Doing him a favor


Superior Member
Platinum Gold
Aug 16, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana, US
50% Straight, 50% Gay
This story is fantasy.


“Wait wait wait.. Jenny you’ve never sucked his dick??? “ I asked

“No way. That’s nasty?” She said.

“Bro your married!” I yelled. I looked over at her husband Alex

Alex just shrugged.

“Jenny. You have to do it for him. He’s your man… you need to do things to please him”. I yelled. I was irritated. I loved sucking cock.

“Nope. No way in hell” she said.

“Alex… have you even asked her to?” I ask

“Yeah. A lot actually. I just want to know the experience. So many guys talk about it at work.” He replied

“Wait…. You’ve never gotten head??? Ever?” I asked him

“No.. Jenny is my first real girlfriend” he replied. “And then I married her”

“Jesus dude. I’m sorry” I said.

“Abby. Just mind your own business. You act like you suck dick professionally” Jenny sneered at me.

“I’ve done it quite a few times. It’s just something you should do for your man” I said.

“You’re a fucking virgin Abby!” Jenny yelled. “Get off your high horse”

“You’re a virgin?” Alex asked. His eyes wide.

“Yeah. So? At least I make the men I date happy” I said.

“Whatever ya nasty whore” she laughed.

“Wow” I laughed. “I suck dick… such a whore.”

“Yeah.. a nasty whore” Jenny rolled her eyes and stood. “I gotta go to bed. I have to get up at 2 am for work” she said.

“Ok… yeah. I’m going to get out of here in a few. I got dicks to suck” I rolled my eyes. I stood as well.

“I have some work to finish up on… I’ll be up later babe” Alex said. Reaching over the couch and grabbed his laptop.

“Good night babe. I’m sorry I don’t make you happy” Jenny said and kissed Alex

“I’m happy babe” he smiled. Smacking her on the ass. She went upstairs.

I grabbed my stuff and walked toward the door. Alex was working on his laptop.

“Alex?” I said.

“Yeah Abby?” He said looking up at me

I walked over at Sat beside him.

“Look… uhm…” I began.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

“Nothing. Nothings wrong.. I just… I mean…. Look… would you like if I gave you head?” I asked.

“WHAT?” He looked stunned “Abby!”

“I’ll suck your cock if you want” I smiled

“Jesus… I mean. Yeah. I’d love that. But you’re Jenny’s best friend.” He said.

“Yeah. And as her best friend. I think she’s an idiot. She needs to suck your dick. She isn’t. So apparently it’s her best friend who needs to keep you happy” I licked my lips slowly.

“Well… she’s not putting out anymore either” he looked at me with a smile

“I’m not going that far pal, Like she said. I am still a virgin and she’s my best friend”. I said.

“I mean. I am NOT turning down a blowjob” he laughed

I slipped my bag off my shoulder and dropped to my knees between his legs rubbing his thighs. He tossed his laptop off to the side. Looking down at me.

“You’re gorgeous” he smiled.

“Thank you” I ran my hand over his crotch. He was hard.

“Calm down buddy.. I honestly enjoy the getting hard process” I laughed. “I want to make you hard”

“What?” He looked at me puzzled.

“You’re hard. I know you’re excited. But I like taking my time”

“Abby… I’m not hard… yet” he laughed.

“Whatever stud” I winked. Letting it go for now.

I unzipped his pants. He lifited his hips so I could shimmy his jeans off. His bulge was stretching his underwear. As my hand ran over his bulge again. I felt his thick… very soft, cock.

“Oh Jesus” I said softly. I felt him thickening under my palm. His underwear couldn’t stretch more.

“Uhm. Dude” I said. Pulling his waistband down to free his manhood.

It lifted upward. Then flopped to the left on his thigh

“Oh my God. I think I know why you’ve never gotten a blowjob” I laughed wrapping my hand around it.

“Why? What’s wrong with it?” He asked.

“Jesus Alex. It’s fucking huge. You’re huge dude” I laughed as I began to rub it. I felt it thicken and grow hard. He got hard as a rock almost instantly at this point.

“Fuck” I sighed as I stroked him

“Can she take all of this?” I asked. Looking up at him.

“Usually” he smiled.

“That’s insane. And kinda hot” I laughed thinking of Jenny’s pussy stretched around him. Then I thought of looking down at my own pussy being fucked by his thick meat.

“You wanna try?” He asked.

I snapped out of my daydream. I stared up at him.

“Uh no… you’d kill me” I laughed. Moving my face closer. I looked up at him as I kissed the tip. I felt him swell in my grip.

“Mmmmmmmm” he moaned. Watching me.

I leaned lower. Licking his heavy balls, slowly I ran my tongue up his shaft. Feeling it thicken and I licked around his wide head. Finally running my tongue across his slit. Tasting his salty precum.

“Fuck” he groaned.

