Dating someone at the gym

Some years ago I was in the local gym, in a London suburb. I did my workout and then went to use the steam room. I may also have used a tanning booth, I don't remember.

I was in the steam room with one other guy. He opened his towel and I opened mine. I laid down on the bench, so did he. No talk yet, but it seemed to be going ok. He was a little bigger than me, but not outrageous. Good looker, blonde, good body ...

Then a third guy came in and we sat up, covered up.

But soon they started talking. After a minute or two I realised they were a couple. Then they talked to me.

And asked me to go home with them.

So about 30 minutes later I was in their bed. Nice romp, me getting sucked and fucked.

My gym you dont find anybody remotely interested in searching for a guy! disappointing, but I will look for a less expensive gym and see if showers look more active there
haha yeah, at the gym (fitness center) I go to, I'm one of the youngest adults there most of the time... and I'm not young.

I don't particularly enjoy getting into long or deep conversations while I'm working out, but if someone struck my fancy (and I was looking) I'd think the gym would be one of the best places to find someone. (already got one thing in common)
haha yeah, at the gym (fitness center) I go to, I'm one of the youngest adults there most of the time... and I'm not young.

I don't particularly enjoy getting into long or deep conversations while I'm working out, but if someone struck my fancy (and I was looking) I'd think the gym would be one of the best places to find someone. (already got one thing in common)

Thanks Betty for you response. Would you prefer the guy to approach you between sets or after you're workout is complete?
Both. .between sets is a good place to say hi. .. no long dialogue tho. . I've had guys say things like. ."great work with that bar" even had one guy show me the correct way to do an exercise. He was very helpful and not creepy at all. He asked if he could show me (bc what I wad doing wasn't helping anything).

Also had one guy say. .."next time I come in, I'm bringing my wife. Would love for her to workout with you! " haha.
I'm pretty non-social at the gym. The staff and regulars know me. We do talk before and after and during breaks, but when I'm in my routine I'll hardly respond.

That said, I've met some nice folks there. Some are definitely too nice, and their goals soon became pretty obvious and had nothing to do with working out. Amazingly, these same folks cannot take a hint, do not react to subtlety real well, and must be hit over the head with a brick to get the message that they're barking up the wrong tree.

If I find you attractive and comment on your workout please know that it is sincere but without any intention of "hooking up." I've learned to keep those bons mots to a minimum.
I'm pretty non-social at the gym. The staff and regulars know me. We do talk before and after and during breaks, but when I'm in my routine I'll hardly respond.

That said, I've met some nice folks there. Some are definitely too nice, and their goals soon became pretty obvious and had nothing to do with working out. Amazingly, these same folks cannot take a hint, do not react to subtlety real well, and must be hit over the head with a brick to get the message that they're barking up the wrong tree.

If I find you attractive and comment on your workout please know that it is sincere but without any intention of "hooking up." I've learned to keep those bons mots to a minimum.

Thanks EllieP for your response. I wear headphones so I'm non-social at the gym as well. I'm curious as to what type of subtle hints that you gave to the guys that were too friendly?

I agree with you on not commenting on guys workout. Guys aren't used to women complimenting them and would think you're interested. In all my years of working out only one woman has introduced herself to me. I didn't think she was interested in hooking up but someone to train her. I say that because she was relatively new to that gym.
Both. .between sets is a good place to say hi. .. no long dialogue tho. . I've had guys say things like. ."great work with that bar" even had one guy show me the correct way to do an exercise. He was very helpful and not creepy at all. He asked if he could show me (bc what I wad doing wasn't helping anything).

Also had one guy say. .."next time I come in, I'm bringing my wife. Would love for her to workout with you! " haha.

So did that guy bring his wife in next time?
Thanks EllieP for your response. I wear headphones so I'm non-social at the gym as well. I'm curious as to what type of subtle hints that you gave to the guys that were too friendly?

