Does Every Guy Feel Different?

I've always said my sample size is rather small, but every lover I've had has had different talents. As far as penetration, except for one I cannot recall a perceived difference.

I was more involved in the emotions and excitement brought on by the physicals of the moment.
If you mean penetration? Some guys hurt, some don’t, one I couldn’t feel at all. But for the most part it all feels pretty much the same. Body composition and weight feel different - a 130lb guy feels different than a 250lb guy. Hairy feels different than smooth. I like some guys more than others, and that makes a difference.
Every partner feels different.

I've only been with men. But I don't need to be with women to know that even in that case we all have our differences. The way we touch, the way we react to the touch of others... It varies with every partner.

I don't even feel the same with every partner. I can feel *me* reacting differently because each connection is unique. So, all the different men could describe how I felt/fucked in their experience but all those stories would be different. They would all have their own unique description of how I felt to them. I apply that to men. I could ask all the women my guy has been with how he fucks and they would all describe something different from my experience with him.

The best sex happens between people who are comfortable together and can communicate openly. When you don't feel obligated to impress one another but are eager to please for the sake of making them as happy as they make you... When you feel confident enough not to get dressed up but want to just because you like doing it for them... That kind of connection makes for insane fucking. For me, anyway.