Thicc Shake

Legendary Member
Jun 24, 2020
United Kingdom
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Part 1

Ben is my sister's close friend - a stocky guy of around 5'11, dark blonde hair, green eyes and with a cocky, joking, flirtatious demeanor which is somehow also charming. I first met him when I was just a preteen. Him and some of my sister's other friends would come round to our house and have a few drinks before they went out for the night. I would hang around as much as I could, trying to fit in with the cool older teens but with a seven-year age gap, I obviously didn't fit in. They were always really nice to me though and chatted whenever I would come into the room. Ben was the best looking guy in the group; at the time stocky and muscular from working on a farm outside the city and this bulk and his rough-around-the-edges style gave him a stereotypical working-man look that I found incredibly hot.
As it goes, everyone grows up and grows apart. My sister still remains friends with Ben but everyone coming around to the house eventually fell away as people grew up and got jobs and families. I didn't see Ben again for what must be close to 10 years.

Now I'm 22 and a far cry from the preteen he knew. The roundness of my face has developed into a strong jaw that's lightly covered in dark black stubble that's thicker around my upper lip and chin. Any previous puppy-fat has melted away and now stretched into a lean and toned 5'10 height. My hair is kept short - a styled crop of soft, black waves.

I work part-time at a DIY store and I'm rushing to clock out and finish my shift when I hear "Excuse me, buddy!". I'm only a few yards away from escaping for the day and I consider just walking on before my customer service attitude kicks in and I reluctantly turn around. I'm already smiling, ready to greet the customer who is eyeing something on the shelf and I rollout the standard "Yes, sir. How can I help?" The customer looks up at me, "Just wondering how much... Fuck me! Karl?" I recognise Ben immediately but he's changed over the years. More mature in his looks and while his hair is cut shorter, he's grown a thick, fairly neat, beard. He's gained a little weight over the years and his belly protrudes in a smooth round dome beneath his t-shirt while his pecs have swollen and look to have softened into a perfect place to plant your face. His arms are still muscular and his biceps bulge beneath the tight sleeves of his t-shirt as he reaches out a hand to me. I grab his hand and he squeezes it tightly, his large rough fingers enveloping mine as he pulls me into him. He wraps his other arm around me and while his chest and belly have gotten bigger I can feel that they're still firm as he squeezes me into him. As my face aligns with his neck I breathe in his scent - a manly musk only slightly masked by a faint aftershave.

I'm flooded with emotions. I'm happy to see him but also a little embarrassed. His strength and bulk as he momentarily wraps himself around me is comforting but also arousing. As he lets me go and steps back he grabs both of my shoulders and with a broad smile says "When did you get so grown up, bud?" I smile back at him and struggle to shrug beneath his heavy hands as I mutter "I mean, it's been a good few years since we've last seen eachother." He lets go of my shoulders and I relax a little. "Aww! Did you miss me?" He says jokingly. "Oh yeah! Of course! Never stopped thinking about you, big man!" I reply with just as much sarcasm as he did. The only difference is, seeing him now, I kind of did miss him. We exchange small talk for a few minutes; how we've been, family, work, all the boring stuff. I tell him I was just finishing my shift and he offers to drive me home.

We go outside and I follow him up to a large truck. He mentions he's been shipping cargo for a few years now and "basically lives on the road". I climb up into the passenger side as Ben climbs in the other. The inside is spacious, a large dashboard and wide seats that join together to almost form a couch-style seat across the width of the truck. "It's big!" I say as I settle into my seat. "Oh fuck! Has my dick fallen out again?" He says in a joking tone and reaches down to his crotch, pretending to check his zipper. "Ha. Ha. Ha." I say smiling and rolling my eyes but I get a jolt of excitement through my own cock just at the thought of his falling out. "You should see the other truck! Even bigger and it's got a bed in the back and everything." He winks at me. I roll my eyes again but get even more aroused. "Do you do like, long haul trips or something?" I ask to distract myself. "Yeah, I'll take any job I can get to be honest but I enjoy being out on the road for long stretches, getting to see the country a bit." He says this so genuinely and his usual cocky demeanour fades slightly as he reflects. He starts up the engine and we begin to set off. "Must be nice." I say. "I've never really seen much outside of here to be honest." He glances around at me. "You're welcome to join me if you give me a hand with the work!" I chuckle. "Ha, yeah sure." I scoff. "Seriously, bud. I'll be on the road again in a couple of weeks. You're genuinely welcome to come with me. I could use the help and honestly I'd enjoy the company." He seems genuine when he says this. "Hmmm. Maybe." I mutter.

On the way back I sit a little sideways in my seat and just watch Ben as he drives. He's as hot as ever and I think "If I told myself 10 years ago that I could go on a trip alone with Ben and I didn't immediately say yes, I'd kick my own ass." Ben pulls into a parking lot at some shops near to my house. "Here you go, bud!" He says turning to me."Maybe I could go." I pipe up. I regret it immediately as the words leave my mouth. Doubt floods my head that maybe he was joking before. "Yeah?" He asks a little surprised. "You going to pay me?" I fire back with a smirk. "Ha! I can give you a bit of the cut if you help me out. We would be gone maybe 4 days and you might need to sleep in your seat..." Not great, I think to myself. "...or top and tail with me in the bed." Fuck, now we're talking! I pretend to think about it while my cock is begging me to say yes. "I guess I could live with that for a few days." I say. "Nice! It'll be good to have some company and..." He stretches across the seats and places his hand high up on my thigh. "...I promise I'll be gentle in bed." He squeezes my thigh tightly and my cock stiffens. He begins to laugh. "Aww fuck off!" I say laughing too and I bat his hand away. "Don't act like you weren't turned on, bud!" He says winking again. "Oh yeah. Really turned on about having to share a bed with your sweaty ass." I say it as sarcastically as possible but my dick is throbbing in my briefs. I'm so afraid of him seeing my bulge that I open the door and turn my body towards it, ready to leave. "Hold on! Give me your number." He takes his phone out and I give him my digits. "I'll text you later, bud, and we can discuss it properly." He says as he turns back to the wheel. "Sure, big man. Speak soon!" I say as I get out of the truck and close the door. I hold my jacket over my crotch as I walk the rest of the way home, trying to hide my still throbbing erection.

