"CK, what are we going to do?" Jimmy Olson asked, the strain in
his voice audibly pitching his voice an octave higher.
Jimmy and Clark Kent hung by their wrists on a chain that was
slowly lowering them to their death a few yards below where
molten steel churned and bubbled. Clark was still frantically
trying to think of a way out of this heated situation but
realized he was quickly running out of options. There was no
way he could save he and Jimmy without revealing he was Superman.
"Calm down, Jimmy. Everything's going to be just fine," Clark
assured him.
With that, he made a fist and broke the rope securing them to
the chain. They only fell a foot before Clark grabbed Jimmy and
flew them to safety on the factory floor.
"CK! Wha--? You're--"
"There's no time to talk now. I need to find those smugglers
and stop them before they get out of the country," Clark said.
"Are you going to be okay?"
Jimmy nodded. Clark took to the air again and disappeared from
Jimmy's sight.
The evening edition of the Daily Planet ran a front page
article on Superman's heroics in stopping the smuggling group in
Metropolis. Jimmy finished reading this before heading over to
Clark's apartment.
"Hi ya, CK," Jimmy greeted him.
Clark opened the door and invited Jimmy inside.
"I just can't believe you're Superman!" Jimmy began, smiling in
elated disbelief.
Clark just nodded.
"I guess I should have figured it out, the way you disappear
every time Superman shows up, but really, your disguise is
great. Who's figure out that Clark Kent was Superman?"
"You're not going to tell anyone, are you Jimmy?" Clark asked.
"No, of course not. Don't worry, big guy. Your secret's safe
with me."
"But I was wondering..."
"It's just a little thing..."
"What is it?"
"I was wondering if you'd take me flying?" Jimmy raised an
"Sure," Clark answered, with his cute, relieved smile.
Before Jimmy's eyes, Clark changed into his Superman outfit in
superspeed, appearing as a blur to the human eye.
"Ready?" Superman asked.
Jimmy nodded.
He opened the door to the apartment and grabbed Jimmy around
the waist. Then they took off. The wind riffled through their
hair as they flew high above the city, admiring it from a
vantage point only people in planes usually got to admire it
from. As they flew from one end of Metropolis to the other,
Jimmy found himself becoming hard. The exhilaration of flight
and the feel of Superman's hard body pressed up behind his was
an intoxicating combination.
"Where would you like to go?" Superman asked, speaking into
Jimmy's ear.
He thought for a while before answering, "How about a deserted
And with that answer, Superman veered south, speeding over
cities and fertile countryside until they were skimming across
the ocean. Soon a small patch of land appeared before them.
Superman set Jimmy down there.
"Wow! That was great!" Jimmy exclaimed.
He walked along the edge of the beach, enjoying the beautiful
green scenery and the fact that he was there, alone, with the
greatest of all men. Superman was the epitomy of manhood with
his strength, charisma, and incredible masculine body.
"CK--er, I mean, Superman, I want to pay you back for this,"
Jimmy said, walking up to this incredible specimen of
"You don't have to pay me back for anything," he protested.
"Yes, I do. I owe you my life, and then I made you fly me
around. Really, I owe you a lot. Just let me pay you back,"
Jimmy continued, getting even closer to Superman.
"I don't want any of your money."
"That's not what I had in mind."
Jimmy brought his hand up between Superman's legs and lightly
stroked his full crotch. Jimmy's own cock was starting to pulse
in his pants at the thought of having sex with this legend of
Superman thought about it for a while and then gently thrust
his hips forward into Jimmy's hand. Then Jimmy looked for a way
to get Superman out of his skin-tight outfit, but was failing
miserably and this frustration was only adding to his sexual
"Here, I'll do it," Superman said, smiling.
In a red and blue blur, he stripped out of his outfit and then
stood naked in the warm tropical sun. Jimmy's eyes traveled
down the meaty, hard pectorals and over the rippled belly with
its little navel to find the cropped black bush of pubic hair
where Superman's heroic cock nestled. It was starting to
lengthen as Jimmy watched.
He dropped to his knees immediately and sucked in the head. It
continued to grow as Jimmy took more of its length into him.
