Darkwhite tech - a different way to enjoy bj


Admired Member
Jul 6, 2012
80% Straight, 20% Gay
Hi. This was posted on other forum some years ago.
I found it very interesting and I repost here as it can be useful for others.


Experience Multiple Male Orgasms!

If that title doesn't grab your attention, then nothing will!
Occasionally, a men's exercise magazine article, or television sex documentary will make alluring references to tantric sex, full-body orgasms, or even multiple male orgasms. However, such articles inevitably generalise, shrouding such practices further in hippie, new-age mystery, never revealing how such goals are actually achieved.

I am on a mission to dispel the mystery once and for all, to share with all men how to achieve multiple male orgasms with your partner!

Please note: I have no medical training, I am only relating my own personal experiences and suppositions.
Orgasm Without Ejaculation!
Ancient Bhuddist Monks have long believed that orgasm infuses the body with energy, but that ejaculation depletes the body's energy, leaving one feeling exhausted and spent. Perhaps this is why many women can outlast men in bed, achieve orgasm after orgasm feeling energised, while their poor male partner cums once and collapses in a useless heap.

Many men seem to regard orgasm and ejaculation as one and the same thing. However, not only are they two quite different and distinct responses, but one can in fact occur without the other. So, the big secret behind achieving multiple orgasms is as simple as achieving orgasm without ejaculating!

Huh! Easier said than done, I hear you say? Not so. There are ways, and they're not as difficult to achieve as you might think!
Oral Sex
Ask any gay or bi-sexual man, and they'll tell you that guys give the best headjobs! It makes perfect sense. Men are intimately familiar with their own anatomy and know what gives them pleasure. Therefore, they know instinctively how to give similar pleasure to another guy, because they know what turns them on! Straight men honestly don't realise what they're missing out on.

Though I have always considered myself a talented head-giver, one of my previous partners changed my perceptions of oral sex forever!

Most guys believe that the most sensitive area of the cock is on the under-side of the shaft where it meets the head. There's no doubting that sucking cock while licking this area with your tongue is indeed very pleasurable, and can easily bring most men to ejaculation. However, as our purpose is to achieve orgasm *without* ejaculation, we need a different technique:

Laying on my back on the bed, I was thoroughly enjoying the headjob I was receiving.

"Getting close" he asked me?

"Ughh Huhh .. " I replied, feeling the pleasure building in my groin.

"Good", he replied, as he suddenly changed his position from sucking the under-side of my cock which I was enjoying so much. Instead, he began rubbing his tongue firmly back and forth across the broad flat top-side of the head of my cock.

"Whooaah!" I let out a yelp! "Too sensitive! Stop!"

"Nuhh Uhhh", he replied, and continued rubbing his tongue forcefully across the top of my head.

"No, really, stop!" I cried, pushing his head away, "I can't stand it!"

It was much like the feeling of being held down forcefully and being tickled against your will.

He explained that his ex-girlfriend taught him this technique, and that I should try to relax and accept the feelings, instead of fighting and resisting them. It might take some practice, but once I achieved it, it would be like nothing else I had ever experienced!

I was sceptical to say the least! How could this relentless tickling be considered pleasure? But I agreed to keep an open mind and keep trying for as long as I could stand it .. which wasn't very long!

Over the next week or two, he tried this technique on me several more times, without much success. Sometimes, he was relentless at it, sucking my cock in the traditional fashion, building up the pleasure, then without warning, switching to his tongue firmly rubbing across the head, leaving me literally panting my lungs out trying to resist the sensations, before he'd give me a reprise by swallowing my cock deep into his mouth again. He'd switch back and forth between pleasure and unbearable sensation in this way, time and time again, until ..

I don't know how, but suddenly, by focusing on the sensations and relaxing my body, WOW!!! I can't explain it any other way, other than to say that I felt one long, continuous orgasm reach out and fill my entire body which lasted as long as he kept licking the head, in wave after wave of intense pleasure! Even after he stopped, I was still filled by tingling energy, which took a short while to dissipate. It was like I was somewhere else, in a trance-like state. It was incredible! And after I'd tasted it once, I definitely wanted more!