It's later that night when I get a message from an unknown number. It reads "Hey bud!" then another message, an image this time, with a line "can't wait for you to join me!" I download the image and it's Ben. He's laying on his back on a bed that must be the cabin bed of the truck and is posing like it's some sort of amatuer porn shoot. He's pulling a ridiculous duck-face expression like he's ready for a kiss and has his taken his t-shirt off. His chest and belly are more hairy than I expected and with his free hand he's squeezing one of his pillowy tits. I know he's taken this as a joke but it's still hot and my hand is already reaching down into my briefs for my cock.

I jokingly, and yet not joking at all, reply "I can't wait either big boy!"
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Part 2

Ben and I chat over the next week and discuss me going with him. It all seems so surreal, as if at some point he's going to turnaround and say "Got ya!" like it was all a joke. I manage to rearrange my shifts with work to get four days off in a row and tell my parents and sister about going away for a few days. They're all a little surprised that I'm going away with Ben. I get pelted with questions: "Ben? As in Ben Fletcher?!" ..."When did this come about?" ... "Since when are you and him friends?" They all know Ben and they're not worried at all, just surprised at how all of a sudden I'm going to work with him. Honestly? Me too! I explain about when we met and how it all came about and they begin to relax about it.

I get all my things together the day before we're due to head out. I make sure to pack some comfortable clothes to both travel and work in, pyjama bottoms, some decent underwear and a few toiletries. I begin cramming it all into my backpack and I'm already getting excited. I'm excited to see the country of course but as I'm rolling up my briefs and stuffing them into my backpack I'm more excited wondering if I'll see Ben in his underwear.

The day rolls around and I head out. I've told Ben I'll meet him at the depot where he's collecting the cargo so I get a taxi to the address and hop out at a pair of large gates leading to a huge yard. I look around absentmindedly, wondering where I go, when I hear a yell from inside. Ben's standing beside a huge electric blue truck and waving one of his huge arms. I make my way over to him. He's wearing a light grey tank top that's already showing some sweat patch's from the heat and a pair of khaki green cargo shorts. As I approach he says "Aww did you come to see me off?" -"What?" I ask visibly confused. "Aww, bud. You didn't think I was being serious when I said you could come along did you? I thought you were just playing along?" For a fraction of a second I'm embarrassed before I notice the corner of his lips curling into a grin. "Fuck you." I say matter-of-factly. He bursts out laughing. "You really think you're funny, don't you?" I ask sarcastically. "I do! I really do!" He says wiping his eyes. I begin to walk past him as I check out the truck. He turns to me as I pass him. "As if I'd leave without you!" He says this and there's a loud accompanying crack as he slaps my ass. It's so hard and unexpected that I stagger forward a little. "Holy shit, Ben!" I gasp. My left ass cheek stings and I'm strangely turned on. I reach back and stroke my cheek. "Sorry, bud. Too hard? Here, let me kiss it better for you!" He lunges towards my shorts and I dodge out of the way. "Go away!" I laugh. "Aww come on! I'll make it all better!" He says chasing me a few steps as I dodge his outstretched hands. Even this is turning me on as I secretly hope he catches me. Secretly hope that he does kiss it better. He eventually stops chasing me and says "Alright! To business. We're all loaded up!" He slaps the large cargo container that's hooked up to the truck. "You ready to go, partner?" He asks with a broad smile. "Sure thing, boss!" I say with a mock tone of respect. "Not sure how I'll manage sitting down though." I say with a laugh as I reach back and rub my cheek again. "That's what they all say when I'm done with them!" He says with a cheeky wink and heads round to the driver side.

I climb up into the truck and look around before we head off. Inside the cabin are two large, high backed chairs - one on the passenger side and the other on the driver's with a narrow space between that leads into the back. My chair spins a full 180 to face into the rear of the cabin. There's a small pull down table on one side and some compartments on the other. Just behind these is a flat area, filled with a double mattress and a small window on either side just above it. It looks like a decent size but I know between both Ben and I, it's going to be a tight squeeze - not that I'm complaining! I go to the back and put my bag and jacket on top of the mattress while taking a seat on the small edge that faces down to the front of the truck. "It's cosy." I say, looking around. "Not bad, aye?" Ben says from the front seat. "Our little home for the next few days, bud!" A "little home" for just me and Ben, huh? Perfect!

