Does this sound like PSSD to you??


Loved Member
Jul 14, 2024
60% Gay, 40% Straight
I'm beyond confused right now.

OK, my story. I was on Prozac for, I don't even know how long, let's say it was close to 10 years. During all that time, I never had any sexual problem whatsoever. It was only last year, after lurking in this site, that I decided on a whim to measure my dick. I thought, "Huh, I think that's smaller than I remember from the last time I measured it years ago." That led me to realize that my erections seemed slightly less hard/firm than in years past, and also that my morning wood had gotten a little bit more infrequent and also less harder. But it had happened so incredibly gradually, so slowly, that it took me almost 10 years to notice any difference. And that was pretty much it. Never had low libido, PE, anorgasmia, difficulty getting hard or penetrating or ejaculating, nothing. That was the only thing, that erections seemed a little bit less harder from what I remembered and the morning wood more infrequent.

Still, I read about PSSD and decided, preemptively, to taper off Prozac in case this was the start of some bad symptoms. During the first couple of months off the meds, I suffered from all the textbook withdrawl symptoms (mood swings, brain zaps, etc) but in time they went away. Well, it's now been 6 months since I quit Prozac...and I'm markedly, infinitely worse than I'd ever been.

My erect dick is basically tofu, it's so soft. Forget having sex, I even struggle to jerk off now. If I cum, it takes forever. I used to have big ass shots, now if I'm lucky it's just a tiny dribble. My libido is shot to pieces, for the first time in my life. And the worst part is, it's alarming how fast and noticeable the decline has been, like it's markedly worse from one week to the next. The onset has been so sudden in this past 6 months.

Now, I don't pretend to be an expert in PSSD, but my understanding is that it refers to symptoms caused by SSRIs that persist even after discontinuation. But how can this be PSSD if in the 6 months after quitting SSRIs I've rapidly developed progressively worsening symptoms a million, a billion times worse and more intense than anything I experienced during the almost 10 years of taking the meds? It doesn't make sense to me.
I would suggest discussing this with your doctor. Also, you should never stop taking prescribed meds without consulting your doctor.
I did consult with my doctor about quitting Prozac, he told me how to taper off.

However, my new worry is that my ED is due to high cholesterol and it just happened to coincide with my quitting the anti-depressant. In any case, yes, I already have an appointment and blood tests scheduled for next week. Just going to get a testosterone test too before then to cover all the bases. But just the thought that it could be the result of high cholesterol absolutely fills me with anxiety as I know that atherosclerosis is irreversible.
Glad you consulted the doc first. Many don’t and it can cause major issues.

Good luck with the tests!