Confused about a fetish...

Dec 20, 2004
Lately for no reason I've been imaging a somewhat close friend of mine, good looking guy, above average cock..fucking my GF. He lives right next door to me and we talk all the time about sexual stuff and I know he thinks shes hot. After talking to my GF about this fetish she seems somewhat open about it as long as I'm comfortable with it...but how do you go up to your friend and be like "Hey wanna bang my GF?". I'm 20, my friend is 18, my GF 19...all young people. Also, is there a name for this sort of fetish? Any advice on this topic would be appreciated. Thanks
I don't know if ther eis a name for it-- but way to handle it is next time you guys are talking about sex get the conversation around to your GF and then tell him she thinks he's pretty hot-- and get it around to how sex is sex and if he wants to do her you're pretty sure she's OK with it as long as you get to watch

Just make sure you ARE comfortable with it!!!
Originally posted by OrbitzXT@Oct 17 2005, 06:38 AM
After talking to my GF about this fetish she seems somewhat open about it as long as I'm comfortable with it...
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Does your gf know him well enough to feel comfortable having sex with him?
My friend, you have a fantasy here, not a fetish.

Fantasies are fun, whether or not you ever decide to realize them.

Continue to fantasize for a while, and continue to talk to your neighbor and your gf. If it is meant to be, you will know when the time is right. If not, it is still a fun fantasy. You could even role-play just a little - you imagine you are him, she imagine you are him, see how you both feel and react.

If you do actually end up in the threesome, you have to be absolutely certain beforehand that all three of you are secure enough to handle it, and be prepared for the consequences if things don't work out the way you imagined.

My partner and I have a third join us from time to time. It works well for us, but we both understood when we first started being a "couple" that neither of us preferred to be exclusive. One last piece of advice - drugs (including alcohol) and sexual experimentation sometimes seem to go together, but they definitely do not. If you try something with the neighbor, be sure that everyone involved is clear and sober, and be sure to use protections.
Originally posted by kurios@Oct 17 2005, 09:55 AM
Next door is too close. Keep it a fantasy!
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:eyes: My thoughts, too, but I thought I would leave that one out. I figured maybe my advice to think about it more would have brought him to the same conclusion.
Believe it or not there are plenty of guys that like to watch their g/f or wives have sex with other guys.

I have to agree with the other guys. It could get real complicated real fast having 3 somes with the guy next door. You would be much better off finding a stranger so if things don't work out you don't have to worry about dealing with that guy again.

Plus I don't want to see the 3 of you on the Jerry Springer show :rofl:
Yeah I think a fetish is more something that gets you REALLY aroused and in some (I think most, not sure) cases its the ONLY thing that gets you off.

Nice fantasy, but just think if your gf left you for your mate or fucked him behind your back? Just wondering how big your mate is (cockwise) lol?
Originally posted by Knight@Oct 17 2005, 12:38 PM
Yeah I think a fetish is more something that gets you REALLY aroused and in some (I think most, not sure) cases its the ONLY thing that gets you off.

Nice fantasy, but just think if your gf left you for your mate or fucked him behind your back? Just wondering how big your mate is (cockwise) lol?
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Generally, a fetish describes a sexual fixation involving an inanimate object or a specific body part; a fantasy usually is imagining specific actions or activities.

Again, there have been many good points made, but it really boils down to whether all three involved are interested in going through with it, or just keeping it as a fantasy.
To play the devil's advocate here....could it be that the sexual fantasy you are envisioning has more to do with your own attraction to him physically than you are even aware of?
Originally posted by KinkGuy@Oct 18 2005, 01:03 AM
To play the devil's advocate here....could it be that the sexual fantasy you are envisioning has more to do with your own attraction to him physically than you are even aware of?
[post=352799]Quoted post[/post]​

That's actually exactly it, to answer Knight...size wise he's about 7", not small, not huge. Also thank you everyone for making me realize this is more of a fantasy. I also see how easily this could get complicated so I'll probably keep it in my head. Its still hot to think about though but whatever. Thanks guys
That's a dangerous road dude. Like, I fully support you and yer fetish, but I'm just sayin. I know a lot of people who were all "i wanna get off to you bangin my girlfriend" and then it happens, and everything goes down hill. I hope you guys can handle it.