I come back to the front and climb into the passenger seat. "Let's go, boss!" I say again in a fake respectful voice. "Hey!" He says sternly and points a large finger at me while staring me directly in the eyes. "That's sir to you, boy!" Fuck! Why did that turn me on?! He grins. "Oh, ah, yes! Sure thing... sir." I respectfully reply with a small laugh. I reach down and readjust my semi-hard cock as discreetly as possible. We set off and kill time along the way talking about things we see on the road our histories, and conversation eventually turns a little more personal. He eventually asks me about dating. "No girls going to be missing you while you're gone then?" He asks. I chuckle a little. "Nah, no girls." - "Boys then?" -"Nope." - "Non-binary people?" -"No, no romantic interests of any kind are missing me at the moment." I say a little shyly. "Must be someone!" He states. "Fine young man like you? Maybe you just don't know they miss you." - "Maybe." I laugh. "Anyway, what about you?" I ask turning it back on him. "Aren't you still with... the, ah, one with the dark hair?" - "Kate." He says flatly. "Yeah, that's the one." I say, not noticing his shift in tone. "Not anymore, bud. We broke up the beginning of last year." Now I feel like an asshole. "Aww I'm sorry, big man. I didn't know." He perks himself up a bit. "Don't be sorry, bud. How would you know?" He goes on to tell me about how they were engaged and that it slowly fell apart. There was no bad blood from what he says, just two people who realised they didn't belong together but I could see he was still hurt by it. As he finishes telling me I reach out and place my hand on his forearm as he grips the steering wheel. "I'm sorry I brought it up but I'm glad you were able to talk about it with me." He takes his other hand off the wheel and places it on top of mine. "Thanks, bud." He says as he gently squeezes my hand.

We drive for a long time with just a few stops to stretch before getting back to it. As night falls we pull into a truck stop for the evening. Ben gives me the rundown of these places - access to showers and toilets, there's a nearby place for food and drink, and how it's all secured. We go grab a bite to eat and then head back to the truck. "You wanna grab a shower tonight, bud, or we can do it the morning before we set off?" Showering together sounds fucking amazing but the long day has tired me out. "Maybe in the morning? I'm pretty tired." I say wearily. He reaches over and wraps his arm around my shoulders. Suddenly I'm more awake. "No problem. It can be a long day when you're not used to it." We get back to the truck and we climb inside. We sit in our respective seats and Ben begins taking his boots off. I follow him and easily kick off my high tops. With a relived sigh he pulls off one boot. "Ugh! That feels better!" Off comes the other and he slumps back into his chair. His socks are white but dirty around the heel and toes where they've been rubbing against the inside of his boots. There's a strong musky smell initially that fades away quickly. He turns to me and lifts his foot up onto my lap. "Alright, bud. Time for my foot rub!" He says wiggling his toes at me. "Fuck off!" I say laughing and pushing myself back as far into the chair as I can go. I'm putting on a good show but secretly I do want to rub his feet. I just want to touch him in general! "I take you with me and you won't even rub my feet after a long drive?! Just can't find good partners nowadays!" He lowers his foot again and sighs with a grin. "Fine. Time for bed I guess." He pushes his hips off the chair and into the air a little as he slots his thumbs into either side of the waistband of his shorts. With a swift motion he pushes them off his hips, down over his thighs and let's them fall passed his knees to his feet. I stare in awe at this happening, completely forgetting any kind of social etiquette and just watch him. He's wearing a pair of white baggy boxers. His thighs are covered in thick, dark-golden hair and I run my eyes up them, passed the gaping leg holes and to the modest bulge at his crotch. The opening at the crotch gapes a little but it's too dark to see inside. "Hey." Ben's words jerk me back to reality. "You go somewhere else there, bud?" My face burns with embarrassment. "Uh, sorry. Must have just been daydreaming." I mutter. "I guess you do need sleep" he laughs. "Well, you can take the inside if you like?" One side of the bed is flat against the back of the cabin, the shorter sides are flat against the sides with the small windows above, and the last side of the mattress faces the cabinets and front of the cabin. "Ummm, yeah, sure." I mutter again, still panicked and with a growing cock in my briefs as Ben sits before me in his underwear.

I stand up and move into the small space between the cabinets with my back to Ben. I need to get under the sheet fast before he notices that I'm hard. I hear him fussing at the front as he covers the windows. I quickly pull off my t-shirt and socks and toss them backwards onto the front seat. I quickly undo my shorts and drop them to my feet. "A briefs guy, aye?" I hear Ben say from behind me. "Haha, yeah." I stumble for words as I bend over to grab my shorts from the floor and as I do I feel a sudden movement behind me. My boxers suddenly push against my ass cheeks and something forces its way quickly between them. I instinctively jump forward onto the bed and spin around. Ben is standing there with his finger pointed out and bursts into roaring laughter. "You scared the hell out of me!" I shout back. Ben's too busy laughing to care and wiping tears from his eyes. "I'm sorry, bud. I seen an opening and I took it!" He straightens himself up again and begins to stand up to pull off his vest. "Fucking hell, bud! No wonder you're tired carrying all that around!" He nods, staring directly at my crotch. I look down and my cock is bulging in my briefs. A large, mound that's barely contained underneath the fabric that stretches away from my body. Embarrassed I reach both hands down and cup them over my cock. "You shouldn't be looking!" I say with embarrassment. "Hey! It looked at me first!" He says with a smirk. "Nothing to be embarrassed about, bud. We've all got one." He says this while attempting to shake his hips side to side as he's crouched over in the cabin. His bulge sways beneath the white cloth. This isn't helping to hide my throbbing cock!