“You taste good” I winked. “Now.. let’s see how this goes, I’ve never seen a dick this thick. Let alone sucked it” I placed my lips on the tip and slowly pushed my head downward over him. His wide head spreading my lips open. My lips felt as if they were ripping as they widened around his thicker shaft.

“Oh fuck Abby” he moaned as I felt his head against my throat. I pulled back off. Running my tongue back and forth as I did. I sucked his head before pulling off completely

“Well. How’s that feel?” I smiled. Licking my lips.

“Incredible” he moaned. “How the fuck are you Still single. Let alone a virgin?” He asked.

“You have eyes.. look at me… I’m not the hottie like Jenny… “ I sighed. Licking his head. “I got good at this. Because men like it. But it never leads to a relationship.. just the guy getting off and bailing. They don’t want to fuck the big girl… A couple have fingered Me.. that’s about it”

“What do you mean… oohh fuccckk… you’re fucking hot as hell”. He moaned as I took his head in my mouth again. My pussy twitched

I pulled back off to answer.

“That’s not the common opinion hun” I smiled and went back down on him.

I rubbed and held his cock as I moved my mouth up and down the first 1/3 of his dick. Then letting go of his shaft, I slowly took most of his cock in my throat. I held my breath. He ran his fingers though my hair pulling it back so he could see my face. My lips stressed around the base, my eyes rolled in the back of my head. My pussy clenched repeatedly. Needing attention. He was so fucking hot and gentle.

“Oh my fucking god Abby” he groaned. Laying his head back. I came off his cock gasping. He looked down at me. Saliva pouring from my mouth

“You’re fucking hot!” He said softly. My pussy began to leak.

“Only because I’m sucking your dick” I smiled.

“No… I’ve always thought you were hot” he smiled. “That’s why you should let me get some of that”

“No Alex. I can’t do that. My pussy couldn’t take you anyway” I said I began sucking his head again

“Oh fuck” he moaned.

“Abby… please. Let me feel You..” he moaned.

“I can’t Alex. Literally .. I can’t take you!” I said loudly. My pussy was dripping.. “And Jenny. What about her” I turned and pointed at their bedroom.

“Ssssssshh. Fuck be quiet” he moaned and looked up at their bedroom door. Still closed “I want it so badly and She hasn’t wanted sex for months. And honestly I’ve want to fuck your fat ass long before I married her”.

“Alex. That’s horrible” I said. “ but I need to ask. Why didn’t you?”

“You were too young!” He said. “Remember?”

“True” I said. I was only 21. They got married 4 years ago when she got pregnant. At 19.

“I can’t Alex It’s just not a good idea” I finally said

“Damn it Abby!” He said. “Let me feel your pussy!” My panties were soaked at this point

“Sssssssh” i said. “Don’t worry. I’m gonna make you cum…. You’ll lose interest after that” I smiled as I slowly deep throated him again.

“Uuugghh” he groaned as I pulled off him again.

I stroked his shaft as I sucked his head pulling and stoking on his balls with my other hand.

“Oh fuck. That feels so good. Oh fuck” he groaned loudly

“Abby… oh god… baby… Do you swallow?” He asked between groaning and moaning

I pulled off for a second, still stroking his cock.

“Yes” I smiled as I went back over his head. I moved my mouth over him until his head hit my throat, as quickly as I could as I stroked the rest of his cock.

“Oh god. Nnnngg. Oh my god” he groaned. I looked up and stared into his eyes. His mouth hung open. I took a deep breath through my nose. Knowing it was time

“You’re fucking gorgeous Abby” he moaned as he grabbed my head.i closed my eyes and He pushed upward into my mouth. his head against the back of my throat

“Fuck nnnnnggggg nnnnngggggnnnngggggg” he grunted each time hot cum shot down my throat. It was clear he hadn’t had sex in a long time. The cum hit my throat with velocity and large amounts. After the 3rd shot I sat back. “Oh yes baby!” I groaned.

His cock fell on my lips and I laughed as he shot more cum across my face. It went up my nose. My eyes. My forehead.

He closed his eyes and laid his head back

“Oh my fucking god!” He groaned

“Did you like that?” I asked. Still kissing and stoking him.

“Fuck yes”. He groaned

“I’m glad hun” I stood reversing my grip and still stroking him. I had noticed he was still hard as a rock. Which wasn’t typical
Part 2

“I gotta get going” I laughed leaning over to kiss his cheek. His lips met mine as his hands found my hips.

He pulled me over his lap. As I was know for, I was in a dress and his still throbbing cock pushed against my damp panties

“You’re panties are drenched” he moaned.

“Alex” I gasped.

“Let me feel your pussy Abby” he moaned

“Alex. We can’t do that… I can’t… not to Jenny. And not to my poor pussy” I whispered

“Abby. Please. I want you” he moaned. He kissed at my arms and shoulders.

“What is wrong with you!” I said.