More was not a problem, for even though I'd just experienced perhaps the most powerful orgasm of my life, I hadn't ejacluated! So I was ready to jump right back in and experience it again! In fact, throughout this entire head-licking episode, not once did I feel even close to ejaculating .. orgasming yes, ejaculating no. It was only whenever he switched back to traditional cock-sucking that I was ever in danger of ejaculating.

So, after I'd experienced it once, I instinctively knew how to re-focus and achieve it again. It is a mental state as much as a physical one. And in no time, we were both serving each other continuous multiple orgasms 69-style, only coming up for air long enough to moan in pleasure, before diving right back onto each other again!

We could maintain this state for extend periods at a time, often � hour or more without a break! I clearly remember one time we were locked in 69 giving each other continuous orgasms for over 3 hours!

These are no ordinary orgasms either: they aren't localised to your groin, rather they spread out to energise your entire body! This is not an unusual achievement. I have since passed on this technique to other guys I have met, and most recently to my current boyfriend. As with my own experience, some guys need some practice, patience and repeated attempts to achieve this; while others, to my surprise, responded the instant my tongue rubbed their cock-head!

As a rule, uncircumcised guys tend to be more sensitive than circumcised guys, so uncircumcised guys may find this technique waaay too sensitive at first. Meanwhile, circumcised guys may need repeated attempts to feel anything at all! But my advice is to be patient, relax, and don't give up. After all, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain! I've personally experienced even the most sensitive guy discover how to focus and relax into this; as well as the most unresponsive guy suddenly surprise himself with these sensations! It may not be achievable by everyone, but it is certainly achievable by a great many more than knew it were even possible.

A couple of important tips, though:

breathing is very important in order to control the sensations; and
keeping your legs spread (feet together if you like) helps prevent any need to ejaculating; if you lay with your legs stretched out together, however, you're much more liable to ejaculate.

It also helps to communicate with your partner when you're getting close, so he can ease off, or change his technique.

Giving the tongue-rubbing isn't as difficult as you might think. Having a firm, strong tongue helps, but often it takes much less effort than a regular cock-sucking. You only need to stimulate the head with your tongue, you don't even have to take the whole cock into your mouth, which is good news for those facing a monster cock .. you can give your guy extreme pleasure, without giving your tonsils a beating!

Though women can certainly use this technique on their men (who will be eternally grateful!), I believe that true exhilaration occurs when two men can perform it on each other! It is a talent and experience that will bond the two of you together. Once you have experienced it, you'll wonder how you ever enjoyed sex without it?
Anal Sex
Much to my own surprise, I recently discovered with my partner that sucking cock isn't the only way a male can experience continous multiple orgasms!

One of the reasons that many gay men enjoy being fucked, is that men have a prostate gland (which is responsible for the production of seminal fluid) located somewhere behind the base of the penis, which can be rubbed against by his partner's cock during anal sex.

Stimulating the prostate gland can give intense pleasure during sex, and if in the right state of mind and relaxation (don't forget the breathing!), constant rubbing of the prostate can also lead to repeated waves of continous orgasm filling your whole body!

So why should women have all the fun? Men can be multi-orgasmic too! Try if for yourself, you might be glad that you did!
I would love to hear from anyone who has experienced multiple male orgasms as described here, and especially from anyone who has experienced it for the first time as a result of reading this page!
Hi. This was posted on other forum some years ago.
I found it very interesting and I repost here as it can be useful for others.


Experience Multiple Male Orgasms!

If that title doesn't grab your attention, then nothing will!
Occasionally, a men's exercise magazine article, or television sex documentary will make alluring references to tantric sex, full-body orgasms, or even multiple male orgasms. However, such articles inevitably generalise, shrouding such practices further in hippie, new-age mystery, never revealing how such goals are actually achieved.

I am on a mission to dispel the mystery once and for all, to share with all men how to achieve multiple male orgasms with your partner!

Please note: I have no medical training, I am only relating my own personal experiences and suppositions.
Orgasm Without Ejaculation!
Ancient Bhuddist Monks have long believed that orgasm infuses the body with energy, but that ejaculation depletes the body's energy, leaving one feeling exhausted and spent. Perhaps this is why many women can outlast men in bed, achieve orgasm after orgasm feeling energised, while their poor male partner cums once and collapses in a useless heap.