He pulls his vest off and I climb under the covers. He points to the left. "You go that side and I'll go the other." He tosses me a pillow and I lay my head where he says. He climbs under the covers with me, his head at the other side and my heart is racing. His leg brushes against my arm and I try to be polite and move a little to let him in. "Tight squeeze aye, bud?" He chuckles. "It's fine." I say trying to sound casual. He reaches up and turns off the light. We're plunged into darkness, just the two of us beneath the sheets. I feel him lay down and turn towards me. I follow suit and do the same. I can just barely see his feet peek out from under the sheet in line with my face. I still want to touch them. Touch him. Then I feel a hand on my calf and it runs up and down, caressing the fine hairs on my leg. "Night, bud." Ben says softly. My cock throbs again and my heart pounds. I reach out find his ankle and run my thumb along it in a soft stroking motion. "Goodnight, big man." I whisper. "Hey!" A stern sounding whisper from Ben. "It's sir, remember?" Fuck! Don't say that while we're in bed. My words catch in my throat and I chuckle a little. "Yes, sorry sir." I manage to mutter. I hear him at the other end and feel the bed rumble a little as he chuckles.

I must be tired as I awake to what must be the middle of the night and it takes me a moment to realise where I am. There's a heat running down the length of my body like I'm wrapped around a heater and I realise I'm clinging to Ben's leg. He's on his back while I'm on my side and pressed against him. One of my arms is underneath Ben and wrapped around to meet my other arm, hugging Ben's thick, hairy leg tightly. My face is resting in the arch between his calf and foot. One of my legs is on the mattress and running the length of Ben - along his hairy leg, the soft fabric of his boxers, and up along his side. My other leg is bent and lifted up onto him. My thigh is sticking to his in the sweaty heat. My calf lays on top of his boxers leg while my foot almost cups along the edge of his belly. My cock is already rock hard. I can feel it squeezed tightly against his leg, only separated from touching by a thin piece of fabric.

My mind is racing! It's a comforting feeling but I'm embarrassed and excited and horny as hell! I'm trying desperately not to move, afraid to break this connection. I try to listen to hear if he's still sleeping. I hear him breathing a little heavily and accompanied by a soft, rhythmic rustling. I look down the length of the bed and can barely make out the sheet bobbing up and down. Fuck! Is he jerking off? I listen intently and the rustling matches the up and down motion of the sheets above his crotch. My dick throbs uncontrollably in my briefs and Ben stops. Fuck! I try not to move and mimic a slow steady pace of breathing as if I were asleep. A few second later he resumes. A slow rhythmic jerking, barely visible and barely audible, but incredibly hot. He moves his arm and I watch as he slowly lifts the sheet from off of him, doubling it up over me. I can barely make out the silhouette of a thick cock in the darkness. The rustling is gone with the sheets but I feel his body shake a little harder now as he jerks. I don't know if he's doing this because of me wrapped around his leg or in spite of me but I'm loving it either way. I feel his jerking motions get faster. I decide to see if it's me or not, see if he'll panic or not. I move a little, pretending to shift in my sleep. I grip his leg tightly, pushing my entire body into him and let out a soft moan as I push my hips into his thigh and rub my stiff bulge even harder into him. I hear a soft, breathy "fuck..." from the other end of the bed, shortly followed by the sound of wet splats of liquid hitting bare skin. His leg spasms underneath me and I hold it tightly as my own cock throbs out a wet sticky mess of precum.

I hear more rustling and the sound of what must be tissue being pulled from a box. He's cleaning himself up and I'm refusing to move. Both his and my breathing settles down and eventually we both start to drift back to sleep. I think to myself,"I can't wait for the showers tomorrow!"
Part 2

Ben and I chat over the next week and discuss me going with him. It all seems so surreal, as if at some point he's going to turnaround and say "Got ya!" like it was all a joke. I manage to rearrange my shifts with work to get four days off in a row and tell my parents and sister about going away for a few days. They're all a little surprised that I'm going away with Ben. I get pelted with questions: "Ben? As in Ben Fletcher?!" ..."When did this come about?" ... "Since when are you and him friends?" They all know Ben and they're not worried at all, just surprised at how all of a sudden I'm going to work with him. Honestly? Me too! I explain about when we met and how it all came about and they begin to relax about it.

I get all my things together the day before we're due to head out. I make sure to pack some comfortable clothes to both travel and work in, pyjama bottoms, some decent underwear and a few toiletries. I begin cramming it all into my backpack and I'm already getting excited. I'm excited to see the country of course but as I'm rolling up my briefs and stuffing them into my backpack I'm more excited wondering if I'll see Ben in his underwear.

The day rolls around and I head out. I've told Ben I'll meet him at the depot where he's collecting the cargo so I get a taxi to the address and hop out at a pair of large gates leading to a huge yard. I look around absentmindedly, wondering where I go, when I hear a yell from inside. Ben's standing beside a huge electric blue truck and waving one of his huge arms. I make my way over to him. He's wearing a light grey tank top that's already showing some sweat patch's from the heat and a pair of khaki green cargo shorts. As I approach he says "Aww did you come to see me off?" -"What?" I ask visibly confused. "Aww, bud. You didn't think I was being serious when I said you could come along did you? I thought you were just playing along?" For a fraction of a second I'm embarrassed before I notice the corner of his lips curling into a grin. "Fuck you." I say matter-of-factly. He bursts out laughing. "You really think you're funny, don't you?" I ask sarcastically. "I do! I really do!" He says wiping his eyes. I begin to walk past him as I check out the truck. He turns to me as I pass him. "As if I'd leave without you!" He says this and there's a loud accompanying crack as he slaps my ass. It's so hard and unexpected that I stagger forward a little. "Holy shit, Ben!" I gasp. My left ass cheek stings and I'm strangely turned on. I reach back and stroke my cheek. "Sorry, bud. Too hard? Here, let me kiss it better for you!" He lunges towards my shorts and I dodge out of the way. "Go away!" I laugh. "Aww come on! I'll make it all better!" He says chasing me a few steps as I dodge his outstretched hands. Even this is turning me on as I secretly hope he catches me. Secretly hope that he does kiss it better. He eventually stops chasing me and says "Alright! To business. We're all loaded up!" He slaps the large cargo container that's hooked up to the truck. "You ready to go, partner?" He asks with a broad smile. "Sure thing, boss!" I say with a mock tone of respect. "Not sure how I'll manage sitting down though." I say with a laugh as I reach back and rub my cheek again. "That's what they all say when I'm done with them!" He says with a cheeky wink and heads round to the driver side.

