Eating a guy's cum out of my wife's pussy


Cherished Member
Jun 26, 2012
69% Straight, 31% Gay
My wife and I had been in the lifestyle for some years when she ended up in a relationship with another guy. This was with my knowledge and consent. The three of us had done one MFM three way together but they mostly played alone. He was a married guy who would come to town about once a month and she got in the habit of going to his hotel after work to get fucked.

One day she came home horny and before long I was going down on her. I didn't know it before hand but I realized right away that she was freshly fucked. I told her immediately that I could taste his cum. For about ten seconds she was embarrassed about it but she didn't deny it. I dove back in and devoured her pussy telling her not to worry.

My wife has a great pussy with big lips and she had definitely gotten banged good less than 30 minutes prior. I lapped it up and loved every second. She had a huge orgasm and I think she enjoyed being the slut that night.

I wish I could say it happened often but it was just that once, at least that I could taste on her. She never asked me how I knew what cum tasted like, lol.
My wife and I had been in the lifestyle for some years when she ended up in a relationship with another guy. This was with my knowledge and consent. The three of us had done one MFM three way together but they mostly played alone. He was a married guy who would come to town about once a month and she got in the habit of going to his hotel after work to get fucked.

One day she came home horny and before long I was going down on her. I didn't know it before hand but I realized right away that she was freshly fucked. I told her immediately that I could taste his cum. For about ten seconds she was embarrassed about it but she didn't deny it. I dove back in and devoured her pussy telling her not to worry.

My wife has a great pussy with big lips and she had definitely gotten banged good less than 30 minutes prior. I lapped it up and loved every second. She had a huge orgasm and I think she enjoyed being the slut that night.

I wish I could say it happened often but it was just that once, at least that I could taste on her. She never asked me how I knew what cum tasted like, lol.
Oh god
My wife and I had been in the lifestyle for some years when she ended up in a relationship with another guy. This was with my knowledge and consent. The three of us had done one MFM three way together but they mostly played alone. He was a married guy who would come to town about once a month and she got in the habit of going to his hotel after work to get fucked.

One day she came home horny and before long I was going down on her. I didn't know it before hand but I realized right away that she was freshly fucked. I told her immediately that I could taste his cum. For about ten seconds she was embarrassed about it but she didn't deny it. I dove back in and devoured her pussy telling her not to worry.

My wife has a great pussy with big lips and she had definitely gotten banged good less than 30 minutes prior. I lapped it up and loved every second. She had a huge orgasm and I think she enjoyed being the slut that night.

I wish I could say it happened often but it was just that once, at least that I could taste on her. She never asked me how I knew what cum tasted like, lol.
That is hot as fuck.
My wife and I had been in the lifestyle for some years when she ended up in a relationship with another guy. This was with my knowledge and consent. The three of us had done one MFM three way together but they mostly played alone. He was a married guy who would come to town about once a month and she got in the habit of going to his hotel after work to get fucked.

One day she came home horny and before long I was going down on her. I didn't know it before hand but I realized right away that she was freshly fucked. I told her immediately that I could taste his cum. For about ten seconds she was embarrassed about it but she didn't deny it. I dove back in and devoured her pussy telling her not to worry.

My wife has a great pussy with big lips and she had definitely gotten banged good less than 30 minutes prior. I lapped it up and loved every second. She had a huge orgasm and I think she enjoyed being the slut that night.

