Doriandoms OF

The video didn't uploaded correctly, don't know why, but just dont waste your time with him.

He's quite manipulative and scammy on his messages, he makes you believe you will see his cock if you pay for his private media but each time it's not. I'm sure it's not him and it's a paid chatter cause he's 24/7 online.

He's hot, but fuck he doesn't deserve that money if he keeps scamming.

I finished by opening chargebacks on all transactions and got refunded by Onlyfans, good for him.
The video didn't uploaded correctly, don't know why, but just dont waste your time with him.

He's quite manipulative and scammy on his messages, he makes you believe you will see his cock if you pay for his private media but each time it's not. I'm sure it's not him and it's a paid chatter cause he's 24/7 online.

He's hot, but fuck he doesn't deserve that money if he keeps scamming.

I finished by opening chargebacks on all transactions and got refunded by Onlyfans, good for him.
He was selling me a video for 60$. I asked twice specifally if he shows cock no covering at all. The guy selling it Said “yes, that’s my cock”. Im glad i came here first before wasting money