I climb up into the truck and look around before we head off. Inside the cabin are two large, high backed chairs - one on the passenger side and the other on the driver's with a narrow space between that leads into the back. My chair spins a full 180 to face into the rear of the cabin. There's a small pull down table on one side and some compartments on the other. Just behind these is a flat area, filled with a double mattress and a small window on either side just above it. It looks like a decent size but I know between both Ben and I, it's going to be a tight squeeze - not that I'm complaining! I go to the back and put my bag and jacket on top of the mattress while taking a seat on the small edge that faces down to the front of the truck. "It's cosy." I say, looking around. "Not bad, aye?" Ben says from the front seat. "Our little home for the next few days, bud!" A "little home" for just me and Ben, huh? Perfect!

I come back to the front and climb into the passenger seat. "Let's go, boss!" I say again in a fake respectful voice. "Hey!" He says sternly and points a large finger at me while staring me directly in the eyes. "That's sir to you, boy!" Fuck! Why did that turn me on?! He grins. "Oh, ah, yes! Sure thing... sir." I respectfully reply with a small laugh. I reach down and readjust my semi-hard cock as discreetly as possible. We set off and kill time along the way talking about things we see on the road our histories, and conversation eventually turns a little more personal. He eventually asks me about dating. "No girls going to be missing you while you're gone then?" He asks. I chuckle a little. "Nah, no girls." - "Boys then?" -"Nope." - "Non-binary people?" -"No, no romantic interests of any kind are missing me at the moment." I say a little shyly. "Must be someone!" He states. "Fine young man like you? Maybe you just don't know they miss you." - "Maybe." I laugh. "Anyway, what about you?" I ask turning it back on him. "Aren't you still with... the, ah, one with the dark hair?" - "Kate." He says flatly. "Yeah, that's the one." I say, not noticing his shift in tone. "Not anymore, bud. We broke up the beginning of last year." Now I feel like an asshole. "Aww I'm sorry, big man. I didn't know." He perks himself up a bit. "Don't be sorry, bud. How would you know?" He goes on to tell me about how they were engaged and that it slowly fell apart. There was no bad blood from what he says, just two people who realised they didn't belong together but I could see he was still hurt by it. As he finishes telling me I reach out and place my hand on his forearm as he grips the steering wheel. "I'm sorry I brought it up but I'm glad you were able to talk about it with me." He takes his other hand off the wheel and places it on top of mine. "Thanks, bud." He says as he gently squeezes my hand.

We drive for a long time with just a few stops to stretch before getting back to it. As night falls we pull into a truck stop for the evening. Ben gives me the rundown of these places - access to showers and toilets, there's a nearby place for food and drink, and how it's all secured. We go grab a bite to eat and then head back to the truck. "You wanna grab a shower tonight, bud, or we can do it the morning before we set off?" Showering together sounds fucking amazing but the long day has tired me out. "Maybe in the morning? I'm pretty tired." I say wearily. He reaches over and wraps his arm around my shoulders. Suddenly I'm more awake. "No problem. It can be a long day when you're not used to it." We get back to the truck and we climb inside. We sit in our respective seats and Ben begins taking his boots off. I follow him and easily kick off my high tops. With a relived sigh he pulls off one boot. "Ugh! That feels better!" Off comes the other and he slumps back into his chair. His socks are white but dirty around the heel and toes where they've been rubbing against the inside of his boots. There's a strong musky smell initially that fades away quickly. He turns to me and lifts his foot up onto my lap. "Alright, bud. Time for my foot rub!" He says wiggling his toes at me. "Fuck off!" I say laughing and pushing myself back as far into the chair as I can go. I'm putting on a good show but secretly I do want to rub his feet. I just want to touch him in general! "I take you with me and you won't even rub my feet after a long drive?! Just can't find good partners nowadays!" He lowers his foot again and sighs with a grin. "Fine. Time for bed I guess." He pushes his hips off the chair and into the air a little as he slots his thumbs into either side of the waistband of his shorts. With a swift motion he pushes them off his hips, down over his thighs and let's them fall passed his knees to his feet. I stare in awe at this happening, completely forgetting any kind of social etiquette and just watch him. He's wearing a pair of white baggy boxers. His thighs are covered in thick, dark-golden hair and I run my eyes up them, passed the gaping leg holes and to the modest bulge at his crotch. The opening at the crotch gapes a little but it's too dark to see inside. "Hey." Ben's words jerk me back to reality. "You go somewhere else there, bud?" My face burns with embarrassment. "Uh, sorry. Must have just been daydreaming." I mutter. "I guess you do need sleep" he laughs. "Well, you can take the inside if you like?" One side of the bed is flat against the back of the cabin, the shorter sides are flat against the sides with the small windows above, and the last side of the mattress faces the cabinets and front of the cabin. "Ummm, yeah, sure." I mutter again, still panicked and with a growing cock in my briefs as Ben sits before me in his underwear.

