Probably b/c I’m a total menace.. but I love when these muscle bros (sw0lby is one & there’s this other v alt right one I can’t recall rn that comes to mind) claim to be asexual & then someone points out that means they are apart of the LGBTQ+ fam & then they’re like “nah never mind.”

it’s like they very well could be asexual and/or a romantic… but they all can’t stand that it might be confused for being a “non-normative” sexuality. Most of these guys are str8 but more incel than asexual tbh. I don’t know Colby 100% but I get more those vibes than a proud ace.
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So asexual, but bisexual leaning towards guys but does girls too

He’s like massively hetero lol. These instafit bros always are mad sus on main & it’s all BS. Even tho I bet I’d they were HONEST they might be bi-leaning… but they say “asexual” cause they do AMAs all the time and don’t want to answer gay dude’s thirsty questions.

But he’s str8 as hell lol
LOL wtf is this?! a social media 'famous person'?
He screams arrogant d-bag.
If you actually followed him you’d realize that your statement isn’t accurate. He’s pretty funny actually and interacts with as many followers as he can
I don't understand why is he always saying to people ask him things on his Insta account when he never answers honestly these questions! The impression is that he makes fun of his followers. That's so nasty from him and cuts me off. He must have an oversized ego, poor guy.
Girls in general don't care about fit guys like him at all, I don't understand why is he showing off so much his body and muscles on Instagram, girls will never come if he's thinking so. He's wasting his time on the gym. And this trend of Q/A is pathetic. Those bodybuilder guys have not still understood that the muscles and gym universe is not essentially directed to the straight interest as certain people could think. The same goes for male ballet dancers and college wrestling in some way.
Girls in general don't care about fit guys like him at all, I don't understand why is he showing off so much his body and muscles on Instagram, girls will never come if he's thinking so. He's wasting his time on the gym. And this trend of Q/A is pathetic. Those bodybuilder guys have not still understood that the muscles and gym universe is not essentially directed to the straight interest as certain people could think. The same goes for male ballet dancers and college wrestling in some way.
Basically he is gaybaiting to get more gay followers and then post homophobic stories.Sadly most of his followers are gays
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His Q&A answers are so blatantly ironic I don’t know how dense you need to be to think he’s gay. I’m not surprised he’s answering these questions in such a way because stuff some of y’all are sending him reads as sexual harassment tbh. I would be done with you as well
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I dont believe that he's gaybaiting. He severely lacks originality and personailty that's why he's compensating for it by making a mockery of a community he deems less. He's clearly pretending to be gay/asexual to make fun of us. You see how he and his friends quickly unveiled their homophobic side when we called them out.
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