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Apr 30, 2005
I am scheduled for a cystoscopy later this week and am very nervous and stressed out about it. I am EXTREMELY modest and am especially bothered by the thought of the nurse seeing and handling my penis. (Sounds silly, I know, but no woman has ever seen or touched me since my mom when I was a little kid.) Both extremes, getting bone or seeming small will humiliate me. I know, I know, they've seen it all and see genitalia in all its sizes and forms on a daily basis, BUT they haven't seen ME! Any practical suggestions for getting through this without a panic attack or coronary?

If you've had one, how painful or uncomfortable was it? Thanks.
Spir, you ain't gonna feel a thing. You'll be given a local anesthetic (sometimes they do a spinal block or even knock you out, but not all the time).

As for embarrassment, you have nothing to worry about: the only thing uncovered will be the penis - the rest of you will be draped - and everybody will be too damned busy to notice - besides, they are always on their best behavior when the patient is awake.

Good luck.
You have nothing to worry about! I had one about a year ago after a bout with kidney stones. One of the stones got stuck and the urologist did a cystoscopy to try and see where it was and make an attempt to help it along. I wasn't completely sedated for it, but was given sort of a "relaxer" pill to take before hand. I was completely alert and able to talk to the doctor the entire time. Don't worry about what the nurse might see. To them, it's just another penis. I only had minor soreness afterward and was able to return to normal activities the next day. Keep us posted on how you do. It won't be as bad as you think!
They aren't sedating me at all, but are squirting lydacaine up my urethra to numb it. The purpose of the scope is to check for a stricture (narrowing) that could be causing extended, repeated bouts of epididymitis. If that doesn't show a fixable cause, the next step is to remove the epididymis (a structure on the back of the testicle where sperm matures) altogether. I suppose that would cut my fertility in half. :angry:

They said it may hurt to pee for a while after the procedure. Ouch. :hurts:

Apollo: Were you allowed to drive yourself home after having been given a "relaxer?" I will give a report Thursday after the procedure.

Thank you all for your reassuring words.
Originally posted by Spirando47@Jun 13 2005, 05:30 AM
I suppose that would cut my fertility in half. :angry:

no need to worr... sperm count may decrease but remebber that it takes only one sperm to fertilize an egg...
Hey Spirando,

As far as driving yourself home....I'm not sure. I had someone with me that did the driving but I really think that I could have done, I felt just fine.

I did have some discomfort peeing for a little while afterwards and I did leak for a while but nothing major.
Spirando 47

If I were you I would just relax and enjoy. It has been a number of years since last I had one but you are under General anasthesia and won't know a thing. It will burn for a few dys fteer. The purpose is to check for bladder cancer.
Good Luck

Old body builder 2004
If you are that nervous about the procedure, call the doctor performing it and discuss options. There is an entire range of things you can do. Still getting scoped you can opt for concious sedation, you are awake and no need for intibation, but you wont remember a thing afterwards. You can be fully sedated, this is nice for the nerves but if you dont need to be paralized and unconcious you should avoid it. There are also other exams to check for strictures, one is called a voiding cystogram, simply you get a shot of contrast in the arm and when your bladder fills you take a leak in a urinal and an x-ray is taken. You get a small shot of rads to the balls but no cam shoved up your dick. Call your doctor and the one performing the exam, ask questions, discuss options. It amazes me the things that people do to them selves because one doctor told them to do it. Take an active role in your healthcare or you are doomed. Certian doctors like different things, it dosent always mean it is necessary or the best thing, just what they like.
the doctor is trained to do whatever he needs to do. Different anatomical anomalies have different test as gold standard for its diagnosis. Some test may not be as useful as other test.

Okay, so I'm back from the doctor. I hope I never have go through that again!!!

Being "seen" didn't bother me as much as I thought it would, although the nurse was damn fine and when I hopped off the table I discovered that somewhere along the way I had become pretty much fully erect. :blush: With me being one of the shyest and most modest guys on the planet, I'm amazed that even that didn't bother me all that much. However, it did make it rather difficult to get my drawers back on and zipped.

The procedure was VERY uncomfortable. No, it was more than uncomfortable, it was painful due to a lot of burning. From the start of the procedure I felt like I had to pee, and now hours later my body is still telling me I need to pee. But I can't. And when I do it BURNS! Oh well, this too shall pass... (no pun intended)

The final result is confirmation that there isn't a stricture. So now the doctor has no clue what is causing my frequent bouts of epididymitis. My right nut will assuredly ache for at least a week the way the doc spent so much time feeling around it before I left. From experience I know that alone is enough to spark a month long episode of epididymitis. Hope not.

Apollo: thanks for caring enough to ask for a report.
