Do I Ask For His Phone Number Or Instagram?


Sexy Member
Feb 23, 2020
Los Angeles (California, United States)
90% Gay, 10% Straight
I’ve been out of the dating game for about 3 years. I’m 34. I have a bit of a crush on one of the sales associates at my local gym.

Long story short, after not timing myself in the sauna about a month ago, I fainted once I reached my locker. Luckily the lockers and my Towel somewhat broke my fall. When I came to, there was this cute guy asking me if I was okay. Turns out, he works at the gym.

I see him so frequently now, we acknowledge each other every time I enter the gym with a smile or greeting. After a month of this, I would like to ask him out, but don’t want to seem like a stalker. I mean it could be a bad idea if he says “no” right?? Things could get awkward?

Anyone have any ideas on how I should play this?

Should I ask if he’s single? Then ask for his number? Or ask for his IG?

The last bar I was at, the guy hitting on me asked for my IG.

So now I don’t know what’s appropriate :(
if its just 'greetings and acknowledgements' that doesn't sound like a chat or conversation?

try a short conversation and see if he engages?? smiles back, mirrors your body language, blushes at all, all indicators he fancies you - but a conversation that is light first?

going straight from 'hi' to 'fancy a date' seems a tad quick??

as to insta vs phone??? no idea nowadays - I'm OLD lol.

Good luck hope it works out
I agree with @bobbleworc Start off with small conversation. Go for something a little bit more than acknowledging each other or a smile or greeting. If the small conversation goes nicely, ask them if they want to hang out sometime. Maybe go out for dinner sometime or go see a movie. Don't make it a date, but more about friends hanging out together.

Just keep it easy and light, no need to jump into something else so quickly.
Hey All, the feedback has been really great and tremendously helpful. I’m preeetttty sure he’s gay, I’ve overheard a few short conversations of his with the other girls at the front desk that lead to me to believe this much.

But now I realize all the ways I could come on too strong so I’ll definitely take a step back, maybe a few steps.

I’ll start with conversation at some point and update you all hear when something actually progresses.

thanks so much ☺️
Just form what I'm picturing/imagining, I think you should sort of try just asking him out in an old-fashion polite/gentleman-like way. It sounds like you might be a little shy the way you mentioned greetings and saying hi, and how everyone here clocked you for that lol telling you to strike up an actual convo. So givven that, i feel like ur approach would be modest, humble, and endearing and not overbearing or presumptuous. ANd he would be flattered that u took a chance because u were just so smitten.

I wouldn't ask if he was single cuz that come across as spitting game which doesn't seem to fit what i imagine. just asking him out on a date and saying like "if I could get your number or give you mine, maybe we could find a time for me to take you out to dinner" in a very chivalrous way
It sounds like you've got a bit of a crush on this gym associate! Don't worry, it's completely normal to feel a bit nervous about asking someone out, especially if you haven't done it in a while.
As for whether you should ask for his phone number or Instagram, I think it depends on what method of communication you're more comfortable with.
If you prefer texting, then go for the phone number. If you're more of an Instagram person, then that could be a good way to connect with him as well. As for using a disposable phone number or Free SMS Verification Code Bypass Service, I would say that's not necessary in this case. If you're just asking for his phone number or Instagram handle, that's a pretty low-risk request. You've been interacting with him regularly, and it seems like there's a mutual interest there. So, why not take the chance and see where it leads?