COSTAR [Erotic Story]


Superior Member
Mar 22, 2021
Atlanta (Georgia, United States)
New Series - COSTAR

When two casted actors meet on set for a film they are starring in. Feelings quickly change throughout the duration of filming that send Aaron and Ricky spiraling through varying emotions, chemistry, lust and possibly love but when there’s drama behind the scenes, can they maintain the onscreen chemistry or will it affect production? Does it end when the project is done filming?

This series & more available on my Patreon



It was another audition. I had done several over the course of the last few weeks that it was starting to feel redundant. Was I cut out for a lead or supporting role? I had done my share of background roles and being an extra but there had been weeks of the projects I was interested in, deciding on going in another direction.

I always wondered what went into the decision to go in another direction. I mean for me, I was in shape, considered myself attractive, I kept up appearances and had somewhat of a following. I didn’t feel past my prime having just turned 33, was still getting modeling gigs and commercial work but I was eyeing moving into something that would get me on the big screen.

This casting call was similar, starting with a brief check-in—signing forms, taking a quick headshot, and filling out basic information. The audition space was standard enough: a well-lit room with a camera, a table where the casting directors sat, and a few chairs lined up for those waiting their turn. The difference with this casting was there weren’t faces I would usually see in the room. It felt like a good thing, not having the faces of whoever ended up getting casted instead of me but it wasn’t enough to release the nerves. Auditions were always nerve-wracking.

I had notes that my agent sent me about the audition, several lines that I was expected to read but not much details on the role that I was auditioning for. I should have taken this for being out of the norm but my agent left in the notes possible offers that could come from this that had me intrigued.

The process also went different. I watched as some would enter, perform, return to the room and either be directed to leave or stick around.

Once it was my turn, I went in.

“Aaron?” one of the casting directors asked.


“Whenever you’re ready, you can begin.”

I took a moment and put my things down and stood center, preparing myself mentally for the scene that was expected of me to read. The room fell quiet and so did my mind, my expression faded and I reached for the character that I expected they wanted from me.

“See, there was one thing I didn’t expect,” I paused. “I didn’t expect to return and find you here. What do you want?” I asked, and paused again as if there were lines meant to answer from a scene partner.

“What do you want?” I shouted. I prepared this part and went for it, pulling on my shirt and tearing the fabric, leaving strands left, hanging on me, showing off my body but to really add to the lines. “You’ve taken everything, what do you want the clothes off my back too? I wish you never found out that I was here—”

“Great.” I was interrupted and it brought me out of the scene. “Thanks.” The casting directors talked among themselves as I stood there wondering if I had messed up somewhere with the few lines I got through. I didn’t comprehend that it was the end of my audition and that I should head out the room at first as I stood there, expecting to do more.

“Send in, lets see… Ricky?” they talked to staff as if I was no longer standing there. I gathered my things and replaced the rip shirt as I headed out the room. I had tunnel vision as I walked by him and back into the waiting area.

I was almost defeated.

“Aaron?” one of the staffers came to me. “They want you to stick around until they finish going through everyone.”

Oh? Great to hear. I could hear the sigh of relief once she said those words.

“Great, thanks.” I could feel my face light up with a smile as she walked away. I found a seat in the waiting area and contemplated every possible thing that could happen next. None of which I was expecting.

The room started to empty out with few of us being told to stick around as opposed to being asked to leave. I almost thought about what it would feel like to be in their place and come out to the room and see some of us had been asked to remain, while they were told to leave but I quickly shook the thought from my mind with the realization that I didn’t have to worry about that this time. I had to take in this not feeling like the past rejections.

“For those who remain, the next part of the process will continue on set, so please make your way over to the location in the updated notes, you should have received.”

This was also new but my excitement for heading to set had overtaken any thoughts on how different this process was going. It was also the thought of not being sent home that distracted me. I hadn’t noticed the message waiting for me on my phone. Directions to set and details on what was expected. I followed the other actors out as we dispersed in different directions to head to set which was a short distance away.

I arrived to a larger venue and followed the directions through the large space, walking past camera crews, equipments and different set ups. The atmosphere was different—more intense, it seemed cutthroat. I watched some of the filming taking place as I continued through, almost lost but the signs led the way.

There were about 10 or so of us who auditioned who were asked to remain and directions sent us here; to what appeared to be the large green room area which was had its own set of rooms inside. Names had been displayed and it was exciting to see my own. It didn’t register there were two names to each room.

