
I really don't know.......but I do know you shouldn't feel bad about it. At my health club, there are tons of married guys who jack each other off in the sauna and don't have any other man to man contact. Some people just enjoy that. I did it once.
I really don't know.......but I do know you shouldn't feel bad about it. At my health club, there are tons of married guys who jack each other off in the sauna and don't have any other man to man contact. Some people just enjoy that. I did it once. I never realized how spongy the penis feels until I felt someone else's.
Male bonding, fraternity, brotherhood, family of man. It's a unique form of male intimacy that really doesn't define or impose labels on either party. Men understand what men like and have the ability to give the gift to one another, if they are evolved and comfortable enough about themselves. It is warped views of society that makes this wrong.......not the men involved.
It's late at night, and so this might not come out the way I mean it.. but there are times when I feel bad for guys because of the pressures society puts on you.

As a woman, if I want to touch another woman (even if it's totally non-sexual), it enhances my bedroom mystique for whoever else I might sleep with. If a guy so much as thinks about touching another guy, he gets hit with labels that hurt, from society or from that part of society that's been burned into our own minds. (And if he is gay and follows through to meet his needs, well.. the world's still too full of horror stories about what happens when that news hits the mainstream.)

Touch who you want to touch, as long as there's consent and everyone's the appropriate ages so nobody ends up in jail. Be smart about it and safe about it and careful about it - but don't let society close off an avenue for fun and exploration. Touching another guy doesn't "turn you" gay any more than touching the counter in McDonalds would "turn you" into a hamburger. If you weren't the hamburger before you touched, you ain't gonna be after.

Or so sayeth this sleepy old lady.
helio415 said:
well i realy dont think that there is a good definition of sexual orientations. i mean is it who you find attractive or who you want to fuck??? i can find both men and women attractive but i wouldnt ever want to actualy have sex with a guy. but im sure that if i ever fell inlove with a guy and had a relationship with him i could have sex with him. but i realy dont think that will happen.
Good post.