I stand up and move into the small space between the cabinets with my back to Ben. I need to get under the sheet fast before he notices that I'm hard. I hear him fussing at the front as he covers the windows. I quickly pull off my t-shirt and socks and toss them backwards onto the front seat. I quickly undo my shorts and drop them to my feet. "A briefs guy, aye?" I hear Ben say from behind me. "Haha, yeah." I stumble for words as I bend over to grab my shorts from the floor and as I do I feel a sudden movement behind me. My boxers suddenly push against my ass cheeks and something forces its way quickly between them. I instinctively jump forward onto the bed and spin around. Ben is standing there with his finger pointed out and bursts into roaring laughter. "You scared the hell out of me!" I shout back. Ben's too busy laughing to care and wiping tears from his eyes. "I'm sorry, bud. I seen an opening and I took it!" He straightens himself up again and begins to stand up to pull off his vest. "Fucking hell, bud! No wonder you're tired carrying all that around!" He nods, staring directly at my crotch. I look down and my cock is bulging in my briefs. A large, mound that's barely contained underneath the fabric that stretches away from my body. Embarrassed I reach both hands down and cup them over my cock. "You shouldn't be looking!" I say with embarrassment. "Hey! It looked at me first!" He says with a smirk. "Nothing to be embarrassed about, bud. We've all got one." He says this while attempting to shake his hips side to side as he's crouched over in the cabin. His bulge sways beneath the white cloth. This isn't helping to hide my throbbing cock!

He pulls his vest off and I climb under the covers. He points to the left. "You go that side and I'll go the other." He tosses me a pillow and I lay my head where he says. He climbs under the covers with me, his head at the other side and my heart is racing. His leg brushes against my arm and I try to be polite and move a little to let him in. "Tight squeeze aye, bud?" He chuckles. "It's fine." I say trying to sound casual. He reaches up and turns off the light. We're plunged into darkness, just the two of us beneath the sheets. I feel him lay down and turn towards me. I follow suit and do the same. I can just barely see his feet peek out from under the sheet in line with my face. I still want to touch them. Touch him. Then I feel a hand on my calf and it runs up and down, caressing the fine hairs on my leg. "Night, bud." Ben says softly. My cock throbs again and my heart pounds. I reach out find his ankle and run my thumb along it in a soft stroking motion. "Goodnight, big man." I whisper. "Hey!" A stern sounding whisper from Ben. "It's sir, remember?" Fuck! Don't say that while we're in bed. My words catch in my throat and I chuckle a little. "Yes, sorry sir." I manage to mutter. I hear him at the other end and feel the bed rumble a little as he chuckles.

I must be tired as I awake to what must be the middle of the night and it takes me a moment to realise where I am. There's a heat running down the length of my body like I'm wrapped around a heater and I realise I'm clinging to Ben's leg. He's on his back while I'm on my side and pressed against him. One of my arms is underneath Ben and wrapped around to meet my other arm, hugging Ben's thick, hairy leg tightly. My face is resting in the arch between his calf and foot. One of my legs is on the mattress and running the length of Ben - along his hairy leg, the soft fabric of his boxers, and up along his side. My other leg is bent and lifted up onto him. My thigh is sticking to his in the sweaty heat. My calf lays on top of his boxers leg while my foot almost cups along the edge of his belly. My cock is already rock hard. I can feel it squeezed tightly against his leg, only separated from touching by a thin piece of fabric.

My mind is racing! It's a comforting feeling but I'm embarrassed and excited and horny as hell! I'm trying desperately not to move, afraid to break this connection. I try to listen to hear if he's still sleeping. I hear him breathing a little heavily and accompanied by a soft, rhythmic rustling. I look down the length of the bed and can barely make out the sheet bobbing up and down. Fuck! Is he jerking off? I listen intently and the rustling matches the up and down motion of the sheets above his crotch. My dick throbs uncontrollably in my briefs and Ben stops. Fuck! I try not to move and mimic a slow steady pace of breathing as if I were asleep. A few second later he resumes. A slow rhythmic jerking, barely visible and barely audible, but incredibly hot. He moves his arm and I watch as he slowly lifts the sheet from off of him, doubling it up over me. I can barely make out the silhouette of a thick cock in the darkness. The rustling is gone with the sheets but I feel his body shake a little harder now as he jerks. I don't know if he's doing this because of me wrapped around his leg or in spite of me but I'm loving it either way. I feel his jerking motions get faster. I decide to see if it's me or not, see if he'll panic or not. I move a little, pretending to shift in my sleep. I grip his leg tightly, pushing my entire body into him and let out a soft moan as I push my hips into his thigh and rub my stiff bulge even harder into him. I hear a soft, breathy "fuck..." from the other end of the bed, shortly followed by the sound of wet splats of liquid hitting bare skin. His leg spasms underneath me and I hold it tightly as my own cock throbs out a wet sticky mess of precum.

