Girl it made my week and it’s barely MondayIn his latest video he switches to more casual clothes, you get a little arm action
Fuck yeahIs he gay? Here are some more fakesView attachment 25448411 View attachment 25448421 View attachment 25448531
Is he gay? Here are some more fakesView attachment 25448411 View attachment 25448421 View attachment 25448531
Is he gay?
He is amazingly attractive, and if you watch his videos, seems smart/witty as well, which makes him even more attractive.I'm completely infatuated with this guy, he's soooo hot, sad there are almost no casual pics of him. That insta account above seems deleted, there's the same account with a 2: unfrozenesquire2 but has very few pics(the guitar one tho... Whew)
I checked the video mentioned above and WOW, I could see before that he has a nice body, but this is amazing! That chest and those arms... H o l y fuck.
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