Does a transgender need as much sex as a man?


Cherished Member
Nov 26, 2014
Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
99% Straight, 1% Gay
Hi, I'm Triceps, please excuse me if I make mistakes in grammar, my first language is french.

I would like to know if you transgenders, have as much desire as straight men bi or homo?

Please, let me explain :

For me as a lot of other men, having sex is very important. I need sex at least twice a day just to release the tension at a biological level.

For me, sex without love, it's like eating a pizza, it's a dirty quick fix, but it is damn good.. But I note that women do not have as much desire than us (men(straight gay bi)), they want more attention, guarantees, love (as in a 5 star restaurant) they don't ask for a quick fix every day as we do. I say "we" to not feel alone :)

So my question is : Does a transgender (M to F), (who seems to be the only alternative for a straight guy) need as much sex as a man?

Thank you
thanks nickig :)

I'm starting to understand that it's more complicated. I watched a video of a Trans teenage girl, she's gorgeous because she really looks like a girl ! However in a Q & A video she answered a question about how did guys react when they learn she is a transgender ? She replied that for most of them it is ok because they just want to f*ck (She looked annoyed). Hearing that was a shock because she react like a true woman, once again she wants more (love, security, a true relation). It is extraordinary how dampening this is because it break the idea I have that trans people need sex like gays do. This is true, most of the members on LSPG are gays and they are horny.

Once again this fantasy about trans comes from the porn industry.
I think they (trans women) may have a better understanding of how men think and what men like when it comes to sex.
This is why, it must be good :)

... But overall the sex drive is high in way that can only be described as manly, the instant on, schwing kind of sexual response.

This is it ! "The instant on". Women (I still love & respect women) need too much time to switch on the sex mode.
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My sex drive is very high. I'm sure this is probably in part because it's simply how I am, but I wouldn't rule out some impact from my testosterone levels as well since I have opted not to undergo hormone therapy. Just like anything else, this will be something that will vary from individual to individual, but I think it is a safe argument to make that transwomen may understand sex and the male mind/approach to it more than most biological women. That being said, we are simply women, just a variation on the theme, so the reality than many of us will approach the want/need for a more emotional connection with sex makes sense. I find that I am not on that end of the spectrum, personally. I usually prefer to keep emotions and sex separated for the most part. My experience is that more men are interested in sex with transwomen than not (this is only my experience, so I'm not making a blanket statement about men or anything), but not as many are as open to the idea of a relationship with us. My experience has differed from that in some regard since it seems that my booty calls end up getting attached and then become boyfriends (more often than I would have liked now that I think about it), but I think my case is probably not indicative of the norm.