Cody Messner





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I saw him at the mall once. No interaction with him though. He is definitely straight but at the same time knows he’s a thirst trap. He even made the comment on one of his most recent IG posts about he normally only shares one racier pic a year. Which is a shame.
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Slightly adjusted. He needs to burn the glasses because without he is fire without. One of best VPLs I've seen. Is the Bible thumping legit you think? I mean, I highly doubt it's fake for viewers or anything, as it's kind of a bad move for someone in it for popularity, but I mean is his virginal, pure boy thing who he really is or is he fake? I've known plenty who are all preachy while also being total pervs, freaks, etc. Some don't even get how hypocritical they are. Like IG posts about Jesus while running an only fans.