Soon the tip of Clark's erection was touching the back of his
throat, but his lips were only 3/4 of the way to the base. He
pulled back and swirled his tongue around the head.
"Wait," Clark said, gently pushing Jimmy's head away.
He lifted Jimmy to his feet and started to slowly peel away his
clothes, Then he started kissing Jimmy all over, running his hand over the thick
pubic hair and Jimmy's ten inch erection while it leaked precum.
Clark's tongue lapped at Jimmy's nipples, teasing the sensitive
nubs and causing Jimmy to pant in delight. As Clark's own
excitement grew, he increased the speed of his motions until he
was moving in a blur all over Jimmy's body. Jimmy felt
Superman's tongue lick him all over and felt his teeth nip
lightly at his nipples. At one point he could have sworn Clark
was biting on them both at the same time; he was going so fast.
Jimmy felt him lick and blow on his ears and stroke his
erection. Every once in a while he'd feel a finger prod his
anus and then a hand stroke his ass. Clark was pulling out all
the stops in this, his first sexual encounter with someone who
knew he was Superman. He was getting caught up in the
excitement of pleasuring Jimmy in only how Superman could.
Then they were taking to the air, Superman pulling Jimmy's
naked form close to his own. Their cocks rubbed up against each
other as the hot air caressed their bodies in a streamlined
kiss. Clark placed his lips over Jimmy's and opened his mouth.
Jimmy hungrily returned the openmouthed kiss, slipping his
tongue into Clark's mouth. Suddenly Clark was plunging
earthward again and without any warning they were underwater.
With their mouths sealed tight in a deep kiss, Clark flew them
through the warm water for a short distance before shooting back
out into the hot air.
Jimmy laughed loudly as they broke the kiss.
"That was great!"
Clark smiled and kissed him again before flying him back to the
sand. There he knelt in the sand and lifted Jimmy above his
head. He turned him around in mid-air while Jimmy chuckled
giddily. This put Jimmy's head between Clark's well-muscled
thighs, directly in line with his erection. Clark started
sucking on Jimmy's cock and taking that cue, Jimmy copied
Superman's motions. He enjoyed the feeling of Clark's strong
hands holding him in position and the feel of the blood rushing
to his head as he sucked on the thick cock.
Then Clark slowly lifted into the air again with Jimmy clutched
tight. He pulled Jimmy away from his erection and turned him
around to stand face up in mid air. Jimmy enjoyed the feeling
of this strong man doing with him as he chose. Superman turned
him so his ass rubbed up against his dick, and then slid his
cock towards Jimmy's anus.
Jimmy thrust back against Clark's erection until it hit the
outside of his hole. Looking down, he could see the tops of the
trees on their deserted island. Clark slid forward a little as
Jimmy relaxed his muscles and allowed Clark to slip just inside
the outer rim of his anus.
Clark pulled Jimmy tight and slid in further as he grabbed
Jimmy's leaky dick with his hand. He rubbed the precum into
Jimmy's dick and started sliding his fist up and down while he
continued to slowly feed his cock into Jimmy's tight ass.
Jimmy thrust back with each stroke of Clark's erection and
groaned as Clark increased the speed of his fist on Jimmy's
cock. He was going wild, his body twitching all over as the
pleasure grew in his cock and ass. Superman pulled him tighter
as Jimmy's orgasm approached. Semen spat from his erection in
long, thick ribbons, spraying into the warm air in front of him.
Clark held him tight as Jimmy continued to come. His fist
milked Jimmy's cock of all its white cream; then he sped up on
his reaming of Jimmy's ass.
Just as Clark was about to come, he pulled out and jerked on
his erection as his orgasm shook his body. His own semen shot
with super intensity, disappearing into the trees below them.
He shuddered against Jimmy as the last of his sperm fell from
his cock. Then he turned Jimmy around and kissed him tenderly.
"We better get back," Clark said.
"I guess. We can't have Metropolis' hero out of the city for
too long," Jimmy agreed with regret in his voice.
"Maybe we'll come back here again," Superman suggested as they
landed on the island.
Jimmy looked around and smiled. "I'd like that."
The End