“I have the hottest woman I know, straddling me in a dress, and you don’t know what’s wrong with me” he bit my neck lightly

I closed my eyes. My pussy began to clench and release. I needed it as much as he did.

“You always did love my dresses” I said softly. I felt his hands slide up my bare legs. They found my ass and gripped my cheeks tightly

“Oh fuck your ass is so soft and round” he groaned. “I adore you in dresses” I felt him grasp the elastic that clung to my ass, and pull my panties to the side, his swollen head touched my bare pussy .

“You’re on fire!” He groaned

“I can’t believe I’m letting you do this” I gasped as his head slid between my wet pussy lips and against my innocent hole

“I’ve wanted this for so long” he gripping my waist and pulled me downward onto him

“Jesus Jenny. I’m sorry” I said softly looking up at their bed room my pussy opening around him.

“Oowwww. Oowww FUCK oh my god Alex. Owww owww!!” I yelled as it felt like his arm was pushing into me.

“Sssssshhhh. Sssssssh his hand left my hip and covered my mouth. “Ssssssh”

My eyes wide open. My pussy screaming
“Mmmmmmmmpphh mmmmmmmmmmmppphh mmmmmmmpphhh” I grunted into his hand as he pushed deeper.

“Fuck you’re tight Abby” he moaned.

I grabbed his hand off my mouths

“I won’t be after this!” I said gasping for breath “ooowwwww. Owwwww Alex!” He was barely half in and I was stuffed full. He held me there. Kissing my neck and ear. I relaxed. He Lifting me off of him after a minute or two.

Slowly he pulled me back down. This time wasn’t as painful and He slid deeper.

“Ooooohh fuuuccckk” I grunted and closed my eyes. He lifted me up. His thick head still stuffed in my hole, he lifted my dress off and removed my bra. My tits hung

“You’re so fucking beautiful” he moaned as his hands ran over my soft stomach and breasts. “I adore your body” His fingers glossing over my stomach, he grabbed my hips, and kissed me as he pulled me downward

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmppphhhh fuck!!! ” I grunted and screamed into his mouth as he buried his long fat cock inside me. He ground into deeper me. His big balls smashing against my asscheeks.

“Owww owwww owwww oh my god. Oh my god Alex. My pussy. My pussy. You’re ripping my pussy apart!” I yelled hollering as still as I could.

“That’s it baby…. Relax. You feel amazing”. He groaned. Holding me tightly. It felt like the tip of his cock was in my chest. My pussy felt like it was stretched around a damn Baseball bat.

He held my sides and rolled me onto my back on the couch. Sitting up. He held my legs high in the air and pulled out of me.

“Mmmmm look at that sweet pussy” he moaned smiling. I looked down. My soft fat lips were wide open around him. His shaft was shiny and had blood smeared over it.

“I can’t believe you popped my cherry Alex” I sighed “I’ve always fantasied about it being you” I smiled at him.

“Oh damn Abby, that’s hot” he smiled holding my legs he slowly moved his cock in and out of me.

“Ooohh god that feels good” I moaned.

“You feel so fucking incredible” he moaned back.

He pushed my legs toward me as he leaned forward.

I held his forearms as he began to thrust harder

“Uuggh uuuggh. Ooohhh ooohhh aaaaahbh uuughhhaaahhhh” I grunted as he began to pound his cock into me.

“Fuck your pussy feels good. Fuck Abby” he kept repeating between hard thrusts.

“Your big cock feels incredible!” I yelled. And then i felt the the orgasm building. I’ve only had a couple from myself, but I knew the feeling. Yet this was different. It was more intense and felt like it was coming from my core. My soul. I straightened my legs into the air as he folded me. My ass lifting off the cushions as he slammed into me.

“Clap clap clap clap” his body slammed into mine.

“Oh fuck Alex. I’m going to cum. You’re going to make me cum” I yelled as I looked up into their bedroom door.


There stood Jenny watching her husbands back and ass flex as her best friend came in his cock


“Oh my God it’s Jenny!” I screamed as my body tensed and I arched under him. I closed me eyes. He thrusted harder and faster


“I’m cumming Alex. I’m cumming Alex!!” I screamed My body jerking and shaking under him as he continued to rearrange my guts.

“Oh fuck. Me too Abby.. fuck I’m cumming again” he grunted sitting back. I opened my eyes and saw Jenny again, Watching . I looked down at his cock as his slit opened and cum rocketed out and splashed on my chin. I Looked up into Jenny’s eyes as I felt The second shot land on my left nipple. Running down the side of my big breast onto her couch. I felt another land on my stomach. Then the last 3 shots landed in my bush and ran down my beaten up pussy lips. Alex rubbed his cock against my lips. Spreading his cum everywhere.

He began pushing his head back against my hole and pushing cum inside me.

“Oh fuck” I squirmed “ALEX!” I yelled

“You’re so fucking sexy Abby” he smiled

“Alex… Jenny” I pointed up at her.

“I know. That’s what made me cum” he