The room was empty once I got inside. I took in the ambiance of the space and went to my side of the room. My focus had been on preparing my lines that I didn’t realize when the other guy came in. He didn’t say a word and seemed to meditate as we waited for further instructions. I thought to say something but decided to focus. When my name was called, I left the room watching him, still in his state of meditation, ignoring everything around him.

The casting panel here was larger, with more people than I was used to. I could hear the chatter as I walked in to what felt like a stage. Lights were bright and shined in my face that I couldn’t really make out faces.


There was a familiarity in hearing my name. I nodded ready to start as I waited for the cue. Lines were read and I followed up with the lines expected of me. I kept some of the same delivery as what I did in the previous audition but followed the direction that was in the script. It went by quick that once I was done, I went over if I had read the lines clear, did I speak loud enough, or did I read it to fast.

As I left the room, I noticed a small door at the back of the hallway that seemed to lead to another part of the building. I wasn’t sure why, but something about that door piqued my curiosity. I knew I should have just went back to the green room area, but I couldn’t help but to investigate further.

Glancing around to make sure no one was watching, I slipped through the door and found myself in a narrow corridor that led to another set of rooms. These weren’t the typical audition spaces—these rooms were different, quieter, more secluded. The walls were lined with soundproofing material, and I could hear faint voices coming from one of the rooms at the far end of the hall.

I crept closer, straining to hear. The voices were muffled, but I could make out snippets of the conversation. It sounded like actors reading lines, but the tone was hushed, almost conspiratorial. My heart raced as I realized I was eavesdropping on something I wasn’t supposed to hear.

Suddenly, the door to the room flew open, and I barely had time to step back before a man stormed out, his face twisted in anger. He didn’t notice me as he stalked past, muttering under his breath. I waited until he was out of sight before inching closer to the door, peeking inside.

The room was small, with a table in the center covered in scripts and a few folders. Three people were huddled around the table, their expressions tense. One of them was the man who shared the green room with me. He looked up just as I was about to duck out of sight.

Our eyes met, and for a split second, neither of us moved. His eyes intensified as he seemed to move closer but I didn’t wait around. I made my way back through the corridor and back to the green rooms. I found the room with my name and Ricky; realizing how many times, we crossed paths and I didn’t realize.

I gathered my things and watched if anyone was coming and made my way to the exit. I was curious to know what was going on in the room but also why one of the actors auditioning was huddled in a room separate from where the casting auditions were.

As I stepped outside into the cool evening air, I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. What the hell was going on? With the uncertainty, I wondered if continuing the audition was worth it.

Just as I stood on the lot questioning everything, I got a message, saying to return tomorrow that I had been selected for a role.

The next day, I couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened at the casting call. I found myself replaying the scene in my head over and over, analyzing every detail. What was actually going on in that room? Who were the other people? What were they talking about? And why was I suddenly offered a role?

I kept considering whether or not I should go back in but the call from my agent suggested I take the offer. I went over it in my mind, was it really that big of a deal, whatever was going on? I decided on going back but to see if I could figure out what was going on. Maybe it was nothing, just a strange interaction that I had blown out of proportion in my mind. But if there was more to it, I wanted to know.

When I arrived at the venue, I was surprised to find it less crowded than usual. It was still busy, but the frantic energy from the day before seemed to have dissipated. I scanned the room as I walked in, half-expecting to see Ricky, but there was no sign of him.

I continued on, trying to act casual even though my mind was racing. As I walked around to get to the green rooms, I noticed things had been changed around. Names had been removed. There was no clear direction on what I was supposed to return for so I continued walking around. Looking for the only familiar face I knew, even if I shouldn’t have.

I spotted Ricky finally but kept a distance as I followed him, watching him glance around nervously before disappearing into an area I hadn’t been to. I looked around to see if anyone took notice to me as I followed. When I entered the room, it was dimly lit but I could feel hands immediately grab me, pinning me against the wall.

“I’m surprised you showed.” he spoke.

I struggled against him holding me. “Get off of me.”

“First, whatever you think you heard yesterday. You didn’t. Second, don’t get in my way and there won’t be a problem.”

“I don’t get what’s going on?”

“You can thank me for getting you this gig and you can do so by accepting the offer. The casting team couldn’t stop raving about you but this production was put together for me. I agreed to the changes but don’t overstep. Sneaking around set, following me. You have no idea.”

