Photo College Calendar Photo


Experimental Member
Jul 18, 2019
Chicago (Illinois, United States)
I’m an amateur photographer and my cousin and his buddies at his college came to me because I am someone they trust. They would like to do one of those fundraiser calendars in which they are nude but show “everything but.” Any creative ideas on an old idea? Sort of a covered large penis support group ! Thanks in advance
I’m an amateur photographer and my cousin and his buddies at his college came to me because I am someone they trust. They would like to do one of those fundraiser calendars in which they are nude but show “everything but.” Any creative ideas on an old idea? Sort of a covered large penis support group ! Thanks in advance
Former photographer here. A little more info.

Are they in a fraternity or on a sports team or some other group or just buddies? What are they trying to raise money for? Where are they located/the university? Looking to shoot and have in production for 2025? What turn around time are you looking at?

I have shot a few calendars and lots of sports posters. Was always pretty good at coming up with themes.
I’m an amateur photographer and my cousin and his buddies at his college came to me because I am someone they trust. They would like to do one of those fundraiser calendars in which they are nude but show “everything but.” Any creative ideas on an old idea? Sort of a covered large penis support group ! Thanks in advance
Oh yea and are you talking one of those big poster calendars with a group photo and such are you talking a 12 month?
Yep we are planning a 2025 calendar if not 2026. They are college buddies, most of whom play different sports. They chose me as they trust me to take the pics: they like to show off their physiques but they would never show “everything”
The school/region of the country is important here. I get the trust thing. I don’t care who they are. What charity? Please answer the questions so I can help you out. You can message me privately if you prefer
A couple of updates: It’s going to be 2026 as this stuff takes longer than we thought. We also decided on a “July” pose: one of the more daring guys had idea to hold a “sort of see through” jug of water—-just wants to make sure we examine the final product carefully ha ha. The first idea was Giancarlo Stanton’s SI pic with splashing water, but we have neither the technical expertise nor willingness to risk any donger showing. (Again all the guys are pretty conservative and no one else is in the loop less we have to tell anyone, “no you are not welcome at the photo shoot”)