
Loved Member
Mar 2, 2021
Hawaii (United States)
Saw this on Twitter recently and have had the hardest time trying to find the original. Or actually, I've found it on another site and Twitter forget which first, but either way didn't lead me anywhere.

I've also found this new trick of using Google to search for similar frames in a video (or anything really) to search for other posters/posts online anywhere... Didn't work. Does work sometimes though actually, so it's not like I haven't been trying to find it.

I can't explain the dislike I have for people that post someone else's stuff and doesn't link them lol or even bother to mention a hint at the very least... Come on I mean assumedly reasons like copyright or maybe it's a privately sent video? Who knows, but if anyone would be so kind in telling me please. I'd be grateful

Again, it's on Twitter and another site (maybe thisvid) and neither of those led to any original vid. Imo, looks like it was longer and edited? Also noticed that the person has a tat on the right torso, but could be covering more area. Tried thinking of other creators but can't really tell. Also tried guessing by what they're wearing but also can't really tell lol could australia or the us, are my best guesses


Send a link to video and I'll look and try a find out
Hey! sorry for the late reply. The whole link to where I originally saw it, I can't find. I know it was on Twitter though, and the full length is whatever is posted here the photos I posted, are just screenshots from the clip.

The thing is, it's from one of those reposting accounts, that have probably reposted from God who knows, from a wider chain imo, but im sure it's from an actual source... I can't stand accounts that don't provide the @ lol or people trying to catfish as the person.

I tried going deeper into the reposts and checking all the other links relevant and associated, even messaged the account that posted it, which I can't find either, wasn't a dm but just asking in the video post... This was a while ago, the actual post on Twitter, and I must've asked about it, a month or more when I posted it here anyways Idk. Still haven't seen any new developments on Twitter or here. I'm confident if I were to see that tattoo randomly and body type, I'd recognize. I usually can tell torsos and nipples and body mods apart from the others even if it's cut off in media it's a super power of mine.