I wish I could say it happened often but it was just that once, at least that I could taste on her. She never asked me how I knew what cum tasted like, lol.
Fucking hot
Please tell that story
Good idea but maybe will start another thread for the long version. Short version is we had been together seven years and wife had fucked around a bit with other guys throughout. We watched a lot of MFM porn and talked about trying it out. The first time she set the whole thing up as a surprise with a guy she knew (who happened to be a married guy who wasn't getting any at home). I came home from a business trip and an hour later was tied to a chair watching them. Eventually i was untied and he watched us.
Good idea but maybe will start another thread for the long version. Short version is we had been together seven years and wife had fucked around a bit with other guys throughout. We watched a lot of MFM porn and talked about trying it out. The first time she set the whole thing up as a surprise with a guy she knew (who happened to be a married guy who wasn't getting any at home). I came home from a business trip and an hour later was tied to a chair watching them. Eventually i was untied and he watched us.
Let me know if you make another thread. I’m interested
Respect your marriage convenant
You want to moralize on someone having an open marriage that is literally none of your business since it offends you so much? Go find another cave troll.
لقد كنت وزوجتي المتخصصة في نفس نمط الحياة هذا وكميات عديدة عندما ينتهي الأمر في العلاقة مع رجل آخر. وقد حدث هذا بعلمي وموافقتي. لقد مارسنا نحن الثلاثة الثالثين ولكننا لا نمارسه إلا في الغالب. كان الرجل متزوجًا ولم يتوجه إلى المدينة مرة واحدة في الشهر تقريبًا، وقد عاد إلى الفنادق بعد ممارسة النشاط الجنسي.

في أحد الأيام، عادت إلى المنزل وهي في حالة من النشوة الجنسية، وسرعان ما بدأت في ممارسة الجنس معنا. لم يتم التعرف على هذا الأمر الأمر ليدرك، ونجحت في الحصول على فرصة لممارسة الجنس الآن. فترة زمنية لشرب غازي المنوي. لسنتين تقريبا، رسم بياني من ذلك، ولكن لم تنكر ذلك. غدت مرة أخرى في مهبلها وابتليت فرجها وأخبرتها ألا تقلق.

تحتوي على مهبل رائع وشفتان كبيرتان وتتجه للضربة جيدة قبل أقل من 30 دقيقة. لقد استمتعت بكل ثانية. لقد فقدت الإرادة وتولت عاهرة تلك الليلة.

أتمنى لو كان بإمكاني أن أقول إن هذا حدث كثيرًا، ولكن حدث مرة واحدة فقط، على الأقل كان بإمكاني تذوق المنوي منها. لم تسألني قط كيف عرفت طعم المنوي، لو.إنه شعور رائع. آمل أن تمنحني زوجتي يومًا ما متعة ذلك، وسأكتشف أن مهبلها مملوء بالسائل المنوي، حتى أتمكن من شربه منها.

لقد كنت أنا وزوجتي نعيش في نفس نمط الحياة هذا لسنوات عديدة عندما انتهى بها الأمر في علاقة مع رجل آخر. وقد حدث هذا بعلمي وموافقتي. لقد مارسنا نحن الثلاثة الجنس الفموي معًا ولكننا كنا نمارسه بمفردهم في الغالب. كان الرجل متزوجًا وكان يأتي إلى المدينة مرة واحدة في الشهر تقريبًا، وقد اعتادت هي الذهاب إلى فندقه بعد العمل لممارسة الجنس.

في أحد الأيام، عادت إلى المنزل وهي في حالة من النشوة الجنسية، وسرعان ما بدأت في ممارسة الجنس معها. لم أكن أعلم بذلك مسبقًا، لكنني أدركت على الفور أنها كانت قد مارست الجنس للتو. أخبرتها على الفور أنني أستطيع تذوق سائله المنوي. لمدة عشر ثوانٍ تقريبًا، شعرت بالحرج من ذلك، لكنها لم تنكر ذلك. غطست مرة أخرى في مهبلها وابتلعت فرجها وأخبرتها ألا تقلق.

زوجتي لديها مهبل رائع وشفتان كبيرتان وقد تعرضت للضرب بشكل جيد قبل أقل من 30 دقيقة. لقد استمتعت بكل ثانية. لقد بلغت ذروة النشوة وأعتقد أنها استمتعت بكونها عاهرة تلك الليلة.

أتمنى لو كان بإمكاني أن أقول إن هذا حدث كثيرًا، ولكن حدث مرة واحدة فقط، على الأقل كان بإمكاني تذوق السائل المنوي منها. لم تسألني قط كيف عرفت طعم السائل المنوي، لول.
It's a wonderful feeling. I wish my wife would have sex with someone and she would come to me so I could open her vagina and taste the semen.
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