Do you find it difficult to speak to your partner about your relationship and sex?


Worshipped Member
Jan 4, 2016
United States
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Do you have a hard time addressing sexual problems or asking questions about your relationship?

Did you ever ask for an open relationship to see where your partner stood on the topic? Or ask if they want to have sex with other people? Or if and/or how often they masturbate?
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Do you have a hard time addressing sexual problems or asking questions about your relationship?

Did you ever ask for an open relationship to see where your partner stood on the topic? Or ask if they want to have sex with other people? Or if and/or how often they masturbate?
My partner and I have been going with other couples for a number of years.

For us, we really don't have any tension or discussing anything about sexuality. From what we have seen, it's the plain vanilla couples who have the most tension in their relationships.

One time a guy in my clique was whining at his wife because the low cut shirt was showing too much of her tits. And there is always drama with's so juvenile.

It has been really beneficial for us because we can openly discuss what we like and dislike and most importantly there are clear boundaries. And unlike the jealous husband, if my partner wants to show off some skin....I could care less.
No issues here. It was the basis of our relationship/marriage.

If you can't talk to each other about any subject and not feel threatened then you need to re-evaluate your relationship. Does this mean you have to be an open book and share all your secrets?... no, however when your book opens, it should be read without judgement, disdain, or of the sort.
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I will say the main thing is.. you two are together.. and never should have any problems chatting with each other about anything..

That’s the point being with each other you should be able to talk to each other about anything.. just do it calmly and not in the middle of arguments or during and after sex..
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Do i have a hard time addressing sexual problems in my relationship? No. My wife and I can communicate with one another quite well, and if you're going to be in a serious long term relationship nothing can be off the table when it comes to communication.

I've never asked to be in an open relationship. I think it's part of the dating process to find out what kind of relationships you are into. Again, communication is important in relationships.

I've never asked if anyone I've been in a relationship with if they would be interested in having sex with other people, no. I have asked bang buddies though, if that counts.

I haven't asked any of my partners how often they masturbate, though I know my wife does because we've talked about that. I know some people consider that to be a form of cheating, I certainly got into a big fight with an ex over that when I was younger.
In the beginning, everything felt natural and fun, but a decade later, things have shifted. I feel like I have to hide my interests, like watching porn or exploring my sexuality, which isn't true to who I am. I’ve always been sex-positive, but now it feels like there's judgment from my partner, especially when I admire someone else, even just casually. Ironically, he used to be the more adventurous one in our relationship, while I’ve always preferred meaningful connections over casual encounters. It’s clear that this disconnect stems from a breakdown in communication between us.
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Been scrolling to see if a thread like this existed...My partner of 17 years and I went from never discussing things like porn, or our masturbation habits, to what we found attractive at all. We HAVE always had a great sex life. About 5 years ago we started sort of texting each other flirty things and that opened up a line of communication that was sort of...easier in a way. I've never been shy about it, but he is, and he likes the opportunity to pause and consider and say things the right way (I have a tendency to pick apart word choice). That turned into watching porn together, having threesomes (had about 20), sharing kinks, etc. During that time we both discovered some conversations with others we had lied about....and now we are struggling to get back to that place of full transparency. For example we follow each other on X and the understanding was we would share things we each found hot and be able to view each others activity, etc....I still do, he stopped. I struggle with whether it matters or not. During our full transparency time, it was so hot and I had pretty much zero jealousy and worry. I would say...even if its not face to face chats...find another way to try communicating. A way that everyone can have their space to feel open. Sometimes I send voice notes because I like to talk. He responds via text. And I'm so good with that.
My wife and I talk pretty openly about sex.

We have never discussed an open relationship. Neither of us have any interest in one. She likes hearing stories about my past, sometimes. Other times she prefers to think I was a virgin when we met.