Many men seem to regard orgasm and ejaculation as one and the same thing. However, not only are they two quite different and distinct responses, but one can in fact occur without the other. So, the big secret behind achieving multiple orgasms is as simple as achieving orgasm without ejaculating!

Huh! Easier said than done, I hear you say? Not so. There are ways, and they're not as difficult to achieve as you might think!
Oral Sex
Ask any gay or bi-sexual man, and they'll tell you that guys give the best headjobs! It makes perfect sense. Men are intimately familiar with their own anatomy and know what gives them pleasure. Therefore, they know instinctively how to give similar pleasure to another guy, because they know what turns them on! Straight men honestly don't realise what they're missing out on.

Though I have always considered myself a talented head-giver, one of my previous partners changed my perceptions of oral sex forever!

Most guys believe that the most sensitive area of the cock is on the under-side of the shaft where it meets the head. There's no doubting that sucking cock while licking this area with your tongue is indeed very pleasurable, and can easily bring most men to ejaculation. However, as our purpose is to achieve orgasm *without* ejaculation, we need a different technique:

Laying on my back on the bed, I was thoroughly enjoying the headjob I was receiving.

"Getting close" he asked me?

"Ughh Huhh .. " I replied, feeling the pleasure building in my groin.

"Good", he replied, as he suddenly changed his position from sucking the under-side of my cock which I was enjoying so much. Instead, he began rubbing his tongue firmly back and forth across the broad flat top-side of the head of my cock.

"Whooaah!" I let out a yelp! "Too sensitive! Stop!"

"Nuhh Uhhh", he replied, and continued rubbing his tongue forcefully across the top of my head.

"No, really, stop!" I cried, pushing his head away, "I can't stand it!"

It was much like the feeling of being held down forcefully and being tickled against your will.

He explained that his ex-girlfriend taught him this technique, and that I should try to relax and accept the feelings, instead of fighting and resisting them. It might take some practice, but once I achieved it, it would be like nothing else I had ever experienced!

I was sceptical to say the least! How could this relentless tickling be considered pleasure? But I agreed to keep an open mind and keep trying for as long as I could stand it .. which wasn't very long!

Over the next week or two, he tried this technique on me several more times, without much success. Sometimes, he was relentless at it, sucking my cock in the traditional fashion, building up the pleasure, then without warning, switching to his tongue firmly rubbing across the head, leaving me literally panting my lungs out trying to resist the sensations, before he'd give me a reprise by swallowing my cock deep into his mouth again. He'd switch back and forth between pleasure and unbearable sensation in this way, time and time again, until ..

I don't know how, but suddenly, by focusing on the sensations and relaxing my body, WOW!!! I can't explain it any other way, other than to say that I felt one long, continuous orgasm reach out and fill my entire body which lasted as long as he kept licking the head, in wave after wave of intense pleasure! Even after he stopped, I was still filled by tingling energy, which took a short while to dissipate. It was like I was somewhere else, in a trance-like state. It was incredible! And after I'd tasted it once, I definitely wanted more!

More was not a problem, for even though I'd just experienced perhaps the most powerful orgasm of my life, I hadn't ejacluated! So I was ready to jump right back in and experience it again! In fact, throughout this entire head-licking episode, not once did I feel even close to ejaculating .. orgasming yes, ejaculating no. It was only whenever he switched back to traditional cock-sucking that I was ever in danger of ejaculating.

So, after I'd experienced it once, I instinctively knew how to re-focus and achieve it again. It is a mental state as much as a physical one. And in no time, we were both serving each other continuous multiple orgasms 69-style, only coming up for air long enough to moan in pleasure, before diving right back onto each other again!

We could maintain this state for extend periods at a time, often � hour or more without a break! I clearly remember one time we were locked in 69 giving each other continuous orgasms for over 3 hours!

These are no ordinary orgasms either: they aren't localised to your groin, rather they spread out to energise your entire body! This is not an unusual achievement. I have since passed on this technique to other guys I have met, and most recently to my current boyfriend. As with my own experience, some guys need some practice, patience and repeated attempts to achieve this; while others, to my surprise, responded the instant my tongue rubbed their cock-head!