I was lost on what was actually going on. I tried to piece together what I heard but none of it made sense. He remained holding me, pinning me to the wall. I could feel something stirring as our bodies pressed together. I didn’t understand him at all — the meditation, the quiet to the secret meetings to the tough guy act, all for this to be causing a rise in him.

He backed away, probably realizing I could feel him but he continued his tough guy act.

“Sit down here,” he directed me. I didn’t move from the wall. I watched as he moved around the room. He fumbled around and increased the brightness of the lights a little. “These are the current draft changes.” On the table was several scripts. “Unfortunately they want me to get you up to speed and rehearse with you to get you in character.”

To be continued....

[NOTE - This preview is half of Chapter 1. Currently starting 2 new stories. This is the 1 of 2. That I plan to add in addition to my previous stories. Let me know your thoughts and what do you think will happen next.]

Full Chapter and Next Chapters updating on Patreon

Other Stories
Tales From The Locker Room.
Love & Lust
Pleasure Spa
This series & more available on my Patreon

“So, why were you part of the auditions, if…”

“Of course. I like to keep an eye on who’s in the running.”

It was the tone of the words or maybe the expression on his face that made me hear a different meaning in the words.

“But I haven’t accepted the offer.”

“You have or else you wouldn’t have returned.” That was true. “So, are you going to stand there or can we get started?”

It was almost reluctantly that I walked over to the table to pick up a script. I could feel Ricky’s eyes on me, watching me closely, watching every move I could possibly make. The idea alone made me consider hiding any sense of nervousness or feelings of the situation. Flipping through the pages, I got a brief idea of the story that was being put together, sort of an action thriller.

“So obviously the script isn’t finished but I’m sure you can follow along. Your character is basically the new recruit and he’s coming in on an operation that’s already in progress and me as the lead has to take you under my wing.” I couldn’t tell if he was annoyed with the story or if he was holding in the excitement of the parallel of the script and the real-life scenario. “Director thinks working with you will make it play out better on camera. I guess I have to. How are you with action sequences?”

There was a lot of information to take in at once. It almost felt like the story was a mirror to the reality. Was it a coincidence? Something was interesting about everything that was happening up until now. Action sequences? I wasn’t sure.

“Come here.”

Ricky led the way to the open floor space. I walked over unaware of what to expect. Until he was lunging at me, pulling me into a headlock. His arm around my neck, I grabbed on as he stood behind me, pulling me backwards. It was too quick to think about the situation. Was this a scene or was he intentionally trying something or was he crazy and trying to intimidate me? Ricky wasn’t larger than me or anything, but the quick motion had his crotch right against my ass.

I was quick to get out of his hold. He couldn’t really overpower me and once I was able to separate, he was quick to continue sparring with me.

“Not what I was expecting to be action?” I said between breaths as I tried to keep control.

“Just want to make sure you can keep up,” Ricky said, his tone almost playful. I couldn’t really tell but it was starting to feel he was enjoying things. “There will be fight scenes, stunts, running, jumping from buildings. And of course…”

His attempt to distract me with explaining was a success and the control was his. He managed to get me off balance and moving caused us to roll on the ground until he was on top of me. The weight of his body pressed against mine. It was that moment, I started to think about I was enjoying learning a different side of him that what I imagined.

Things stood still for a moment or maybe I imagined it as he seemed to stare into me as he held himself over me. I watched his eyes darting around, looking at various places on my face, and constantly returning to my lips. Did he want to kiss me? Did I want him to kiss me? I didn’t object to the current situation, nor did I move to get myself separated.

Something about him intrigued me.

A noise broke us from the embrace. Ricky was quick to separate from me. I was glad. The door opened and in entered one of the other guys who Ricky was meeting with. The realization of his presence made me tense up. I had heard something I wasn’t supposed to, and now I was brought in, with a role.

“I hope you brought our new talent up to speed,” he said, glancing between me and Ricky. “The production schedule is moving up and we’re going to need you two, ready in the next 3 days for the reshoots.”

I swallowed hard, trying to suppress the whirlwind of emotions that threatened to overwhelm me. Was this really happening? One minute I was auditioning like everyone else, and now I was being thrown into production on a role that I hadn’t fully read over.

The producer turned his attention to Ricky. “You’re responsible for getting him ready,” he said, his tone firm. “Go over the lines, the sequences, everything. His agent delivered; this one is a talent. We can’t afford any mistakes. You two should make this a hit.”