Subtle hints like short answers "yep, nope, dunno" or even no answer at all. They'll just keep talking, leaning on the equipment I'm trying to use, or getting in my way when I'm going to the next machine.
I've had some great hook ups at the gym. But I never interrupt someones work. There's plenty of time afterwards if they are interested.....and only if they are interested. We have coffee, massages chairs and lounge area, so if someone is interested we usually meet while sitting down in that area. Some nice quick romps.
Scored a great girlfriend many years ago at the gym. The best approach is to make eye contact only for awhile. See if the looks are reciprocal. If they are then approach very casually. Feel the energy and if positive then and only then go to the next level, coffee, etc
Everyone at my gym is married. Everyone is so nice, nicest people I've ever worked out with. People bring their dogs and kids. It's like a big family picnic with weights. The most common talk at my gym is when someone is lying on the floor trying to finish a set of burpees or push-ups. A small crowd forms. Some will even lie down with the person. Everyone pushes the person to do one more rep. Completing the set then nets an ovation. Someone turns up with a cup of water. It's a really supportive environment.

But just about everyone over the age of 25 is married to someone else working out there.

I'm not big on chitchat while I'm working. I'm big on form, beating my times, beating my last achievement. I'm frequently the person lying there, trying to get in those last reps before the clock hits zero. I talk to the folks there before training. After, I'm looking to get in my protein and water, and head home to bathe. When I'm done, I'm filthy. If I want to talk, I'm in the lounge or playing with someone's dog or baby.

When I went to a more conventional gym, I only spoke to people if I thought what they were doing was dangerously poor form, or if I wanted them to help me with a machine, or with my form. In the cardio areas, I looked for the women I wanted to look like, and parked myself behind them. If I got slow or tired, I'd look at their bodies for inspiration and keep pushing. I never told any of them about it, and tried not to let anyone see me staring. I wouldn't have wanted to make anyone uncomfortable.

I went to one gym early on where people were extra friendly. They learned pretty quickly I can't maintain a conversation and workout at the same time. There was one guy I'd make a point to chat up before I left because it seed to hurt his feelings that I wouldn't talk to him in the weight room. But I can't talk and count. There was one other guy that used to bug me while I was doing my post-warm-up stretching. I always did my warm up on cardio machines, then stretched next to cardio machines, then got on a cardio machine. I liked to start with cardio. He started out asking me if I was okay. At first I figured I must look doubled over breathless while I stretched my calves. After getting used to seeing my routine for a few weeks, he began asking me about it, and why I did things the way I did them. He was hugely overweight, and confessed to being new to exercise. It turned out he had no idea how important stretching was (nor how many calories it eats up). He asked me to stretch with him sometime. So I got a partner for stretching for a while.

A security guard used to chat me up when I worked out alone late at night on base. I think he just didn't want me to be by myself in that creepy old building. I certainly appreciated that he would time one of his patrols so he could walk me to my car. The base was small, old, and spooky at 2AM.

When I got into endurance training, I had a partner. He was faster, and ran longer, but if we went to the gym (neither of us being fans of being outside in rain or snow, or bad smog conditions) we walked the four miles there as a warmup, then hit the treadmills side by side. I'd switch to weightlifting while he was still putting in miles, and then I'd spot for him after my cooldown. Then we'd walk back to his house for recovery snacks. I think a few times we came close to having sex; working out makes both of us very horny. Unfortunately, neither of us realized the other was willing, so we never did hook up. He was actually really upset with me years later when I made a joke about the sexual tension. I still think it's really funny that I'd go home (2 blocks away) and we'd both masturbate. I think it is for the best. He's like kin. We've been friends since high school. That's probably the closest I've ever come to a gym-related hookup.
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Scored a great girlfriend many years ago at the gym. The best approach is to make eye contact only for awhile. See if the looks are reciprocal. If they are then approach very casually. Feel the energy and if positive then and only then go to the next level, coffee, etc

Good advice.
I've never met anyone at the gym that developed into anything more than a friendship. Mostly I'm solitary when I'm there. Even when I went with my wife, we might warm up together but then she'd go do her cardio thing and I'd lift.

Even now, when I sometimes go with my coworker Marjorie (in my blog), she does her cardio thing and I lift.

If you want to meet someone, my wife's advice is always, "Take a class that has lots of women in it." Because then they're more comfortable and more willing to talk to a guy who's brave enough to be outnumbered.

In terms of striking up a conversation with women, I'm almost always a "hands-off" guy. Unless she's doing something stupidly dangerous, I keep my distance. I never, ever want to be That Guy.
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I've gotten a bunch of blowjobs in the shower stalls, taken a couple guys home and gone back to a bunch of guys' places.
the problem comes when you break up.... someone has to either switch gyms or change workout times... who wants to negotiate that.... get in.. get out.. be done