "My lord, that would be horrible!" Again, from movies I was under the impression that only Jewish boys were cut, and this confused me more. In elementry school, I had some Jewish friends and, honestly, felt sorry for them! When I had first heard of "nipping the tip", my mind generated pictures of half of your cock being chopped off. . . stomach turning, I know. Inevitably, I was enlightened by the curiostiy of adolescence and my first experiences with porn. In one video, I thought, "Huh, that looks different." The pieces of my penis puzzle were coming together.
Out of curiosity, I would love to play with, and let others play with, an uncut version of my cock. I can't say I'd prefer it either way, however. . . I've had it only one way for 22 years. As far as sensitivity, I already blast off like a rocket ship. If my cock uncut would increase this level of sensitivy, I'm convinced NASA would be using it to propel the next generation of shuttles to Mars. In all seriousness though, I WOULD have prefered the choice. If I could have my original cock back, I'd take it in a heartbeat. This is more due to curiostiy of something new, though. Like a new car. If you had the same car for 22 years, no matter how much you love that car, you'd probably get pretty excited about getting a new one.