Daniel sisniega

Not true at all, most mexicans are uncut
If you watch Y tu mama tambien the boys talk about the lower class guy being uncut. I have met a number of high class non Meztizo Mexicans and they are all cut. All. Your average Meztizo Mexican IS uncut. There is a real white upper class in Mexico, they are the ones in power and all want their children cut like Americans.CIRCLIST - Circumcision in Central America
If you watch Y tu mama tambien the boys talk about the lower class guy being uncut. I have met a number of high class non Meztizo Mexicans and they are all cut. All. Your average Meztizo Mexican IS uncut. There is a real white upper class in Mexico, they are the ones in power and all want their children cut like Americans.CIRCLIST - Circumcision in Central America