Cursive writing

I often experience a lot of pleasure to write...
I write generally slowly and carefully...
and I like writing complete sentences with entire words and no abreviations...
when I'm tired while writing... and if I have to keep on writing in spite of my exhaustion... then I can fall asleep during short times... and when my eyes open after these blackouts... lol... I can see that the word I was writing when I was still awake suddenly becoming disrupted with the letters turning into meaningless lines...
also sometimes... still during these exhaustion blackouts... I can write non coherent/non expected words concerning the context of my writing...
for instance... I remember... during a mathematics exercise I was doing... I had begun to write ... the neperian logarithm function increases along the strictly positive real numbers interval...
but I fell asleep during the sentence... :)... and I wrote...
the neperian logarithm function increases //////*blackout*//////..... in the lockerooms...
when my mates realized what happened and what I had written... they really had a good laugh... and they must have wondered what was going on in my brain for me writing such a word during a mathematics class...
such a depraved man...
please help me... pray for me...
In a word ? Appalling . Ever since mobile phones punched a giant hole in letter writing , my own writing style has degenerated into a strange mix of print ( singular letters ) / cursive , and erratic linear application . Not good .
My handwriting had gotten rather poor, as I never actually write any more, everything is on the computer

I make it a point to hand write from time to time. Just seems, healthy. I suggest it to people. It's brain food on some level.
My cursive is still fine/fairly pretty. It was something I was taught by my mother. I have had to write clients notes at a former job, so my penmanship had to be decent. I also occasionally write in a journal and I tend to use cursive for that. My printing is less pretty, but it's still generally legible. Well... unless I'm taking notes for something. Then I write very fast and it's hard for others to decipher. I can't do full blown calligraphy at all.
I keep my penmanship sharp. My Grandmother would never approve of sloppy writing. I keep in practice with several snail mail penpals. I really enjoy the slower pace of a hand written letter. I pay more attention to each word and don't tend to rush ahead in thought.

Part of my job is managing neat and legible text. Very much a case of practice making presentable.

I don't think schools even teach penmanship anymore. It's keyboarding class instead. Makes me feel sad and old.
Starting somewhere around 2010 public schools began to stop teaching cursive writing. It has little value for the new communication technologies. In a few more years kids may not even be able to read what was written in cursive.

I guess from now on when people need to provide a signature, it will just be text letters and a password.
To be honest I am bitter about living in the digital age, because my handwriting is beautiful. Sadly, reading this, I have just realized that in the last few months I have handwritten only a few shopping lists :(. Last time I had to write something a woman commented on how lovely my handwriting was, and then showed me hers, which was strikingly similar. I didn't think it was as much of a big coincidence as she did though, I just thought that we were probably both taught to write by older people who had been lucky enough to attend school in an era when this type of thing was taught.
I'm glad cursive writing is passing into history. It was invented for two reasons:

1. so quill or nib could remain in continuous contact with a writing surface because quill and nib do such a poor job of applying ink and
2. to speed up the process of writing.

The invention of the pencil and of fountain & ballpoint pens has long since ended the necessity of #1.

The necessity for #2 ended almost immediately because the speed scrawl of most cursive is practically illegible and every hand is different.

Having first learned to print I cannot believe how much time I spent practicing cursive which could have been used learning other things more important to start at that age--like a foreign language or music.
I try not to curse when I hand write.:D



Mine I see horrible! Nobody can read it, but if I am writing a birthday card, etc., it becomes nice. I remember when I was a kid having pen pals in England. I loved their handwriting so I added some of that along the way. It comes out when I try to write neatly, and I always put a cross through the number 7!