As a rule, uncircumcised guys tend to be more sensitive than circumcised guys, so uncircumcised guys may find this technique waaay too sensitive at first. Meanwhile, circumcised guys may need repeated attempts to feel anything at all! But my advice is to be patient, relax, and don't give up. After all, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain! I've personally experienced even the most sensitive guy discover how to focus and relax into this; as well as the most unresponsive guy suddenly surprise himself with these sensations! It may not be achievable by everyone, but it is certainly achievable by a great many more than knew it were even possible.

A couple of important tips, though:

breathing is very important in order to control the sensations; and
keeping your legs spread (feet together if you like) helps prevent any need to ejaculating; if you lay with your legs stretched out together, however, you're much more liable to ejaculate.

It also helps to communicate with your partner when you're getting close, so he can ease off, or change his technique.

Giving the tongue-rubbing isn't as difficult as you might think. Having a firm, strong tongue helps, but often it takes much less effort than a regular cock-sucking. You only need to stimulate the head with your tongue, you don't even have to take the whole cock into your mouth, which is good news for those facing a monster cock .. you can give your guy extreme pleasure, without giving your tonsils a beating!

Though women can certainly use this technique on their men (who will be eternally grateful!), I believe that true exhilaration occurs when two men can perform it on each other! It is a talent and experience that will bond the two of you together. Once you have experienced it, you'll wonder how you ever enjoyed sex without it?
Anal Sex
Much to my own surprise, I recently discovered with my partner that sucking cock isn't the only way a male can experience continous multiple orgasms!

One of the reasons that many gay men enjoy being fucked, is that men have a prostate gland (which is responsible for the production of seminal fluid) located somewhere behind the base of the penis, which can be rubbed against by his partner's cock during anal sex.

Stimulating the prostate gland can give intense pleasure during sex, and if in the right state of mind and relaxation (don't forget the breathing!), constant rubbing of the prostate can also lead to repeated waves of continous orgasm filling your whole body!

So why should women have all the fun? Men can be multi-orgasmic too! Try if for yourself, you might be glad that you did!
I would love to hear from anyone who has experienced multiple male orgasms as described here, and especially from anyone who has experienced it for the first time as a result of reading this page!
great read thx! I had a tantric 4 hand massage from a couple mf. It was amazing and I had multiple orgasm. they took turns in rubbing my cock head. I cant remember the technique but remember feel it go through my whole body. It felt so good!
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great read thx! I had a tantric 4 hand massage from a couple mf. It was amazing and I had multiple orgasm. they took turns in rubbing my cock head. I cant remember the technique but remember feel it go through my whole body. It felt so good!
Oh, it is awesome!
Could you please give more info? Where, who..
Are any way to contact?
How were your multiple orgasms? Did you cum?

I believe I understand the technique (and how and why it works), but I want to be sure.
We are making some tests (different guys do themselves and they comment me how was, what they feel..).
Do you want to join?
It is easy but I had no time to describe it if more people want to try themselves. I'm going to do it now (later I will add pictures, I need to search)

1)First find the area. "D-spot".
It is the center of the glands avoiding the tip, the coronal ridge and the frenulum.

For this we have found a trick : this area is the less sensitive of the cock (on theory).
Caught toothpaste and put on the head (be near or on the shower as if it touches the rest of the cock, it is very intense. The intensity is related to the kind/company of it: the one which is for making the teeths white are less intense.

2)Once you had found the area,put lube. Next use one or two fingers to rub it. Make circles.. At the beginning you will no feel many but go on. You can apply more pressure if you want. You will begin to feel wonderful feelings. Go on
The quality is no the best but enought good to understand the tip.
You can see how the foreskin avoid touch the coronal ridge.


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1)First find the area. "D-spot".
It is the center of the glands avoiding the tip, the coronal ridge and the frenulum.

For this we have found a trick : this area is the less sensitive of the cock (on theory).
Caught toothpaste and put on the head (be near or on the shower as if it touches the rest of the cock, it is very intense. The intensity is related to the kind/company of it: the one which is for making the teeths white are less intense.
You can look the pictures I attached.