Ricky nodded; he didn’t seem to like the praise. I watched the smirk on his face before he accepted what he was told. “We were just getting to that.” He walked away towards the center of the room.

I hesitated, still trying to wrap my head around the situation, to my surprise, all I could think about was how my audition went well and whatever my agent negotiated. This was happening, and I had to go along with it— and of course, I couldn’t contain my excitement for being casted. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling as the producer nodded at me before walking out of the room.

Ricky remained silent a moment after the door was closed and we were alone.

“I could make this a hit on my own,” he stated. He brought over the scripts we were looking at earlier. He seemed to accept the new plan even though everything said he disagreed. He tried to make nice. “The writers did a good job keeping the story while adding in your character. I think I can see where they’re trying to go with you as my new partner— and how it should play with my usual solo missions and now having a wild card pulled into the chaos. Of course we’d have to get along.”

“Well can we start with dropping the attitude?” I asked. “No need to come at me the way you are. Sounds like I’m here to add to your story. And that’s what I want to do. If it makes you look good, that should make me look good as well.”

He smirked, reluctant to agree with what I said.

I glanced down at the script, the scene involved a confrontation—my character challenging his, questioning his motives, and ultimately finding himself caught up in a dangerous game of cat and mouse. The tension was palpable, even on paper.

“Is it meant to be filled with all of this sexual tension?”

“Well, you did say If it makes me look good,”

“So were you in character this whole time,” I suggested. He was familiar with the script, and all of our interaction seemed to teeter the line. Unless he was also intrigued by me and them adding my character but were they raving about me or was he? I wondered.

His smirk finally broke for a second. “You think there’s sexual tension between us?”

“I think you’re intrigued to find out.” I continued., teasing almost.

“I’m just that good of an actor,” Ricky stated. His smirk returned as he walked around me. “Who do you think you are? This is a solo mission. You’d get in the way and get yourself killed.”

At first, I thought he was genuinely questioning me, but I realized he was reciting the lines. I fumbled to find it in the script and continued. “Unlikely. You’ve gotten in your own way this whole time. Luckily, I managed to save your ass. And if this needed to be done solo, there was no need for you,”

“You’ve got some nerve, thinking you’re better than me. You just got here, two days ago and already trying to call the shots.”

“Someone needs to, and not make childish decisions.”

“CHILDISH?” Ricky was really in character; he even had the cues. He found himself in my face as the scene directed. “I think my success has spoken for itself. You’d be lucky if I let us continue together, that you’d finally get a win.”

Ricky was intense, his performance commanding my attention and pushing me to keep up. I turned the page to see what was next, before Ricky had grabbed the script.

He looked at me with a critical eye. “Not bad,” he said, “This is the part where you swing at me.”

I nodded, unaware that he was actually waiting for me to take the swing.

“It’s okay. You could. Let’s try it again,” he said, resetting the scene. “But this time, really go for it. Don’t hold back.”

We ran through the lines again, and this time I found myself hesitant about throwing a punch. I wondered if I should really go for. He probably could use a punch to the face but I couldn’t. I’m sure he would move out of the way, but I thought about if it would be too hard of a hit. Part of me thought about the previous position, we were in.

“Go for it.” He insisted. “We have to make it look real. Key is to go fast, stop and allow me to react.

I went for it, following his direction but caught him off guard and my fist connected with his face. “Shit,”

I couldn’t tell if it was my mistake or Ricky purposely didn’t move. Maybe an excuse to get physical. He threw a punch back and I caught his hand, but he swung with his other hand. We began fighting.

There was an anger that I could see in Ricky, maybe an enjoyment. He continued trying to maintain control but had to put up a fight. When he had me in a head lock and stood behind me again, he said. “That’s how you make it look real.”

Was he serious?

He made sure to keep his arm around me and my body pressed against his. Another moment that lingered.

“And scene!” he called out, releasing me from his hold. We were both sweaty, and out of breath. “Good work, Aaron.”

He removed his shirt as he walked back to the set of tables and wiped the sweat from his face. I couldn’t help but notice his body and how in shape he was. Maybe my eyes lingered on him a bit too long. “Thanks,”

Ricky smiled, which seemed like a rare occurrence, noticing me eyeing him. “This should be fun.”

Full Chapter and Next Chapters updating on Patreon

Other Stories
Tales From The Locker Room.
Love & Lust
Pleasure Spa