I hear more rustling and the sound of what must be tissue being pulled from a box. He's cleaning himself up and I'm refusing to move. Both his and my breathing settles down and eventually we both start to drift back to sleep. I think to myself,"I can't wait for the showers tomorrow!"
This is a great story so far! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Part 3

I wake up to soft morning light spilling in through the edges of the blinds on the little window above my head. It must be early but I can't tell for sure. I look around for a clock, but can't see any. I realise I've left my phone in my shorts in my panic to get into bed last night. I'm still laying on my side but not pressed up against Ben anymore as I've stretched down the length of the bed. Ben's feet still stick out from under the blanket and they're pointed toward me again. I listen intently and only hear a soft breathing from the other end of the bed. Unsure if he's awake, I move my leg slowly towards him. Edging closer and closer until my toes graze his soft, hairy chest. I move my leg again until I feel my knee press against his firm belly. He shifts slightly and lets out a small grunt but quickly goes back to being still. I reach out my hand under the covers and place it on his leg again and lightly run it up and down. His legs are thick and firm with muscle. I can only reach as far as his thigh but this is still turning me on. My cock is begging to be jerked off but I have nothing to clean up with. Instead I just lay there beside him, stroking his leg and feeling his warmth.

I lay there for a little while before a loud, obnoxious beeping makes us both jump. With a disgruntled moan Ben turns over and fumbles to find his mobile phone on the shelf of the cabinet. He eventually manages to turn off the alarm and flops onto his back again. "How is it time to get up already?" I hear him moan. "Hey? Bud?" His hand roots around under the covers until he finds my foot. He gives holds it and gives it a little shake. "You awake?" He asks. "As if I could sleep through that!" I say pretending to sound like I just woke up. "Why is it so loud?" He chuckles a little. "Sorry, I have trouble getting up some times." - Well, that's understandable. I hear men your age have some trouble 'getting up'." I stress those last two words and raise my hands up into the air making quotation marks with my fingers. "Excuse me?!" He shouts while laughing and squeezes my foot tightly. "I'll have you know I'm not that much older than you and I have no problems getting anything up, thank you!" I laugh and he squeezes my foot again trying to cause a little pain."Ow!" I yell out and manage to pull my foot free. "Kids these days!" He says as he lifts the covers and swings his legs out of the bed to sit up on its edge. I look him up and down as he sits there rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He's fairly hairy except for his back which looks smooth until just before his waist. His boxers are riding low as he sits hunched over and I can see the top of his ass. A small tuft of dark blonde hair peeks out from between his cheeks. I lift myself up onto my elbow for a better look but as I do he turns around. "Time to get up, bud. We need to get on the road soon and we still need to shower." Fuck, yeah! I think to myself. After what happened last night I'm dying for the showers. A chance to maybe see Ben in all his glory but maybe also some time to jerk off.

We get our stuff together and head over to a small building that's separated in two, one side for men and the other for women. We open the large, creaking door to a small room that has benches running down one wall and some lockers on the other. A short, dark haired man is getting dressed as we enter. He says good morning and him and Ben exchange small talk about work before he leaves. We begin getting undressed and I focus as much energy as I can on not getting hard. Ben strips to his boxers and then with his back to me, slips those off to fall to his ankles. His ass is large and round, covered in hair that seems to get slightly thicker as it runs between his cheeks. He steps out of his boxers with one foot and with the other lifts his leg up. His foot is hooked onto his boxers and he uses it to lift them up and pull them off. As he lifts his leg his ass cheeks separate slightly. My face moves forward instinctively, wanting to be buried between his cheeks. I catch my self quickly and with a flushed face of embarrassment, turn away from him. I quickly pull off my own briefs before wrapping a towel around my waist. I turn back as Ben lifts his towel. He doesn't wrap it around his waist and instead throws it over his shoulder as he turns to me. "Ready to go, bud?" He says. I barely hear the question as my gaze immediately falls to his cock. The dark golden hair on his chest gets darker around his belly button as it trails down to a bush of pubic hair. A thick, 3 inch soft cock protrudes from them just above a pair of large, heavy-looking balls. I feel my own cock getting hard as something slaps my arm and jolts me back to reality. "Come on! We haven't got all day." Ben smirks and pulls my arm towards the rear of the room.

The next room contains six separate showers, three on each side that mirror the other. They're all empty but Ben goes to a shower at the end of the room and I do the same, taking the one across from him. The walls of the showers are floor-to-ceiling however, the doors are shorter, frosted glass that's held closed magnetically. You can see underneath the doors, up to around the calf, and over the top to around shoulder height. I turn the shower on and begin rinsing myself off. Each shower has two dispensers, one for soap and the other for shampoo. I brought some with me anyway, unsure of what to expect. I begin to wash myself quickly, thinking that I'll then have time to jerk off before I need to get out. I'm rinsing off my hair when I suddenly hear "Hey, bud?" I jump a little and spin around. Ben is stood at the door to my shower, his hair dripping wet and his fingers gripping the top of the door, peeking over. I instinctively cover my cock with my hands. My cock is a handful, even soft. It's uncut and hangs around six inches soft and when hard grows to around eight inches, long and straight as an arrow. "Fucking hell, Ben! What are you doing?" I gasp for breath a little and try to regain my composure. He chuckles "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. Have you got any shampoo? My dispenser is empty." I look at him quizzically. "Uh, yeah there's some in mine." Before I can say anything else or consider what to do next he says "Aww nice!" and pulls the door to my shower open. He walks inside like it's the most normal thing ever. His body is soaked so his usual golden hair is darker and clings to his body. The showers are fairly spacious but I back into the corner as he walks in. This is so surreal and I blurt out "Do you mind?!" He turns to me and laughs. "Calm down, bud." He nods towards my hands covering my crotch. "Nothing I haven't seen before." I mean, I guess he's right. He seems very comfortable with this. Maybe if I act like I am too I'll see him naked more often!