2)Once you had found the area,put lube. Next use one or two fingers to rub it. Make circles, rub the fingers as you want always on the area . At the beginning you will no feel many but go on. You can apply more pressure if you want. You will begin to feel wonderful feelings. Go on
I had an online girlfriend a few years ago and we'd chat all night going through "waves" of electric sexual energy, It was the closest thing to continuous orgasm that I ever felt... we discovered gooning together and that sensation when your entire body feels like it's part of your penis (in her case, vagina) and not the other way around. I understand exactly what you're saying about the over-sensitivity and I'll be trying that next time I get a BJ or HJ. Thanks!
I had an online girlfriend a few years ago and we'd chat all night going through "waves" of electric sexual energy, It was the closest thing to continuous orgasm that I ever felt...

Wow, it sounds awesome!
I have this continuous orgasms with the cock when I was learning about it with several books about the matter, although it took a lot of time before be successful.
The first time I was totally shocked.

Later I found the prostate and nipples are VERY powerful sensitive areas which can lead to them easily.
For the prostate I recommend a prostate massager without vibration as the aneros.
For nipple play I believe than doing oneself makes easier. After toon of years of experience, the thing which works better are a kind of "chest/breast massage".
I wrote a lot about it on a subreddit : /r/NippleOrgas.
It doesn't care if your nipples are no sensitive (mine had 0),one learn to awake them.
The most difficult part (on both) is the mental state : one must be relaxed, focused on the own body, the pleasures it gives us..
without expectations and forgotten everything we know about sex, included our cock/clit : as if they didn't exist.

For ending they are the tech I wrote here which is being tried for several people and the results are awesome.

Sadly about the original DW tech, I have no many information about it.
It seems the best way to learn is someone taugh you doing it.
I met Darkwhite and he was a smart and great guy who had a lot of experience and tricks.

we discovered gooning together and that sensation when your entire body feels like it's part of your penis (in her case, vagina) and not the other way around.
I have never been good with edgin nor gooning, although I would love. Sadly I lost the patience, distract,..
But I remember saw a vid and Damn, it is incredible hot!!

I know a guy who is learning about his nipples and curiously he arrives that state with them according his descriptions.

It has logic as during an intense session (or during a strong orgasm) our mind enters on a mental state similar to hypnosis (Researchers had measure it some years ago)

I understand exactly what you're saying about the over-sensitivity

Do you feel at the beginning?
Had you tried to "ride" it?
Could you please give more details about it? As example using a picture and marking the area where you feel it.
It could be very useful

and I'll be trying that next time I get a BJ or HJ.
I recommend you to try any of the different techs I talk about on this post. If you need help, feel free to ask.
None of them (nipples, D area and/or prostate should make you feel that oversensitive. Well I'm no sure about the D-zone.

Thanks you for your interesting answer!
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1)First find the area. "D-spot".
It is the center of the glands avoiding the tip, the coronal ridge and the frenulum.

For this we have found a trick : this area is the less sensitive of the cock (on theory).
Caught toothpaste and put on the head (be near or on the shower as if it touches the rest of the cock, it is very intense. The intensity is related to the kind/company of it: the one which is for making the teeths white are less intense.
You can look the pictures I attached.

2)Once you had found the area,put lube. Next use one or two fingers to rub it. Make circles, rub the fingers as you want always on the area . At the beginning you will no feel many but go on. You can apply more pressure if you want. You will begin to feel wonderful feelings. Go on
Hi, it seems my explanation for doing oneself is no as clear as I though.
Here I repeat it again (I hope people understand it)

The most important is finding the "D-zone", the center of the gland which seems to have less sensitivity.

You can use toothpaste for finding how big is the area, which is on the center of the head glands,as the "D-spot" does no disturb if you put a little on it,as opposed the rest of areas : the tip, coronal ridge,... On These the feelings are very intense, for this reason I recommend to do on the bathroom for cleaning it fast as you can.


The toothpaste is only a trick for finding the area: it is the area which doesn't hurt.

In summary :.

You can put a little toothpaste on a finger and with it rub the center of the glands, where the area is,and make it bigger until you find the limits.
If the new area hurts : you have already pass the limit.(clean it as it can be very uncomfortable) and go on for delimite the area

End of the tip.

After finding the area, clean it
(only the first time as next times you will no need toothpaste)

Put lube on your fingers and you can begin to play with it as I describe: slow, rubbing the fingers on it, make circles, pressure it..

Also it is important than you don't think about cum, nor orgasm, simply focus on your body, breath and relax while you enjoy the Diferent sensations.

Relax and enjoy whatever happens.

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