"I, uh, guess you're right. Just not really used to it." I say as I let my hands fall to my sides and try to relax. "Fucking hell!" Ben exclaims as a shocked look passes over his face. I cover my cock again, embarrassed. "What?!" I say as my face burns red. "Bud, what are you feeding that thing?! It's huge!" My face is roaring with heat as Ben stares at my crotch. "Move your hand, bud. That's nothing to be embarrassed about!" My cock throbs at the attention it's getting. I lower my hand again and my cock spasms a little, briefly flicking upwards. "Fucking hell! I should be the one covering my cock standing beside that monster." He reaches down and covers his own cock. I laugh and relax a little. "Don't laugh at me, bud!" He says smiling. "I'm not! Just an awkward situation." I say as my cock begins to grow to a semi-hard thickness. "I'll say!" Ben says laughing. He takes his hand away from his cock and I look down. As he turns and pumps the dispenser for the shampoo I get a good look. I swear it's gotten harder since before. He begins to lather his hair. "Sorry, bud. You want in?" He moves from under the shower head and along the wall opposite me. I move forward and beging rinsing myself off. I bend down, pretending to rinse off my legs, and bring my face in line with Ben's cock. It's a good few inches away from my face but I get a good look. It's definitely getting bigger and as I stare, it throbs. A thick vein pulsing along the shaft as it begins to rise. My semi grows in response, stiffening at the sight. I'm conscious of being caught and straighten myself to stand up again. I move back and Ben steps forward under the shower head again.

He closes his eyes and leans his head back to rinse off the shampoo. His body arches backwards and his hips are pushed forward. His cock is fully hard. It must be about 6 1/2 inches. Definitely smaller than mine but a hell of a lot thicker! It looks as thick as my wrist and curves upwards, almost running parallel to Ben's firm belly. He has a cut cock that I wasn't expecting and a large thick vein snakes from the base up the centre to a dark pink, fat head. The water from the shower cascades down his body and splashes against his cock. I want to reach out and grab it! Taste it! It takes me a second to even realise that I'm unconsciously stroking my own cock. I'm rock hard and it points straight out from my body, almost touching Ben. Ben moves forward, straightening up again as he pulls his head from under the shower. I let go off my cock and begin brushing water off my arms and trying to act nonchalant. "Alright, bud. All done!" Ben says as he shakes his head like a dog getting water off of his hair. He looks down at my rock-hard cock. "Shit! Maybe you're not all done?" He looks me in the eye and smirks. "Same to you by the looks of it." My eyes trail down his body to his cock. He looks down too. A small chuckle "Guess so." Suddenly there's the loud creaking of the front door. We both look up a little panicked. "Ah, thanks for the shampoo, bud." Ben says as he places a hand on top of the door and pulls it open. "How about you take five more minutes before we go?" He gestures to my cock and then leaves the shower and closes it behind him as he returns to his own. I watch him go and I die a little inside. Fuck! I think to myself. Was something about to happen?! That could have been the perfect moment. Fuck whoever just came in here!

I look across to the other shower and Ben is facing me but has his head back a little and his eyes closed. The blurry outline of his body seems to be moving quickly. He's definitely jerking off! I watch his face and begin to jerk my own cock. It's long and heavy and I wrap one hand around the shaft to jerk while the other moves in circles around my tip. I don't take my eyes off Ben. Watching his face as he strokes his cock. I move closer to the door for a better look. I hear whoever came in before come into the room. The opening and shutting of another shower and then the sound of running water. I look back to Ben and he has his eyes open looking slightly out and down the hall too. He looks over at me and we make eye contact. My cock throbs uncontrollably and we both continue jerking. He winks at me before closing his eyes and leaning back again. Fucking hell! I see his mouth open and while I can't hear it, I know he's panting. His eyes squeeze tightly and I see his feet move under the door. His toes curl along the ground and suddenly white spots begin hitting the glass door as his body heaves up and down. My cock pounds in my hands and I use both to jerk off. Both hands cupped around my cock, I push and pull them quickly up and down, my foreskin sliding back and forth over my sensitive tip until I cum. Thick, hot ropes of cum shoot from my cock and pound against the glass door. My knees go weak and I struggle to stand. I let go of my cock with one hand and steady myself by gripping the top of the door. My other hand continuing to jerk off as cum spills down my shaft or off onto the floor. As I gasp for breath I look up. Ben is across the way with both of his hands on top of his door, peeking over. His chest and cock are pushed against the glass. He looks me in the eye and smirks before giving me a wink and turning back under the shower.

Fucking hell! I needed that. I rinse myself off as my cock slowly begins to soften and wash away the cum on the shower door and floor. Ben is the first to leave the shower. "See you in the changing room, bud." He says waving into me. I quickly follow him out and pass by the other guy in the shower. We briefly make eye contact and I give him a look of pure disdain, still angry at what he might have interrupted. Ben and I dry ourselves off and I take the opportunity to steal more glances at his naked body. "Ready to go, bud?" He asks as I pull on my high tops. "Sure thing, sir!" I say with a wink and he and grins.
I love how this story is going, good pacing for the characters discovering each others interests.
Thanks man! I'm really enjoying writing it so it's great to hear others are enjoying it too!
Thanks man! I'm really enjoying writing it so it's great to hear others are enjoying it too!
I am looking forward to the next chapter! This is a fantastic story!